

Chapter 3

Angels and Humans

Two hours later…


You have slept on the cold hard floor, HP and MP 10% restored!

Issei groaned as he sat up from the floor, his blurry vision slowly clearing as he gazed at the slowly setting sun in the distance. School had most likely been over for a while, he was probably the only one left.


New features added! New database unlocked! New Updates Installed! Would you like a brief tutorial on the recently added features?


Issei wasted no time in selecting the Yes option, watching as an entirely new screen he had never seen before pop up.

Due to a selected Perk, all Knowledge skills have been combined and separated into two categories, Major: Science [Passive] Lv. 19 and Major: Arts [Passive] Lv. 21.

New skills have been unlocked such as Art Mastery (includes but not limited to Writing, Painting, Cooking, Sculpting, Tailoring, Blacksmithing and Woodworking). Musical Mastery (includes but not limited to Singing, Violin, Piano and Guitar instrument playing and Composing). Science Mastery (includes but not limited to Anatomy, Medicine, Botany and Zoology). Dance Mastery (includes mastery of dance, manners, etiquette, social and physical grace.)

Note: Some Skills are interrelated and performing activities in one skill can have an effect on another. Such as Major: Art and Art Mastery which go hand in hand.

Also Note: Having a skill does not automatically make you a master in that aspect, each skill begins at a low level and will have to be trained up in other to attain true Mastery. In other words, you're not perfect you spineless pervert.

Hope you enjoy!

Issei closed the message a bit more mind-blown than he had been before. He had the knowledge of the proper way to hold a violin in his head even though he'd never seen a real one in real life before. He suddenly gained the ability to understand sheet music, whereas he never thought it possible. He knew how to write in Iambic Pentameter, how to paint a surrealistic work, how to sculpt a statue, how to mend a suit, how to forge a sword, how to sing, how to give a massage, how to take care of a wounded animal and how to apply first aid. He knew how to play soccer, baseball, basketball, and several sports that he had never even heard of. All of this and more, all popped up in his head, the information swirling in his brain.

'This power… is frightening.' Anyone would normally be surprised or at least be jumping into the air in joy and glee, but Issei found it to be somewhat scary and unfair. Not unfair to him, but to the whole world. People who had trained for years on end with blood and sweat, would easily be beaten by someone who only trained for a week at most, and thanks to a video game life, he would be far better than they would be.

Issei couldn't help but imagine just how powerful his ability would be in the hands of a terrorist organization. The world would be doomed.

Hell, he probably didn't even need to go to school anymore, he could simply go train his skills and then become a professional musician or a famous artist, or hell even both.

The question he did wonder, was why the world had chosen him to give this ability, had he been less morally sound, he'd have used his power for a more nefarious purpose. As frightening as the thought was, Issei could barely think about the ramifications much longer as the familiar lull of his Gamer's Mind ability threw it out of his thoughts.

That ability was both a blessing and a curse.





Non-Combat skills no longer Require MP!

New status unlocked! Through your knowledge of almost all things about almost all things, you have gained a new status, Patron of the Arts! [+2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom, unlocks Savvy Response and interactions].

New status unlocked! Through the knowledge of world, you have gained a wisdom and flair that allows you to be charming and impressive, if you actually chose to. You have gained a new status, Reluctant Gentleman! [+3 Charisma, + 2 Wisdom, unlocks both Gentleman and Snarky Responses and interactions.]



You are now ambidextrous and in addition to being capable of using both hands for any activity, you are now able to dual wield any weapon of your choice, provided the weight is relative to your strength. You also gain a 50% increase in attack speed while dual wielding any weapon. Adds +10 to Dexterity and +5 with every level up.

Requirements: Bonus Perk – Can only be Unlocked with Mr. Renaissance.

Achievement Unlocked: Renaissance Man!

Achievement Unlocked: Two for the Price of One!

Your newfound knowledge grants a boost in your confidence! Charisma has gone up by 5!

Your new found knowledge grants a boost to your Intelligence. Intelligence has gone up by 8!

Your new found knowledge makes you select smarter choices. Wisdom has gone up by 10!

As soon as Issei closed the windows, he felt himself get lighter and slightly nimbler. The greatest change though, was that he found himself with a certain urge to grab a puzzle of any kind and tackle it.

Shaking his head, Issei decided to take one last look at his stats before he left the school.



Name: Hyoudou Issei

Level: 5 [64.32%]

Current Title: The Gamer

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

HP: 200/200

MP: 100/100

Strength: 13

Vitality: 11

Dexterity: 25

Intelligence: 30(+3)(+2)(+2)

Wisdom: 25 (+1)(+1)(+2)(+2)(+2)

Luck: 10 (+1)(+3)

Charisma: 10 (-1)(+1)(+1.4)(+2)(+3)

Statuses: Gamer's Mind [Immunity from all psychological effects] Gamer's Body [Gives the ability to live life like a game]. Infamous [+2 Wis, + 2 Char]. On the Fence [+1 Wis, Bonus EXP to all neutral actions] Anarchy's Incarnate [+1 Luck, Bonus EXP to all Chaotic actions, randomizes the level and type of one enemy per encounter] True Loner [+3 Int, -1 Char]. Confused Emo [+1 Wis +1 Char] Dark Poet [10% of total Luck to Char] Gambit King [+2 Int, +3 Luck, 25% Chance to guarantee success of any social interaction] Patron of the Arts [+2 Int, +2 Wis], Reluctant Gentleman [+3 Char, +2 Wis]

Points Available: None

Money: 94,819 Yen

Perks: Mr Renaissance, Gutsy Pervert, Ambidextrous

Perk Points Available: None


Gamer's Mind [Passive] Lv. Max

Gamer's Body [Passive] Lv. Max

Observe [Active] Lv. 10 [45.31%]

Sprint [Active] Lv. 1 [25.90%]

Poker Face [Active] Lv. 10 [21.67%]

Bluff [Active] Lv. 7 [45.90%]

Blackmail [Active] Lv. 2 [3.14%]

Mystify [Active] Lv. 1 [2.91%]

Sense Danger [Passive] Lv. 2 [45.91%]

Major: Arts [Passive] Lv. 21 [34.09%]

Major: Science [Passive] Lv. 19 [23.10%]

Art Mastery [Passive] Lv. 3 [0.89%]

Musical Mastery [Passive] Lv. 1 [1.21%]

Science Mastery [Passive] Lv. 2 [15.07%]

Dance Mastery [Passive] Lv. 1 [3.04%]

Crafting [Passive] Lv. 1 [24.89%]

Beginner Level Kenjutsu [Passive] Lv.1 [49.71%]

Beginner Level Taijutsu [Passive] Lv.1 [1.62%]

Parry [Active] Lv. 1 [0.41%]

Dodge [Active] Lv. 1 [4.18%]

Blunt Weapon Mastery [Passive] Lv. 1 [14.01%]

Beginner Level Iaijutsu [Passive] Lv.1 [2.14%]

Critical Strike [Active] Lv. 1 [1.23%]


Basic Kuoh Academy Uniform [+10 Defense]


Kuoh Academy: [355/1000] Disliked

Hyoudou Residence: [355/1000] Liked

Kendo Club: [455/1000] Disliked

Student Council: [333/1000] Neutral

Occult Research Club: [666/1000] Liked

? : [919/1000] Neutral

? : [400/1000] Neutral

? : [300/1000] Disliked

Hyoudou Issei is a poor, sad boy who dreams of having his own Harem and becoming the Harem King. While he isn't having delusions of grandeur, he causes chaos in his wake in his usual attempts to catch a glimpse of the naked forms of the girls at his school, thus gaining their ire and the ire of all those around him. Recently, he uncovered his ability as the Gamer, but is this all there is about this less than worthwhile teen, or perhaps, does a greater destiny await?

~~~~~~~ DxD – Game of the Year Edition ~~~~~~

"I'm sorry Hyoudou-san. Murayama-san was referred to Kuoh General Hospital a few hours ago."

Issei winced slightly. He had fortunately caught up with the school nurse just before she entered her car and left for the day. When he had found her office locked and the Infirmary devoid of any students, he feared the worst. "I see… what exactly was the issue?"

The nurse shrugged, and of course, with her being an 'average' looking woman of Japanese origin and a nurse at a High School no less, it came as no surprise to Issei when the blonde woman's large breasts which were barely held in her uniform bounced with her motion. Her uniform's short length did provide some ample view of her pink panties and her long legs and stockings added greater appeal to her shape.

'Is it just me, or is every single thing in this world perversely exaggerated?' Issei managed to keep on a straight Poker Face as he checked out the school's nurse, though with his high intelligence, he felt as though the entire world was designed to add titillating scenes at every turn, but putting nothing bluntly explicit.

"Well I suppose a Cervical Fracture is enough grounds to be sent to the hospital. She got lucky though, had her neck shifted any further than that she would be dead."

Issei's eyes widened almost in tandem with the nurse's though it was for completely different reasons. "Oops! I wasn't supposed to tell anyone that. The whole student confidentiality thing was one of the reasons I lost my last job!" she said frantically.

Issei glanced at the woman, noticing time slowing down to a certain extent as options appeared in his vision.


With the new update, a new feature has been added! These are options you can choose depending on your available social skill set!

Use Blackmail – Blackmail the Nurse into getting certain 'benefits' from her.

Use Bluff – Pretend that you heard nothing from her at all.

Use Mystify – Baffle her into running a psych evaluation on your sanity.




With only three options on his plate, Issei quickly went for the one least damaging, and selected Bluff.

"I didn't hear anything at all from you Mariwaka-sensei. What were we even talking about?"

The woman in question gave him a stare "We were just discussing Murayama's…" she paused at the obvious intimidating stare that Issei gave her, before a metaphorical light-bulb went off in her head.

"Oh! I see. Of course Hyoudou, you heard nothing from me." She giggled as she entered into her car and closed the door.

"Thank you Hyoudou-san, if you ever need anything from me, anything at all, feel free to ask~!" she gave him a wink as she had emphasized the word 'anything'.

She blew him a kiss, and Issei just sighed as he waved his hand at the woman as she drove out of the parking lot.

'In 3, 2, 1…' was the woman was both out of range and earshot, his Poker Face deactivated and Issei had to pinch his nose hard as he could have sword that he was about to be sent flying by a nosebleed.

'Wait… Can I still have nosebleeds when I have a Gamer's Body status?'


Status Information: Bleeding. [-10 HP per minute] Can be cured by Medical Items, Potions or sleeping in a bed. Duration of effects depend on gravity of the wound.

Note: Status effects apply, and if you are shot by a gun, stabbed by a blade, nailed in your limbs or shaved by sentient sword, you will attain the bleeding status effect. However, due to the upgrade in the Game of the Year edition, while possessing Gamer's Body you will not lose any actual blood from your system, though you will still die if your HP reaches zero. It makes absolutely no logical sense whatsoever and throws all form of anatomical knowledge into the trash can, isn't that fun?

'Ah yes… I was wondering where the game's sarcasm went to.' Issei grumbled to himself as he began walking towards the town.

He sighed to himself as he realized that with his powers, his original dream of becoming a Harem King would actually be easily within his grasps. But the question was whether or not he still wanted it.

As Issei gazed at passerby's with his head occupied with thoughts, he remembered Murayama's words about him possibly being a better person if he wasn't such a pervert. They were true, to a large extent, but did Issei truly want to give up his perverted ways?

Issei slowly realized that every response he ever selected or every option he ever made actually did represent an aspect of his personality, a part of him that was either normally locked or dormant, or perhaps suppressed due to peer pressure.

It had been fun to blackmail Sona. He had once thought about it, several months ago before the whole gaming thing. He wished he could have blackmailed her on a certain occasion, but he had neither the will nor confidence to go along with it.

He had wanted to upstage that teacher, the man kept accusing him of cheating, implying that someone who was used to peeping at girls without getting caught should also be good at peeping at exam or test scripts of other students. He never believed that Issei did his assignments or tests by himself, and Issei had held a silent grudge against him for that reason.

And of course to a certain extent, he had wanted to injure Murayama. This was the girl who beat him with Kendo sticks for peeping, there were even occasions in which he hadn't joined Motohama and Matsuda in their peeping, but he still got beat up in exchange simply for being near them. He wanted her to feel the shame and humiliation of a crushing defeat, as well as to be on the other end of the stick for once. Issei had once gotten home to pull his shirt and spotted several bruises all over his skin from the beatings, and once, a particularly nasty one had fractured his wrist. He didn't tell anyone of course, least of all his parents. The beating was shameful enough, but the broken hand was just injury upon insult.

So deep within him, he had wanted to break something in turn.

The game was bringing out the aspects of him he had thought that he buried deep, deep within. It was surfacing all the factors of his thoughts and weakness. When he had thought about the game knowing him better than himself earlier, he had no idea as to how right he was.

Issei paused in the middle of a bridge to stare at the setting sun, absentmindedly realizing two things, the first being he'd chosen a road he usually didn't follow for the first time, and no one was seemingly in the vicinity. The second and most important was as he realized that this newfound knowledge and understanding of the game's mechanics did not previously come to him.

'So those intelligence and wisdom stats aren't for show after all' he chuckled slightly to himself as he stared at the fish swimming in the water below the bridge.

The question now however, was whether or not to follow his perverted ways. Would he abandon his perverseness and let it rot in the abyss of his mind? Or will he keep it, and in spite of everyone else, become a legend with it.

He had told Koneko that he was a pervert, but not a hypocrite. So now, did he want to go back on his word? Issei felt slightly conflicted.


Issei froze as he felt a shudder run up his skin, as though something wrong or bad was about to happen. Instinctively, he turned around to the face the area in which he felt the tingle, quickly spotting a young girl slowly approaching him.


New Main Quest!

"Excuse me… you are Hyoudou Issei from Kuoh Academy aren't you?"



Sense Danger has gone up by 1!

Sense Danger has gone up by 1!

As he had begun to recently do when meeting new people, he muttered a silent Poker Face and Observe under his breath and enjoyed the familiar lull that came with the abilities, doubly so since they no longer required MP to use.

'Yuuma Amano' Lv. 15

Race: ?

Alignment: Lawful Evil

HP: 750/750

?: 450/450

Current Status Effects: Amused, Playful, Predatory

'Oh snap.' Issei thought to himself as he calmly replied "Yes that's me. Can I help you with anything?" his mind was quickly analyzing the fact that her race wasn't human, her level was three times higher than his, she was currently predatory and her alignment was lawful evil. Evil didn't really mean much as Koneko was Neutral Evil but yet she seemed to be a decent person, but there was the issue of her status effects and the fact that his ability to Sense Danger went up by two levels simply from sensing her coming.

His Observe ability noted that her school uniform definitely wasn't the Kuoh Academy uniform, and the obvious fact that she was an attractive young woman with seemingly innocent appeal. Her breasts were generous, but Issei had seen larger and the skirt was just short enough to leave the rest to his imagination.

"Are you going out with anyone?"

Issei's left brow rose slightly at the question, no one, and he meant, no one in his life had ever asked him that question.

"No I'm not." He stated frankly, and he honestly didn't expect that fact to change anytime soon.

"That's great!" she paused, appearing to be struggling with her words as she continued "Um, will you go out with me?"

Issei blinked, but to make sure his ears weren't deceiving him, he asked "What did you say just now?"

"Well, I usually see you pass by Fukushima bridge… and um, well I… I noticed you didn't pass there today… so I followed you… there's no one around here so I feel that I can… finally ask you out." she paused, fingers playing with the hem of her skirt as she forcefully declared her intentions.

"So please go out with me!"

Main Quest! How To Fall From Heaven!

'Yuuma Amano' has asked to be your girlfriend! Accepting the offer will automatically fail this quest.

Main Objective: Yuuma Amano is from the ? Faction, and as such, the best way to deal with them… is to deal with them. Find the best way to reject her offer.

Bonus Objectives:




Rewards: Increased Relationship with the ? Faction, Several New Achievements, 450 EXP, A new Skill, ? ? ?.

Bonus Rewards: 150 EXP per Bonus Objective, ? ? ?

Failure: Certain Death, Game Over.

This Quest Can Not Be Ignored.

Issei stared, unable to comprehend his ears as his mind began playing over the information he had recently obtained over and over again. Within him his mind was jumping for joy at the thought of a girl finally asking him out. It was a moment in which he had dreamed of for years but never actually believed that it would one day happen. His first instinct was to scream out yes, but Gamer's Mind calmed him enough to prevent that outcome.

In another world entirely, he wouldn't have had the willpower nor the common sense to think things logically. He would have never been the gamer, and would have not possessed the intelligence required to pause and think about why a girl, a hot, sexy girl would ask him out of all people, and why the game would be so against it. He would have never have been savvy enough to realize that Kuoh Academy was one of the only five schools in the entire town, and two were not high schools, but rather middle schools and kindergarten, and the last two were so far away, and on the opposite side of the town, that the chances of her ever running into him on his way home were extremely slim and almost impossible. He would not have been knowledgeable enough to realize that her school uniform had no distinguished colors of the two schools, nor did it sport any badge. He would not have known that she was a being that wasn't human nor would he have known that she was predatory.

In that world, Issei would not have become infamous in school by beating Murayama, the Kendo Champion and captain at her own game nor would he have upstaged his teacher.

In that world, Issei would have said yes, he would have eventually been led on a date, at the end of which his time as a human would cease, he'd be recruited into a family of devils and he would become a perverted hero while technically working as the slave of a red-haired foreigner.

However, this was not that world. As such, Issei was smart enough to realize those tiny clues and inconsistencies in her tale, and best of all, he possessed the power that would help create an entirely new destiny altogether.

'As much as I am going to hate myself for this… there's no way I can accept her request, the game is right. Too many unknowns, and the fact that the game system registered her as a threat in which Certain Death is involved, no other quest has Certain Death as a penalty.'

Issei noticed as time slowed down and options began blinking in his vision 'I'm not sure if outright rejecting her will cause her to attack me, so best thing to do is to make her realize that I'm not anyone's boyfriend material.' He gloomily said to himself.

Choose Chaotic Response

Choose Neutral Response

Choose Emo Response

Choose Poetic Response

Choose Savvy Response

Choose Gentleman Response

Choose Snarky Response

Choose Perverted Response

'If there's anything I've learnt in life, it's that the best way to make a girl hate you… is to be a pervert!' Issei thought to himself as he selected his response just before the timer ran out.

Perverted Response Selected

"Sorry but I can't be your boyfriend." Issei spoke bluntly as he walked forward towards her.

"W-what?" the surprise on her face could not be faked even if she wanted to.

"Why?" she asked, her voice a mixture of anger and disbelief.

"Simple. Your breasts aren't big enough."

There was a moment of stunned silence between the two as Amano found herself slack-jawed.

"Excuse me?!" she yelled, and Issei couldn't quite tell the particular reason as to why she felt insulted, whether or not it was because he had rejected her because of her breasts or if it was because he felt her breasts were small.

Issei walked up to her and stared her straight into the eyes, playful smirk on his features, while an enraged scowl was on hers. Issei prepped himself for what he was going to do next, his eyes widening as the thoughts rushed through his mind and the response he selected prepared to put it into action.

Gutsy Pervert Activated! Gained 100% Boost to all Perverted actions!

"Well that's just the biggest reason, but there's also more reasons than that." Issei swiftly moved behind her as he placed her hands on her shoulders and whispered into her ear.

"If you really want me to be your boyfriend, you should know that our dates will be conducted on the soft foam of large bed and the only place I will take you out to is a love hotel. The roses I give you will be kisses placed upon your naked flesh, the gifts I buy you will be toys that will make you scream out my name in pleasure, and as for dinner…" Issei was at this point massaging the girls shoulders, his mind and body automatically applying the knowledge of the human anatomy to maximize focus on the areas that would generate pleasure. She was breathing hard at this point and had completely relaxed into his arms. He did find it amusing that there was a slight nosebleed on the woman's face which she had quickly wiped away.

"… your lunch, your breakfast and all your dinners with me shall consist of nothing but a large, delicious, meaty sausage with two large eggs placed between two jugs of milk you'll happily provide." Issei planted a small bite on her neck as he sucked on it, an act that would clearly leave a mark, as he was greatly enjoying the view of the woman who had placed two of her fingers in her mouth and bit them to keep from moaning out, though there was a line of drool slowly forming from the edges of her mouth.

"I will be the one to provide that paradise which is manna for you, and soon enough…" Issei licked away the drool on her chin, and her lip, she had wanted to kiss him with her tongue, but he denied her the pleasure as he continued with his tongue, dragging it across her face and neck until he reached her ears. Then, he whispered as hotly as he could, with his warm breath tickling her inner lobe.

"…you'll be calling me 'God'."

Issei nibbled harshly on her earlobe as his massage became more forceful, completely unaware of the irony in the statement he had made as his hands having dug into her shirt, surprisingly finding no bra, and continued to apply just the right amount of pleasure on key areas of her back.

"U-unbelievable… how can… all this… and… a mere massage f-feel so a-amazing~!" she stopped muffling her voice as she let out an appreciative moan, all pretense of resistance fading away.

'THIS. IS. HEAVEN! I have died and ascended to heaven! This is the greatest day of my life! I can't believe I'm… wait a minute… wasn't the idea for her to kick me in the balls and never talk to me again?' There was a dribble of blood which threatened to come down his nostril as he was regaining himself, but he sniffed it back up as he forced himself to think rationally. The task was much harder than he realized as his hands continued to massage the girl's back, her panting and muffled moaning having gotten much harder as her body shuddered under his ministrations.

'Crap! The Gutsy Pervert boost is too strong! The idea was for her to kick me in the balls and run away, not for her to get turned on and so deep into it, only to possibly later accuse me of assault!' Issei was finding it hard to think logically each and every second. He wondered why his Gamer's Mind hadn't activated yet to remove the lustful effect he had on himself but the thought flew out of his head as he focused on the soft, smooth and unbelievably tender skin of the girl in his arms.

He had never had a girl in his arms before, nor had he ever touched a girl's bare back before. It was one of the greatest crowning moments in Issei's entire perverted life.

"So now tell me… do you really want to be my girlfriend?"

The events which occurred next would forever be burned into Issei's memory. Using the knowledge of anatomy he had acquired, he allowed himself to apply light use of his Mana or MP to all his fingers, feeling them tingle with a cold feeling not unlike frostbite, then, Issei did something he never thought possible.

He groped real breasts.

Now this time his nose did bleed as his hands applied large amounts of pressure on the girls breasts as he fondled them, his fingers which felt of frostbite also went to work and pinched her hardened nipples while giving it a twist, all the while, he nibbled on her earlobe.

The results were possibly unexpected.

"Oh my God~!" the girl in his arms twitched constantly before she began shuddering madly as her legs had clamped together, and her back arched as she went perfectly still, her head swung backwards, eyes glazed over in lust as she gazed into sky as nothing but a blank state of pure bliss.

Issei, despite the blood on his face, grinned as through to his words, "You called?"

His mind however, was thinking something else entirely. 'Did she just- Did I just make her- DID JUST MAKE A GIRL–' he didn't need to answer though, his knowledge of anatomy and biology having clearly provided a giant 'YES' to the question, as clearly seen by the symptoms and characteristics.

It took several seconds for color to return to the girl's eyes, and by then, her face had turned a bright red as she realized what had just occurred.

"You…! You…! YOU! How dare you make me…" her face burned hotter as she realized that she couldn't even say the words out loud, especially when he was still staring at the warm, translucent liquid trailing down the middle of her legs with a gleefully perverted gaze.

'Well… I'm already in deep… might as well go in deeper. Bluff!'

"Just another reason as to why you can't be my girlfriend. That was just foreplay and look at how long you lasted! You're probably still a virgin."


Sense Danger has gone up by 1!

Sense Danger has gone up by 1!

Sense Danger has gone up by 1!

Sense Danger has gone up by 1!

Sense Danger has gone up by 1!

For all the increase in the levels that Sense Danger had gained, by the time Issei had sensed the hit coming his way, it was far too late to dodge it.

Critical Hit! –100 HP!

Issei's eyes widened to the size of saucers as he felt a lithe shoe connect with his gonad regions with far much more force than a teenage girl was supposed to possess.

He crumbled to the ground holding his groin painfully as tears comically rolled from his eyes. The only benefit that he'd gained from it was that he spotted the girl leaving as fast as possible, only for his eyes to widen when a portal of energy appeared in front of the woman, as she stepped into it and simply vanished away.

It would only be much, much later, that Issei would realize that one of the stupidest things you can possibly do, is call a Fallen Angel, who fell from heaven, because she had had sex, a virgin.

Until then though, he'd assume it was because of his actions. And irrespective of the fact that he was on the ground, crying out in slight pain, he was also crying out in total joy.

"Game! I take back everything I ever said about you! You're the greatest! The most amazing! Thank you so much!" he sobbed to himself happily.

He had groped breasts, real breasts, and had also had a pseudo-make out session with a real girl, a hot girl for that matter. He could truly die a happy man.


Quest Completed!

How To Fall From Heaven!

Main Objective: Yuuma Amano is from the ? Faction, and as such, the best way to deal with them… is to deal with them. Find the best way to reject her offer. Completed! Gained 450 EXP!

Bonus Objectives:

Sage of All Perverts! Decline her offer in the most sexual way possible! Passed! Gained 150 EXP! Gutsy Pervert! Gained Boosted 300 EXP!

Dark Angel Slayer! Decline her offer by killing her. Failed.

Black Widower! Decline her offer in the most sexual way possible, and then kill her. Failed.

Rewards: Gained Increased Relationship with the ? Faction

Through your unique understanding of anatomy and the supernatural power of mana at your disposal, you have unlocked a skill that will make you legendary amongst women… and men to if you're into that sort of thing. A new skill has been unlocked, Kami's Fingers [Active] Lv. 1.

The fingers of God can ease wounds with their touch, relax muscles with their coolness, and give the greatest massage ever to whosoever chooses to be within your grasps. Your fingers will however leave them wanting for more, and can literally make them addicted to the pleasurable feeling of your touch. Your enemies will beg for your touch, and your allies will never get tired of receiving it. Of course, depending on where exactly you touch, your fingers can create a sensation of pleasure unimaginable to the feeble mind. And of course, it'll also make them addicted. These are the fingers of god, so use them wisely… but remember, they are fingers, fingers… and certainly you won't insert them anywhere.

Achievement Unlocked: Perversion Potential!

Achievement Unlocked: Uplifting the Fallen!

Achievement Unlocked: Perverted Sage!

Gutsy Pervert! You have completed a successful perverted action!

Strength has gone up by 2!

Dexterity has gone up by 2!

Vitality has gone up by 2!

Bonus Rewards: Sage of Perverts! Gutsy Pervert has been upgraded! Wisdom has been given on the arts of the perv. You can now Write Erotica and gain bonuses in all Erotic works or items crafted, all your attempts at peeking will be successful, you gain in increase in strength and vitality whenever near a perverted interaction, and any sexual activity will fully restore your HP and MP and cure all negative status effects.

Between thanking the game and crying out in a blend of pain and happiness, Issei paid no attention to the stat increase as he cried in joy at the possible ways he would use Kami's Finger, though respectfully. Had he paid attention, he would have noticed a cloaked stranger who had silently observed everything that had occurred from a nearby tree, giggling to itself as it had recorded everything on a camera while also scribbling furiously in a notebook.

"This stuff practically writes itself… Ero-sennin would be so proud." The figure said to itself, wiping out a faux tear from its eye "I wonder what would have happened if I wasn't using Genjutsu to ensure no one sees or hears anything in this area and make people intentionally avoid it… Oh well. Still, I didn't expect him of all people to possess the Exodus Switch. This makes things all the more interesting…" like the shadow of a falling leaf, there was a gentle gust of breeze that went by, and just as a leaf dropped on the ground, the figure vanished as though it were never there.

~~~~~~ DxD – Game of the Year Edition ~~~~~~~

It had taken at least one more hour for Issei to finally arrive at Kuoh General Hospital, having calmed down and now capable of rational thought and reason. Of course, the greatest question he asked himself was as to how the girl had vanished into a portal. For all he knew, he was the only one in the world who was capable of supernatural feats due to his gamer ability, but yet, Yuuma Amano had somehow found a way to teleport away with a portal.

Then of course there were the Quest's references. The Quest had been titled How to Fall From Heaven, and there was also the fact that there was a bonus objective labeled Angel Slayer. Now Issei wasn't exactly stupid, well not anymore at least. So those hints were more than enough to imply that something seriously wrong was going on.

'Yeah right… get a grip Hyoudou. What are the chances of Angels of all things being real? I mean, what's next, devils and gods? This isn't a goddamn anime, it's real life.' He thought to himself as he reached the reception. But there was a nagging part of him that couldn't help but feel ironic, considering the fact that his life was a video game.

New Location Discovered! Kuoh General Hospital! Gained 25 EXP!

You Gain +50% HP and MP Regeneration while within the vicinity.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for a girl that was admitted earlier today, she was transferred from Kuoh Academy, her name is Murayama?" Issei spoke to the nurse, who he noted from the name tag was called Kin.

The nurse at the reception quickly checked her records "Yes, Busujima-san, the girl who was admitted this afternoon." The nurse confirmed. While Issei blinked slightly. Until today, he never knew her surname. Hell, even his Observe ability didn't display her surname. As stupid as it was, he assumed she didn't have a surname.

"However, due to strict instructions from her parents, no one is allowed to visit her at this time. Sorry."

Issei's brows furrowed, why in the world would her parents refuse visitors?

Issei weighed his options carefully, would he leave? Stopped by nothing more than a mere instruction? The chances of finding her alone to apologize would be very low. And he wanted to do this, to make right what was wrong.

Issei glanced at the nurse and cast a brief observe at her. His ability giving him far more information than he expected. The gamer steeled his features as he made up his mind, a liberal use of Bluff being able to fix the problem for him.

"I… know. You see, Murayama… is my girlfriend." 'This is so going to bite me in the butt later.'

Nurse Kin looked slightly surprised "Well, I'm sorry but…"

"No it's okay, I understand, you're just doing your job." Issei did his best to fake a convincing sigh "Her parents most likely made that instruction because of me. They don't want me to see her, they don't approve of us being together."

Kin struggled slightly as indecision was clear on her face. 'Okay… now to hit the hammer on the head.'

"I mean, I'm sure you understand, she's a rich, influential girl from a powerful family, I'm a poor delinquent who has nothing to offer her. Her parents would always get in the way… though I truly… truly… love her." Issei managed to keep a dejected face as he uttered those words, yet his inner mind was throwing up bile as he uttered the dreaded 'L' word.

"I suppose it was never meant to be…" 'Cue dramatic rebuttal in three… two… one…'

"NO!" the surprise on Issei's face couldn't be faked though as he had not expected the woman to respond so fiercely, she blushed and continued, more subdued "I mean… um, you shouldn't let anyone stop you from being with the one you truly love! If you truly love someone then you have to let them know! Especially seeing as how she's hurt! She needs you to be with her!"

'That worked a bit too well.' "But what do I do? I don't even know where she is?"

The nurse glanced around to make sure no one was paying attention to them after her outburst. "She's in the Executive Ward, room number four, on the fifth floor. Tell no one I told you this!"

'Jackpot! So glad that Observe told me she recently broke up with her boyfriend because of her father's instructions.'

"Thanks so much! I'll never forget this!"

"That's what I'm afraid of." Kin sighed.


Through the act of manipulating words and actions, faking emotions and using your knowledge of the situation to your advantage, a new skill has been created! Fallacy [Active] Lv. 1.

There's bluffing, and then there's outright spinning a tall tale. You can appeal to people's sympathy, to their pride, to their emotions and their ignorance. Either way you do it, you can now deceive people to your advantage. Hope it makes you real proud.

'Useful… but I really don't like the idea of manipulating people, hopefully I won't make it a habit…' Issei thought to himself as he ascended a flight of stairs, passing by several bustling doctors and nurses moving from place to place. He did pause slightly when he noted so many items on trays and trolleys having labels on them. They possessed labels which he was sure only he could see, because they were floating in the air and everyone else ignored it.

Medical Items



Hydrogen Peroxide





The list went on and on, and Issei wondered why the hell the game was highlighting these items for him. He walked up to a stationary table, glanced at a bag of syringe needles and picked them up. Only to pale rapidly at the new messages that came up to the forefront of his vision.



Item Placed in Inventory, Needles x 20

Through the action of making excellent use of your inventory to store items where no one else can reach nor see, a new skill has been created! Larceny [Active] Lv. 1.

You're a real upstanding citizen, lying, stealing and all you need left is to murder before you become the embodiment of a self-centered 21st century human being! You can now steal items which do not belong to you by rapidly placing it in your inventory. With this skill, you can walk into Fort Knox, empty it out by placing diamonds and gold into your inventory and walk out with no one ever the wiser to become the greatest thief who ever lived! That is… before the cameras catch you on tape, leading to the military abducting you and sending you to Area 51 to become a Scientist's personal guinea pig.

Issei froze still as he ensured that no one had seen him take the needles, confirming that he hadn't been seen, he swiftly decided to ignore everything else and continue the actual reason he came to the Hospital in the first place. He honestly had no intention of going to prison before he was even eighteen yet.

'This game will be the death of me…' he thought silently to himself as his eyes twitched at the rather intriguing descriptions of skills.

Issei paused as he reached the fifth floor, realizing that it consisted of mostly single rooms per patient. He had been spinning a tall tale yes, but he apparently had been right as to the fact that Murayama was indeed rich. These rooms were quite costly after all, and not just anyone could afford them.

He reached the right door, took a deep breath as he knocked slowly, the three sharp raps echoing across the room.

"Come in." a strained voice responded from within the room.

'Here goes nothing.' Issei braced himself and walked in, spotting the familiar dark haired girl sitting on a chair beside her bed, she was dressed in a hospital gown that stopped at her knees, the semi-translucent material indicating that she had not bothered to wear a bra underneath and was probably also not wearing any underwear. Issei immediately stopped checking her out when he spotted her neck.

There was a neck brace placed on it, and the girl herself clearly looked as though she was in great discomfort, though as soon as she spotted him, her eyes widened in shock.

"You! What are you doing here?!" she put on the most angry and intimidating face she could muster, though with her neck brace it wasn't at all scary.

Issei immediately placed his hands in an open gesture "Hold on! I come in peace!"

She snarled at him "Come in peace? I'd rather you come in pieces you bastard! You gave me a Cervical Fracture! You almost completely broke my neck! Had I not been rushed to the hospital so quickly, I! Would! Have! Died!"

Issei winced with each point she made, yet, he was still unable to feel guilt, just the slightest hint of remorse. Yet, his pride and temper was slowly bubbling within the surface.

She wasn't done though, rather, she continued, her face almost turning red from exertion "I was wrong about you! You're the worst human being I have ever met in my entire life! And to think I actually gave you the benefit of the doubt, and look at where that landed me!" She paused to gesture at the room "I am in this cervical collar because of you! I might have to do surgery because of you!" she spat out.

Issei said nothing, his eyes finding the door rather interesting at that moment, his mind wondering if coming to apologize was a good idea. His fists had already balled and his teeth were already grinding silently against themselves.

"You are a sick, twisted person! Do you think I didn't hear what you said back then? Terms Accepted? You'd have killed me because of a stupid date?!"

Issei's eyes widened, he'd almost forgot about those two innocuous words the Chaos Mode had made him utter "That was-" what would he say? An accident? A mistake? People didn't make verbal mistakes like that.

"It was what? Was it your own way of proving you are just as much scum as the rest of the men out there? Of displaying that you are nothing but a pervert who'd kill girls that turned him down? Or are you the type of sicko who gets off on beating girls to death? You're nothing but a pathetic scum of a man who has no friends or loved ones! I HATE you Hyoudou! I. HATE. YOU." She finished her tirade and panted, her ragged breaths coming out as harsh bursts of oxygen, as her chest, naked and bare beneath her robe heaved heavily.

"So what do you want? Are you here to finish the job? Are you here to gloat? You beat me, whoop-dee-doo! Congrats! You proved that Kendo is nothing to you! So what more do you want?"

"…I came here to apologize." Issei muttered, allowing himself to speak his mind as his hair covered the bulk of his eyes. She glanced at him with the meanest stink-eye she could give him "Of course, an apology will make everything better. Will your apology will heal my neck and get me back on my feet? Will it ensure that I survive surgery? Will it keep me alive?"

Neutral Response Selected.

"Will it make you shut up?"

Murayama balked "Excuse me?"

"I came here to apologize to you over an accident. I didn't come here to listen to you blame me for all your problems. You're not the only one who can play the blame game." Issei stated coldly.

"In case you've forgotten, you made the challenge, you were so certain you were going to win, you made me fight. And now that you lost, you are sounding like a sore loser!"

"Oh no, I wouldn't want to be a sore loser, you know, to go with my sore neck, WHICH YOU BROKE!" she yelled, and for emphasis she pointed at her neck brace.

"So what hurts more? Your broken neck or your shattered pride?"

There was a moment of silence in the room, as though the phantom of tranquility had visited and cast it's haunted spell upon the occupants. Murayama did a double take, pausing as the question had echoed across the room and she recoiled as though she'd been slapped across the face. Issei however, calmly set his gaze on her, and continued.

"You challenged me to a battle, a battle you fully expected to win, a battle you thought would be so decisive, that you even went as far as not bothering to give your opponent armor. But it didn't go as planned now did it? You, a mighty champion of Kendo, you who had been practicing since you were nine, you, who ranks among the greatest athletes of the academy, were defeated and suffered the greatest injury of your career, by someone who you thought could barely hold the kendo stick right." Issei continued, his voice as mellow and calm as a stagnant body of water.

"The reason you're so angry isn't because I broke your neck and you know it. The reason you're so angry is because a total rookie beat you, a champion, in one hit. The reason you're angry is because you underestimated me and the consequences were greater than you expected. The reason you're angry is because you have never been more humiliated in your life."

"Shut. Up." She whispered, but yet, it possessed a hint of venom within.

"Have you even paused to wonder what would have happened had I not gotten that lucky hit in? Or perhaps, what would have happened if I didn't know kendo at all? You'd have been contented with beating me into bloody humiliation in front of the entire school, taking my money, and then making me do your bidding. You wouldn't have injured me, you admitted that yourself, but you'd have been happily decimating an inferior opponent with no regards whatsoever for how I'd have felt about it. But now that you're on the other end of the stick, it feels unfair doesn't it?"

"Stop. Talking." This time she warned, her voice possessing the element of steel.

"I came here to truly and sincerely apologize for what I did. I questioned myself and felt that I was a monster for breaking your neck, but I didn't come here to here you tell me the reasons I suck. I've been told that every day of my life by almost everyone who meets me and I don't need a reminder."

Issei slowly turned his back on her "If you decide to accept my apology, that's fine with me, maybe we can become best of friends and have a laugh about this sometime in the future. If you decide not to and chose to hate me, then that's also fine with me, you're not the first and you're definitely not going to be the last."

He placed one hand on the door as he opened it "Just do me a favor. If you're going to hate me… hate me. Just make sure you do it for the right reasons."

"Get. Out!"

Issei ignored her as he decided to get the last word in "As for the bet… there's only one thing I need you to do for me."

"Sit quietly, sip some tea, read a book and when you finally calm down… find the answer to this question."

"Who are you angry at?"

The door closed with a slam, leaving coldly calm teen on the outside, and another subdued one within.

Issei said nothing to himself as he walked down the flight of stairs, silently wondering why she had set him off so much. He supposed that it sucked, that the reason he had been questioning his entire existence and humanity was because he felt bad about injuring Murayama.

Yes, it sucked, he broke her neck. But he himself wasn't completely to blame. She wasn't some defenseless maiden nor was she a damsel in distress, she was a strong capable woman who had responsibility for her own actions. He technically wasn't in control of himself when he accepted their bet, but she had no such excuse. She had fully made the decision knowing what it entailed.

He had been so worried, so concerned, he had gone to lengths just to visit her in the hospital, only to be completely berated for his efforts. Hyoudou Issei was a lot of things, he was chivalrous, he was perverted, he was humble and he was honorable. But he was never patient, and he was not a wimp. He had pride in himself, and that pride would not let him become a quiet sheep that would sit back completely and let someone criticize him. In a single day, he had experienced more emotion and had more things happen to him than he had in almost his entire life. Yet, this was the first time Issei had ever recalled standing up for himself to a girl.

"Yoo-hoo! Hyoudou-san! How did it go with Busujima-san?" Issei turned his attention to Kin, the nurse in which he had previously fooled into letting her tell him Murayama's location. He supposed it was just another action that seemed to have been pointless in the long run.

He gave a faux smile to the woman as he shrugged. "I guess some things were not meant to be."

Disregarding the disappointment on her face, Issei pushed the glass doors of the Hospital open as he walked out. He didn't have time to focus on side distractions nor dwell on past mistakes, especially when the mistake in question was incapable of reason.

He had an entire life ahead of him, a life as a game, just as he was the player. There would be no more looking back, no more regrets, no more doubts. He would play to the greatest of his ability.

And he would complete the game.

For his name was Hyoudou Issei.

And he was The Gamer.

Achievement Unlocked: Will of Fire.

~~~~~~~ DxD – Game of the Year Edition ~~~~~~~~

Issei's Current Stats:


Name: Hyoudou Issei

Level: 5 [71.68%]

Current Title: The Gamer

Race: Human

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

HP: 200/200

MP: 100/100

Strength: 15

Vitality: 13

Dexterity: 27

Intelligence: 30(+3)(+2)(+2)

Wisdom: 25 (+1)(+1)(+2)(+2)(+2)

Luck: 10 (+1)(+3)

Charisma: 10 (-1)(+1)(+1.4)(+2)(+3)

Statuses: Gamer's Mind [Immunity from all psychological effects] Gamer's Body [Gives the ability to live life like a game]. Infamous [+2 Wis, + 2 Char]. On the Fence [+1 Wis, Bonus EXP to all neutral actions] Anarchy's Incarnate [+1 Luck, Bonus EXP to all Chaotic actions, randomizes the level and type of one enemy per encounter] True Loner [+3 Int, -1 Char]. Confused Emo [+1 Wis +1 Char] Dark Poet [10% of total Luck to Char] Gambit King [+2 Int, +3 Luck, 25% Chance to guarantee success of any social interaction] Patron of the Arts [+2 Int, +2 Wis], Reluctant Gentleman [+3 Char, +2 Wis]

Points Available: None

Money: 94,819 Yen

Perks: Mr Renaissance, Gutsy Pervert, Ambidextrous

Achievements: Karma Demon, Sound of Solitude, Renaissance Man, Two For The Price Of One, Perversion Potential, Perverted Sage, Uplifting The Fallen, Will Of Fire.

Perk Points Available: None


Gamer's Mind [Passive] Lv. Max

Gamer's Body [Passive] Lv. Max

Observe [Active] Lv. 10 [45.31%]

Sprint [Active] Lv. 1 [25.90%]

Poker Face [Active] Lv. 10 [21.67%]

Bluff [Active] Lv. 7 [45.90%]

Blackmail [Active] Lv. 2 [3.14%]

Mystify [Active] Lv. 1 [2.91%]

Fallacy [Active] Lv. 1 [21.04%]

Larceny [Active] Lv. 1 [31.07%]

Kami's Fingers [Active] Lv. 1 [94.56%]

Sense Danger [Passive] Lv. 9 [75.41%]

Major: Arts [Passive] Lv. 21 [34.09%]

Major: Science [Passive] Lv. 19 [23.10%]

Art Mastery [Passive] Lv. 3 [0.89%]

Musical Mastery [Passive] Lv. 1 [1.21%]

Science Mastery [Passive] Lv. 2 [15.07%]

Dance Mastery [Passive] Lv. 1 [3.04%]

Crafting [Passive] Lv. 1 [24.89%]

Beginner Level Kenjutsu [Passive] Lv.1 [49.71%]

Beginner Level Taijutsu [Passive] Lv.1 [1.62%]

Parry [Active] Lv. 1 [0.41%]

Dodge [Active] Lv. 1 [4.18%]

Blunt Weapon Mastery [Passive] Lv. 1 [14.01%]

Beginner Level Iaijutsu [Passive] Lv.1 [2.14%]

Critical Strike [Active] Lv. 1 [1.23%]


Basic Kuoh Academy Uniform [+10 Defense]


Kuoh Academy: [355/1000] Disliked

Hyoudou Residence: [355/1000] Liked

Kendo Club: [455/1000] Disliked

Student Council: [333/1000] Neutral

Occult Research Club: [666/1000] Liked

? : [919/1000] Neutral

? : [400/1000] Neutral

? : [300/1000] Disliked

Hyoudou Issei is a poor, sad boy who dreams of having his own Harem and becoming the Harem King. While he isn't having delusions of grandeur, he causes chaos in his wake in his usual attempts to catch a glimpse of the naked forms of the girls at his school, thus gaining their ire and the ire of all those around him. Recently, he uncovered his ability as the Gamer, but is this all there is about this less than worthwhile teen, or perhaps, does a greater destiny await?

A/N: So... finally canon timeline begins and I'm sure no one expected this direction I was going with Murayama. Come on people, making a minor female character major does not imply I'm doing a shipping nor does it imply that she's joining the harem. I'm not that hormonal. Finally, next chapter Naruto makes a full blown debut, and Issei will finally do his last quest of the day... getting milk, shit is getting extremely serious.

The Naruto cameo should however hint something for those more savvy of you, and also the Kami's Fingers will be used responsibly. Seriously though, those things have more uses than er... what came to the minds of most when first mentioned. Perverts.