
(ON HOLD) The Daughter of Apocalypse and Infinity

The unintentional child of Apocalpyse and Infinity had died in birth...or so it seems. Join the journey of someone who reincarnated into that body, and make bonds and fight powerful people on the way. This will have lemons in it, though the only ones that will actually happen are my oc and Koneko. all others are mentioned.

PridedKnight168 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 3

Sorry for the long wait, I've been focusing on one of my other stories.

The Dragon of Demise and the Knight of Treachery.

I am probably going to do my best at this.

By the way.

Disclaimer: I do not own High school DxD or any of its characters, or any other characters from other shows, only my OC.


(3rd pov)

We now come to Ace in front of the Hyoudou residence. She knocks on the door since she didn't have a key for it yet, and waited until Miki opened the door.

"Welcome back!" Miki exclaimed greeting Ace and hugging her, much to the reincarnated girl's embarrassment.

"I'm back," Ace said while blushing in embarrassment, because of the hug.

They both then heard a small 'meow' and looked towards Ace's chest to see the white cat still in her chest, looking up at both of them.

"It's so cute!" Miki squealed while going to try to grab the cat, but stopped and pouted when the cat buried itself deeper into Ace's chest.

"It's also a little pervert," Ace replied half-joking, half-serious.

"Why is it that most people I know are perverts?" Ace sighs, looking slightly disappointed.

Miki doesn't say anything but opens the door for Ace to come in, which she did. She then walked to the kitchen, getting a small plate and milk for the PervNeko, who is watching from its 'perch'. 

Ace sets the plate of milk on the ground, then grabs PervNeko from her breasts and places it down on the ground. The cat then went over to the milk and started drinking it.

"Ok, so I'm going to get be in my room for a while if you want to join you can," Ace said squatting down to talk to the cat...for whatever reason.

PervNeko stops drinking the milk and jumps on Ace, but this time Ace catches it in her arms.

"Not this time you little perv," Ace said to the cat, which had a cute pouting face. 

'How can a cat have such a cute pouting face, I will never know. Oh, wait just blame it on anime logic, that makes it better,' Ace thought while picking the cat up and bringing it with her to her room which is right next to Issei's.

The room wasn't anything special. It was just a plain room with a few books, a computer, and a closet full of her clothes. It also has a big dresser for her pj's and undies. The only thing that really looks out of place, is a giant glass mirror on the wall across from her bed, which is on the right after you open the door along the wall.

The mirror looked weird, it had all kinds of markings on it, though not many could understand it. It also seems to be shimmering every once in a while. It was pitch black with the markings being blood red.

"Welcome to my VERY boring room, little one," Ace says, emphasizing the 'very' part. She places the cat down as it looks around the room. Ace looks at the mirror, which is shimmering very quickly now, as someone is calling. Ace walks towards the mirror and sits in front of it. From the mirror, the shadowed form of someone is shown on it.

Though you couldn't tell who this person is, you could tell that they are powerful from just a glance at them. This person is short, though slightly taller than Koneko at being about 5'0" inches while Koneko is 4'6" inches. He also has spiky hair that slicks to his left, his hair is like sonics, but more for people. He also has a strange mark on the left side of his forehead.

"What's up Piety?" Ace asks the shadowed figure, who huffs a little before speaking in a calm and collected tone that makes him seem sinister.

"We need to know how much longer till we can pick you up," 'Piety' tells Ace who nods and writes something down on a piece of paper and holds it to 'Piety' who groans at it, but then laughs. 

"Not until the peace treaty in a few months. Tell 'Ice Devil' and 'Fire God' to be ready to come in after the peace treaty. Also, ask mom if I am allowed to kill Kokabiel" It said on the paper.

"Oh yeah, I have a new friend here with me," Ace suddenly says getting up and looking for the PervNeko, who was currently laying on the bed. She picks it up, startling it, and shows 'Piety' it.

"'Piety', meet PervNeko," she says presenting the said cat to him. 'Piety' was about to ask, when the cat suddenly wiggled out of her hold, landed on the desk, and jumped into her breasts. It squirmed around, until its head pops out of her cleavage, with a happy and satisfied face.

Ace sighs the gestures to her chest, or more specifically the cat in her cleavage, to which 'Piety' nods and laughs in a teasing tone, to which Ace flicks him off, only making him laugh harder. Ace was about to respond when she hears Miki calling her for dinner.

"Sorry, got to go, dinner time," Ace apologizes to 'Piety' who nods in understanding. The screen was about to turn off when she stops it.

"Oh yeah, 'R.D.E' has officially been asked out," Ace says to 'Piety' to which he nods, though this time you could see that there was a smirk on his face, right before it turned off, leaving Ace with her reflection in the mirror.

She sighs and gets up, with her little passenger, and leaves her room to the dining room, where she sees everyone else is. She sees Issei looking happier than he's ever been. She taps on his shoulder getting his attention. He turns to her with a smile, which immediately turns into a frown that confuses Ace. Issei points to her chest, which Ace gets mad at, at first until she looks down and sees the cat.

All Ace does is smirk at him, to which Issei huffs and looks away, pouting. Ace laughs at that and sits down, ready to eat dinner.


Sorry about the really late update, I was really focused on one of my stories, The Dragon of Demise and The Knight of Treachery, that I didn't really know how to get this story going. That and I don't watch the show so I don't know what happens or what they say, sorry.