
0:47 /A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic/

Cinderellii · Fantasia
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3 Chs

THREE- Ceilings

2:07- Ceilings


I don't understand how everything went wrong between us.

When she moved away and never contacted me back, I didn't really know how to handle it, I would stay up at night and wonder. Why did she leave so suddenly? Why didn't she say a single thing to me? Why she never read my messages, why she walked away after that day we all hung out? Why she never spoke to me once she arrived in China? But then I started to wonder if I ever was a good friend to her, did I do it wrong? Did I say something that could've hurt her feelings? Did Kagami say anything? Why didn't I push for us? Why didn't I try harder for her? Was I the only one that considered her a close friend? For the past months, time and time again I would always wonder why I would always recall our moments with one another, but still I don't know what happened.

When I heard when Marinette was leaving for a while, I tried my hardest to get out of my room, I begged my father but he only said "that a man should just wait, he shouldn't care for people especially if they come and go."


"Please just let me say bye to her at the airport father," I begged "it won't even be more than 40 minutes with the car ride to and back," I stood in front of my father as he sat on his desk looking at some papers, Natalie looked at me with sad eyes.

"There is no point of asking me if you know my answer will be no, you are set to do a photoshoot in 2 hours and you need about 1 and a half to do your hair and makeup," he mumbled under his breath with a cool tone.

"I already texted the stylist and the photographer if I can be late, they said it was fine they have a free schedule and don't mind."

"And what business do you have messaging them with something so inconvenient. Do not involve your personal life with your work, I knew sending you to a public school would make you act like this," he finally looks up at me with a cold gaze "just drop it, you are no longer a child you must learn about others time an effort other than your own."

I didn't know what came over me, I felt completely heartbroken as my father speaks of others time like he never cared about mine, he never cared about my friends time, or someone that he felt was below him.

"If we're talking about other time what about mine?" I felt nervous talking back, but I was tired, I was tired of the way he treated me, it felt like I wasn't even his child.

"Adrien," Natalie whispers.

"We are not having this conversation," his voice began to raise "you and I are far too busy for this-."

"What!? To actually have a conversation with one another! Please father you have never spent at least 2 minutes to even speak to me, that isn't related to how much of a disappointment I am to you, you barely even look at me," I yelled lightly as Natalie covers her mouth shocked at my sudden outburst.

"Yelling at your father just to go see some girl that isn't your girlfriend-."

"She isn't just some girl!" I yelled as my hands become fists trying to subside my anger "you don't get it, you will never understand! She was my first friend, an actual friend where you didn't introduce them to me, or their parents being some rich snob like the rest of us! She is leaving and I don't know when she will ever be back and you are just disregarding my emotions, my friendship like its nothing!"

"Don't talk to your own father like that!" he slammed his hand on his desk as I flinch lightly due to the sudden bang rung out through the empty room.

"I've done everything I was told to, all I asked was to have a bit of time to say my farewell to someone I care for dearly," I lowered my voice not even trying to argue anymore because it wasn't going to lead to anything, I was just wasting time.

Without even looking at him I was out his office and walk to my room.

I never understood him, all he wants is perfection from me, but I can't do it anymore.

I sit on my chair and let some tears run down my face.

"Woah woah buddy let's stop with the water works," Plagg flies towards me.

I sniff and look up at him a bit annoyed "I can't just stop when I want to."

"Well calm yourself down, I don't know, I'm not the best Kwami to comfort people," Plagg shrugged before landing on my should "look kid, I wasn't trying to eves drop on your conversation," I glance at him as he sighs "okay I was eves dropping, but hey I saw how tough you were with your dad, and I just want to tell you how I'm actually impressed you spoke up."

"It's not like it made a big difference, still got yelled at and sent to my room," I grumbled wiping some of my tears.

"Welll, yeah, but you know A plus for effort," he smiled knowing he was trying to cheer me up, I just couldn't smile right now.

"I just hate being here, stuck in this house all the time, always being looked down on by my father, making me feel like I can never do anything right."

"I have a question," Plagg taps on my shoulder "you have your own money, right?" I roll my eyes feeling a bit annoyed, he's asking if I have money? With freshly spilled tears, really? I brush him off my shoulder before standing up and laying on my bed.

"Leave me alone Plagg," I grumbled as I look at my ceiling.

"No, listen, you get paid for modeling, right? And sometimes your dad doesn't take all of it, you know? So, you are left with a pretty decent amount of pay for a person is their 20's, even though you're 15, do you see where I'm going with this?" he asked as he began jumping on my head.

"Plagg get off," I swat my arm softly "where are you even going with this?"

Plagg lands back on my forehead before lowering his head down, my view seeing him upside down he lets out a large smirk "move out," he booped my nose.


"You heard me, move out, find a small home or apartment and move out of this house, I mean think about it, you're a pretty good-looking kid, I know you aren't going to lose your beauty or whatever, so you can keep getting gigs as a model, maybe even a runway model," he says rather happily.

"What about the part where I'm a minor? Also, the part where my dad will disown me?"

"It's been feeling that he disowns you."

"As much as I want to move out I can't, if he finds out I'm gone for good, and as much as I hate to admit this, I want his approval. I mean he's my father and my only parent," I sigh.

"He doesn't have to find out," Plagg shrugs.

"Oh yeah and when Natalie comes into my room to call for me, and I'm at my home away from home, then what?"

"I think she'll help you if I'm being honest, half of the time you are able to hang out with your friends was because she made sure you would be okay, that she trusted you."

I shake my head "she's just like me, she wants his approval as well, she won't help."

"Stop moping around and go say bye to Marinette, she'll be leaving anytime soon."

"You can stop saying all these jokes they aren't funny right now."

"What jokes? Adrien are you an idiot, you are Chat Noir, you can leave your room right now and say goodbye."

"My father probably has gorilla guarding my window in case I sneak out," Plagg raises his eyebrows before flying towards the window, he laughs.

"Yup you're right he's sitting on a bench watching, sometimes I can't believe how jailed you are in your own home, but if you think about it gorilla is watching you from outside and Natalie is helping your father, so the front door should be free right?" he smirks before I slowly sit up from my bed.

"I don't want to get in any more trouble than I already am," my father was already riled up from our conversation, well argument, I don't know how he'll react if I snuck out disobeying his words to say goodbye to Marinette.

My chest began to hurt, I didn't understand why. All I can think of was Marinette, what will happen if I didn't say goodbye.

Why am I still moping and crying for not being able to go? I should just stand up and run to her, to follow my choices, not my fathers, why should I put my friends last to put my father first when he never made me his priority. Marinette always made me feel more important than anyone else, she made me feel like I mattered, and I could be someone's first priority, she made me feel like I was her first even though during the times we spent I made her one of my last. Then and now I'm putting her last when she should be my first, the people that care and love me should be first, not my father who never showed me an ounce of interest. Even if he threatens to make me leave, I'll run away, even if he disowns me someone will want me, surely maybe anyone will, if he feels disappointed than its what I've been through already. But I'm tired of feeling like I never mattered and the one person who makes me feel like I do is flying away in a couple of minutes to a different country where I won't know when she'll return, I stood up, I looked outside seeing it has begun to rain and gorilla was now with an umbrella.

"I can't waste anymore time," I mumbled under my breath.

"You're going? Really?" Plagg flew beside me as I nod softly.

"I don't want her to think I didn't care," I looked at him feeling the tears sting my eyes.

"Well why are you still standing here, I'll try my best to cover you."

And with that I ran out my house, the rain poured on my body as I felt the cold sharp air through every breathe. My converse were quickly drenched as people looked at me with strange expressions, but I couldn't care less, I didn't care how hard it was for me to breathe, I didn't care how I couldn't see through the rain, I didn't care how the water hugged me completely, didn't care how crazy I looked, I didn't care one bit, it didn't matter if I couldn't hug her goodbye due to my appearance, I didn't care if she looked at me strange. It only mattered if I was able to see her before she left. It only mattered if I could've wished her a good time, to only tell her how much I'll miss her, how much I care for her, to tell her the things I was so stupid to not tell her before. I began to feel tears threatening to come out my eyes as I recall all our moments, her laughs, her smiles, her excited squeals, her awkward gazes to me, her hair, her scent, everything I remember everything so clearly now.

"Please still be there," I realized how the cloudy skies turned black as rumbles were heard throughout.

I didn't falter though.

The thunder began quickly as I enter the airport looking around, with every turn and with every announcement I felt like I couldn't breathe. The more time I spent not being able to find them the worst it was for me to be focused, the sounds of many different emotions were heard throughout the building. I stood there frozen trying to find anyone that reminded me of her parents, Alya, anyone related to us I tried to find. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder only to see Alya with tear-stained cheeks as she let out a shaky voice "oh Adrien," I felt my heart stop, behind Alya stood Nino trying hard not to cry and Marinette's mother holding on to her husband as he tried to comfort her. I shake my head, I knew but I didn't want to accept it "I'm sorry Adrien s-she l-left a while ago, we just couldn't leave yet, I-I'm so sorry," she cried before rubbing my shoulder, I felt myself go numb, I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I brushed Alya's hand off my shoulder and slowly went to her parents before bowing "I'm s-sorry I w-was late," my voice cracked before slowly lifting myself back up and walking away.

The thunder was loud, people ran for cover, but I didn't care, what's the point of running to shelter, I deserved the rain pouring on my body, I deserved it all.

If only I would have left earlier... she was already gone, she left earlier to the rain I suppose, I still would have been late. I felt tears run down my face as I sniff them back, I didn't want to cry any more, she wasn't going to come back, not until she wants. I knew when I reached home I was going to hear it from my dad, I knew I could kiss my freedom goodbye.

Does it matter now either way? No.

I felt someone grab my shoulders and shake me roughly "all this for a girl! Almost giving me a heart attack for that!" my father yelled at me as I just look down, the rain still hitting me as I glance up at him to only see Natalie holding a umbrella over him, trying her hardest to try to cover us both as she gets rained on. I felt disgusted and annoyed at the sight of my father, I felt farther than what I was already was, no emotions, just annoyance and anger began to build up. I didn't move though, I have no interest showing him my emotions anymore. I could care less.

"Adrien! Are you even listening to me?" I shook my head.

"I swear I will take you out of that damn school if you don't shape up! Thank Natalie for even holding me down right now so I wouldn't even give you a harsher punishment," my father scolded.


Months passed since that day and have only really spoken to Natalie and gorilla, well with me just talking. I took Plaggs advice and asked Natalie for help, which surprisingly she agreed. She apologized for what that day has caused me, she felt horrible and tried her hardest to help me throughout every step of the way of having me my own small apartment not from my original home.

And ever since that day I have gotten in more small arguments with my father where those nights I would stay in my own safe space, Natalie would come up with some lie saying I was asleep or sleeping over at Nino's since my father has been more open with my other friends.

I am here now.

After another argument with my father about me always being away from home due to my now busy schedule.

I've been finding more and more jobs as my face began to change from puberty, my jaw was sharper as my hair was longer than usual which I didn't particularly hate, and out of pure rebellion I pierced my ears which caused an argument with my father. I've realized he only ever wanted to speak to me when it was when I did something he didn't approve of, or to force me to go to public gatherings with Kagami. Who seemed more and more controlling as days passed.

I spent more of my time with my friends wanting to keep them closer than ever after Marinette left, I stayed at Nino's more often or helped Alya with her podcast. At points I tried to speak to Alya about Marinette, but she shut me down, which I didn't mind, I know I wasn't the best friend to her when she needed me most.

I wrap my fingers with cloth as I glance at my punching bag.

Training has become more helpful to me in times like this, what's the best way to release anger than punching something. I would patrol every night for just about 2 hours ever since Ladybug left, but there was nothing ever happening once Hawk Moth went into hiding doing gods no what. I wasn't worried about what could happen because I knew I would be able to handle it, in a way I'm glad Ladybug left, I'm glad I can take care of the city without needing her help.

'Duality' began to play out loud on my speaker as I glanced at myself in the mirror I had in my living room, I had grown not just mentally but physically, I was no longer 5 feet like before. I grew a foot taller in a span of months, and it was perfect since my modeling grew from Paris to worldwide because of the simple inches my body took. It wasn't my height only but my physique, I began working out everyday and learning normal fighting techniques, I joined a boxing gym that was across from my apartment.

"Okay hot shot stop checking yourself and get on with the new moves you learned from your coach," Plagg yawned as he came out of small hiding spot in the couch.

I roll my eyes as I set my eyes on the punching bag before shooting my fist out ducking occasionally, hitting off the side of the bag before it fell suddenly due to the screw that fell out of the hook I mumble angrily before throwing the heavy bag over my shoulder hanging it once again before screwing it back on.


More months and more months passed by and now it's the present day. I was flying home early due to the show being cancelled for some random reason and feeling no need to stay in New York. I flew in seeing the last year of school was starting soon. I was now touching 6'4 which I was thankful as I can see over people's heads. I was looking for gorilla as I try to reach the exit only to realize a bunch of my fans began to swarm me with large smiles, I wasn't going to just walk away and be rude, I bent down offering selfies for them and autographs when all of sudden the corner of my eye caught the dark color of blue passing by and laughing that seemed too familiar.

And it felt like the world stopped as I looked at her with a dumbfounded expression on my face, my breath hitched feeling like I was dreaming.

She looked different her short hair that passed ever so softly on her shoulders was now down to her waist, her eyes- her shiny turquoise eyes were so vibrant, her face was sharper, but she still has her plump cheeks, she seemed so different, no longer wearing her bright colored clothing she wore a maroon long sleeve and held her head up high.

I felt myself smile ever so softly, quickly trying to put my arm through the large group of girls surrounding me as I opened my mouth ready to call out her name in excitement only to see her quickly turn her attention to someone else calling for her. And just how quick my smile came it left in a hurry as I felt someone grasp onto my wrist pulling me out the crowd feeling a warm body cling on to me as my eyes stayed where Marinette stood. I knew who was clinging onto as I smelled the expense smell of her perfume hit my nose, I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist bringing her in close trying to play off my emotions.

Kagami pulled away looking up at me with a warming smile that felt so real, feeling myself almost send one back. I pull away before grabbing my luggage and walking away slowly seeing Gorilla outside with a small smile on his lips before opening his arms which I gladly accepted "glad to be home," I lied as he patted my back grabbing on to my bags and setting them in the trunk as Kagami stood behind me waiting for me to speak to her, which I wasn't going to do after the stunt she pulled a few days ago before I left off to work.

I sighed and turned around gesturing for her to get in the car, she looked at me with a blank expression before hoping in as I headed to the other side before sitting beside her.

"Why haven't you answered my messages since then?" She looked at me with anger.

"Because you were acting childish," I mumble rubbing my head not wanting to argue as soon as I return from New York.


"You wouldn't let me do my job."

"I was asking an innocent question."

"You asked if I was an idiot," I tried to keep my composure.

"How would you act if you came to ask me about an important event coming up and asking if it would be alright to do something that isn't even difficult to do," she scoffed.

"I would surely not call you an idiot nor will I even think of asking your friends not to come after all because it's full of quote-on-quote high class people," I looked at her only for her to keep a cool collected expression.

"I can't have Nino talking loudly or Alya recording everything she comes across!" she raised her voice and turned to me "You know how important this event is for me, I can't have them mess it up."

"You could've just had a conversation with them to tell them to be on their best behavior they would've understood."

She stayed silent, I knew she just didn't want to invite them and that's why I was so upset that I didn't feel the need to answer her. I knew this relationship was on a string but what can I do when the person you're in a relationship is not backing out or brings in your father into our business, also said father not wanting him to break up with her.

I was stuck.

She kept talking as I felt my mind wander off to the road, my mind blank.


I loved Kagami truly, she was perfect all together, but because of that she wanted the same from me.

She wanted perfection.

I suppose she thought I was it when she first met me and now that she has me, she realized I was slowly changing, I was breaking out of the perfect sculpted self that my father forced me in.

I felt hopeless.

I looked down at my phone, turning it on looking at any new messages arriving in.

'Flying in later on tonight'- Nino

'Just landed txt me when you get here'- Adrien

I looked out the window as I realized we were home now; I got out before opening Kagami's door as she stepped out swiping her long black bangs out her face without another word, I turn to the trunk of the car helping Gorilla with my bags. As we enter the large house feeling myself shudder, my father stood at the bottom of the stairs with a fake smile before placing a kiss on Kagami's cheek, he only started doing that with her and only in her presence, he began to walk towards me before sighing stretching out my arms "welp I'm pretty jet legged right now I'm off to bed," I wasn't completely lying though, I was pretty tired physically and emotionally. I can tell my father was upset at my rudeness, but I didn't care. I entered my room to only hear the front door close and hearing the stomps up to my room as I toss one of my bags on the bed before my door opened showing my father with a disappointed look. I didn't even have to look up from where I'm at, I just knew.

"Kagami has expressed to me about you not wanting to uninvite your friends to the gathering coming up," he sighed "don't cause trouble and just do what she asked of you."

"Don't butt into my relationship, she said it was okay a few months ago, you can't just take away the invitation, and I won't be doing that to my own friends."

"I didn't raise you like this, Adrien Agreste; you follow what you're told," he ordered.

I didn't want to deal with this right as I sigh before grabbing the duffle bag I almost unpacked and tossed it over my shoulder and walking out my room as my father followed a few steps behind me.

"Where are you going now?" He yelled lightly as I shrug.

"Nino's," I lied as my father looked at me with pure anger as I open the front door and opening the garage seeing my motorcycle I bought a while back, I fix myself on top before turning it on and driving away the place I used to call home.


I walk into my apartment as Plagg appeared out from my bag as I plopped down on one of my chairs as my legs sprawled out open before throwing my head back feeling a headache coming, I stayed out driving around Paris and visiting an aquarium staying till closing before riding around a bit more. I look down at my phone and see Nino has arrived home.

I sigh before changing into some random joggers and a tight fitted shirt feeling exhausted, I grab my hair and using a clip near me pick it up away from my face as walk to the kitchen grabbing a mug and putting it under my coffee machine. I look down at my phone seeing how Chloe posted as well as Alya, I knew what it was, I open my phone clicking on Instagram seeing Marinette posing with the girls happily as the caption read 'Welcome home my beauty!!' I smile softly and realize Marinette was tagged; nervous I press on the account seeing 6 posts only.


Marinette's account gave off a warm feeling as her photos seemed blurry yet clear, it was weird to explain. Her first photo was of her smiling as her hair covered her face a sunset in the background 'My Sunset.' I mumbled as I scrolled down to her next post being of her in taekwondo uniform with an award in her hand 'To new beginnings.' Another one but this one having more than 2 pictures, the first one being a ladybug that seemed to have landed on her sketch book as the other slide showed a progress of a dress she was making and the last one of the dress itself on her. The red fabric clung onto her waist as she spinned capturing a perfect free-spirited photo, 'I guess the ladybug approved of the sketch', I laugh softly and scrolled through the last 3, the next one seeming like a professional photoshoot as she stood in her uniform from before with a fierce expression, I slide with another in her uniform doing some type of spinning flip 'Thank you for interviewing me! It was a great honor!' she tagged a popular Chinese magazine noticing the thousands of likes she had. I ignored her popularity before getting to the next post seeing her pose with a man that has an open lip and bright smile carrying her over his shoulder proudly 'Good job out there, they didn't even stand a chance lol'.

And the last one being of simple sunset from the top of a building with no caption as many comments compliment the photo.

"Stalking I see," I jump back lightly dropping my phone.

"Damnit Plagg," I grumble before grabbing my phone from the ground.

"She looks different from about 2 years ago, well I mean who wouldn't, look at you," Plagg side eyed me as I look at him annoyed at his sudden appearance.

I glance at my phone feeling stuffy as I go on messages seeing her contact, without thinking I typed.

I don't know what I was expecting, maybe for her to read all my messages I sent a year ago, or for her to the recent one? I don't know why I expected so much knowing I was going to be left on delivered.

I walked back into the living room sitting down on a stool looking out to Paris sighing rubbing my head as Plagg turned on my radio hearing the song 'Can I Call You Tonight?' quickly sang it out loud as I laugh lightly as he flew around the room "JUST HOW I FEEL!" he yelled as I nod my head softly to the rhythm.


Ever since I got my own place, I didn't feel so alone like I did before.

Ironic huh? A beautiful large house with 3 other people living there felt lonely from living in an apartment with just me and Plagg?

I felt comfortable here, I got to add personal things here, things that were too "personal" or things that "didn't match to the décor". Now I got to add some plants I liked, I added my coloring, adding my very own personal touches which made me realize how at home I felt when I barely moved in.

My phone pinged seeing a message from Nino.

'Throwing a surprise welcome home party for Marinette tomorrow around noon. Coming?'- Nino

Without even waiting a few seconds I reply with a quick yes.

'Don't bring Kagami, I wasn't supposed to tell you about this, but I think you both need to makeup, and this is basically your only chance!!!'- Nino

I didn't reply after that.

I wasn't hurt about the not being invited nor was I hurt when Nino said not to bring Kagami, I understand why they didn't want to include me since Marinette and I were no longer friends, and with Kagami... Well, I mean that was also understandable. I sigh and look at Plagg as he shoved cheese down his throat as I gag.

"Ugh please you look worse when you sleep," Plagg rolls his eyes as I narrow my eyes at him "so what was the text?"

"Just Nino telling me about a welcome home party they're throwing for Marinette," I stand up before I began walking to my room and laying on my bed as he jumped on a pillow.

"For Marinette?"

I nod my head "so what are you going to bring her?" he asked as I raised my eyebrows confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Uhm what are you gifting her as a welcome home present? I mean I know you aren't walking in thinking your presence is the best gift itself. So, what perfume? Makeup? Ooo how about jewelry, since she made you a bracelet back then."

Plagg was right, how can I show up with nothing to present to her, I thought about the perfume, but quickly forget that thought feeling it wasn't enough, makeup? I don't think Marinette wears any. A bracelet can work... I mean I can buy her a bracelet from tiffany's, but I will have to go in person tomorrow morning, I look at the time being already 1 am.


I wake up around 8 am heading outside for a simple coffee and croissant passing all the luxury stores seeing if I can find Marinette anything else that she would like.

Taking my last bite of food, I turn a corner seeing a lady in a stand selling fresh flowers, I walk her way examining every flower I smiled lightly as the woman gestured to her flowers on display "Well aren't you a handsome man," she smiles up at me "buying flowers for someone in particular?"

"Uhm my friend has returned home from a long trip," I mumbled.

"Oh, how nice, how would you describe this person, I can help you choose out the flowers and create the bouquet," I nod pointing at the lilac.

"My eyes caught that one so please add it," I smile as she nods heading to the back of her stand "my friend is a very selfless person, she's kind, and funny, she has this smile," I pause looking down feeling myself shut down slowly "uh her smile. What can I say? It just brings the warm feeling in your heart, her eyes as well I mean in way you can barley look away once you do make eye contact."

"Seems like she's more than a friend," the small old lady smiled as she picked random flowers and foliage from her bins making a beautiful bouquet, I stay quiet at her comment not really paying it much attention, she turns to me holding a white ribbon with a red one, I look at the flower arrangement in front of me see lilac, peonies, white daisies, and white roses, I point to the red ribbon as she tied it in the middle before handing me the beautiful and delicate plants as I reach for my pocket handing her the price of them. Before I can retreat my hand, she holds onto it smiling up at me.

"I wish you luck," not really understanding what she meant I nod smiling back before walking away towards the tiffany's, I enter waving at the staff I've seen before.

"Yo Adrien what brings you in here?" I smile at Dante before grabbing his hand before giving him a side hug.

"Just looking for a present," I smile.

"For Kagami?" I shake my head at his question.

"Uhm a friend of mine has returned to Paris I just wanted to gift her a welcome home jewel, you guys have anything simple and classic?" I asked as Dante raised an eyebrow at me before turning around gesturing for me to follow him "Okay so what exactly are you looking for, earrings? Necklaces? Rings? Watches?" I shake my head and point to the bracelet selection.

Dante nodded before putting on some gloves near him as he pulled out a tray of gold and silver bracelets, my eyes roamed each and every one of them, some were too simple or too out going for Marinette, I sigh lightly "Anymore you got?"

"I mean we have some pearl ones maybe one with a colored jewel can help?" he looked at me with a questioning expression as I nod lightly "Okay bring them out!" Dante yelled lightly as other workers brought out two more trays, I looked at the gold only realizing it was too bold for her, I swipe my hand as they take the tray away seeing the silver. One with a certain blue jewel caught my eye, I quickly point at it as Dante takes it off bringing it close to my face so I can exam it up close. I smile softly seeing her eye color "this one is perfect wrap it up for me and add a red ribbon please," I handed him my card as I sat patiently waiting for Marinette gift to be in my hand. I look down at my attire only seeing myself in in a white long sleeve with a black muscle T-shirt underneath. I wasn't dressed in anything that brought attention to me, I wanted to come off as normal as possible.

Dante returned after a while handing me the bracelet in a bag before thanking me for my purchase, with a quick bye I left the building walking back through the roads to head back into my apartment. My phone rang as I struggle lightly to get it out of my pocket in my jeans "hello?" I answered without looking at the contact "what are you doing?" I heard Kagami's voice as I hold back a sigh "heading home."

"You weren't home last night. Are you staying at Nino's again?"

I rub my head "y-yeah I forgot to tell you last night, just got in an argument with my father-."

"Adrien, you need to stop throwing tantrums with your father every time something doesn't go your way."

"I throw tantrums?" I scoffed remembering all the times she made me leave my group hangouts when she wanted.

"Your father is a well-respected man and all he wants is to get close to you,"

"Kagami why don't you do me a favor and butt out of my fathers and I's relationship, just how I don't butt into you and your mothers," I felt my eyes water as I try to cover my eyes not wanting anyone to see me in this weird state "if you just called me to bring me down then I'm hanging up."

Before I can press the end call, I hear her sniff, oh great, now I'm the asshole.

She did this constantly, got angry at me, made an unreasonable statement or put herself into something where she has no right to insert herself to begin with. I would just show the smallest emotion of anger and she takes that as her key to blame everything on me... but here I am still with her and still falling for the same trick she does to me constantly. I let out a heavy sigh and paused my walking waiting for her to say anything, preparing myself for the manipulation I let myself go through time and time again.

"I just don't want you to be fighting with your father constantly like how my mother and I are, you know how hard it is to mend a relationship after all the arguments," she didn't really cry loudly or show emotion when she was "Sad" but her tone was more delicate, and she indicated every now and then she's crying by sniffing. "Your father called my mother last night to speak to me about you leaving the house again and staying at Nino's, and that just isn't right Adrien you need to stay home, stay where people their care for you-."

"So, Nino doesn't care about me?"

"Not like your father cares for you," she sighed as I rolled my eyes almost ending the call angry.

"What I'm trying to say is stay home for a while, hm? Your father let you hang out with me so head home so we can go do something fun yeah?" she tried to persuade me as I sigh rubbing my temples.

I hated when she did this, she would change the topic making me feel like I was the problem that I was "cared for" when in reality my father was just angry, he couldn't control me like before, where he would ignore me constantly and never once checked up on me, even when I had fevers. I felt like I was the reason we couldn't just get along because I just- I just hold this grudge against him for everything he's done, or should I say never done. I looked down at my watch seeing the party has probably already started, I was adamant on going, I wasn't going to fail Marinette anymore after everything, I didn't want to disappoint her any more than I have already done, I sigh and decide whether to tell her the truth, but I knew no one wanted to see her there.

"I'm busy today, Kagami, I have an appointment later on with Choles father we're- uh discussing me modeling for their hotel for the winter," I tried to lie.

"Well, I can stay there until you finish," she offered.

I shouldn't be lying to her, but I knew if I told her this was a private gathering, she would insist to tag along since she is my girlfriend, and I knew that I would let her because I didn't want to hurt her feelings.

"I don't know about that, look I have to go now I'm busy," quickly I ended the call and began walking to the hotel feeling anxiety at the pit of my stomach, I felt butterflies flutter near my heart, my mouth became dry as I step in front of the hotel clenching at the bouquet in my hands feeling a small smile on my lips before I realized who was staring right at me with a glare.

"Fuck," I mumbled seeing Kagami march towards me.

"Adrien," she called as I sigh clenching my hand in frustration.

"Why are you here I said I was busy?"

"Busy with what? Why do you have flowers? And what is that?" she glared at the bag in my hands before taking in my soft attire.

"Look I'm late I will explain a bit I just need to head inside and see Marinette," full of nerves I let her name slip out my mouth as Kagami gaze turned hard.

"And why would you see her?" she scoffed rolling her tongue at the bottom of her mouth clearly trying to hide her anger "oh I see, because she's returned home, and you just wanted to see if she will talk to you again after ignoring you for almost 2 years."

"Kagami," I tensed up letting her name come out sternly.

"So, what she's in there waiting for you?"

"It's a welcome home party for her," I sigh rubbing my head "we aren't meeting alone, all our friends are inside, I just need to speak with her to try to understand what happened to our friendship."

"She ignored you Adrien, she didn't give a shit about you when she left which left You heartbroken and guess who had to clean up her mess. Me. I did that remember?"

I looked down at her feeling horrible for what I did.

I did wrong once again, I should've just told her the truth so we wouldn't have to be here arguing in front of many people.

"I am the only one that cares for you, I'm the only one here when you need it?"

Kagami was right, she was.

I breathe in a heavy waft of air feeling myself sink back into a grasp, a grasp I try to escape every now and then, but it felt warm at points, and in others she was melting my entire flesh off, I don't recall if I burned more with her or was at a comfortable heat. But it's the same right?

She knew how to have me wrapped around her fingers in a second, she knew the best way to get to me was when I was at my lowest with her, and I admired her for reminding me how much she was there for me.

Kagami looked at me before grabbing my hand softly, her touch was warm in that moment it was warm, the feeling I loved when we began this relationship. The gift caught her eyes once again seeing a look of disgust pass her eyes quickly which left a searing image in my head.

"Let's go home now yeah?" she smiled softly.

"I'm sorry Kagami but this is my only chance to see what actually happened between Marinette and I," I sigh as her touch became melting hot once again the look of anger passed by her quickly as she plastered her face with that fake smile from before, that smile that always laughed in my face.

"Then I'll go with you," she offered as I opened my mouth not feeling sure if it was great idea.

"It's just a small gathering Kagami no one can enter you know?" I try to come off as nice as possible as her eyes glared at me before looking at the flowers and gift.

"I'm your girlfriend, plus I know your friends they won't have a problem with me," she now grabbed me by my arm hooking herself on it "let's go you said you were late."

I knew I wouldn't have been able to go if she wasn't tagging along, or she would cause a scene right here in from of the hotel. I don't know how we ended up in front of the desk as Kagami spoke about the welcome party to the employee which showed us the way. The feeling of excitement left my body as soon as we stepped foot in the hotel not even a while ago, I was now dreading walking in arm linked with Kagami, I knew no one wanted her there, and they didn't want me either.

But I wanted to make things right between Marinette and me.

I want us to return to what we had before.

And I wasn't going to stop pushing for this friendship because that's how much she means to me.

I open the door with a shaky hand as some heads turn to us, some with genuine smiles while others forced not to try to ruin the mood, my eyes scanned the room.

My breathing stopped as I stared at the girl, I once knew in freshman year, she held herself straight as a small smile left her lips, she was enjoying herself, she wore this white soft dress that held onto her beautifully, the lace giving that delicate aura she sometimes gave off. Her back was more defined with a few scratches, I felt my cheeks flush as I look at her side profile wanting to turn my back and leave, but it was too late, her eyes were now staring deep into mine as her smile disappeared completely.

Maybe I shouldn't have come....

Yessss Finally doneeeee I hope you enjoy this chapter and Art. Thank you all for reading my fanfiction I love you all.