
(Naruto) Martial warrior [New plot]

Autor: Deadauthor
Anime e Quadrinhos
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  • 3 Chs
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Once ancient warrior is born anew, the failures of his past his only motivation forward. ... I'm trying to actually write my storys from beginning to end and unfortunately that takes time. I will finish this and every novel I've started it's just I'll be blunt here take years. This will be my second work so I'll probably be Finnished within two. Not worth the wait for a crappy fanfiction i know but when I publish its published forever. Can't wait honestly

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Chapter 1By existence the ONE shatters fate

A few key Points of the story have been changed.

Skip ahead if your new or don't care


[ Mc has a different name and background.

[ The setting itself will focus on a insert and the reaction the characters have to his existence.]

[ The world will not be the exact same, characters may say or do different things that are NOT shown in the original.

[ Mc will be op from the beginning but what do you expect? I'm fucking trash]

[Kaguya will be the start of world level opponents even if in the original she was not able to obliterate planets in this story she most definitely can.

[One last but important thing, no romance]


May the story begin!


Somewhere between 64-65 years after the initial construction of the hidden leaf village.

A series of hidden events were set into motion, with each and every one having long been set up before this day by a malicious entity, spiraling the already precarious situation further and further out of control.

Until suddenly appearing out of nowhere somehow undetected by anyone in the village a beast the size of a mountain towered over Konohagakure.

It's menacing eyes shook in a daze for but a moment before quickly returning with clarity.

Enraged by his forced teleportation he locked eyes with the puny little human that dared to do this to him. Unfortunately little did the usually intelligent fox know this was the worst thing he could've possibly done.

Unable to even attempt anything he was instantly trapped in a genjutsu forcing his eyes to unnaturally change to that of a three tomoe sharingan.

No longer aware of anything besides an uncontrollable unceasing rage the giant fox slammed down it's massive claws completely demolishing the buildings near him.

In frustration of his now bloodied paw from the former inhabitants of those demolished buildings the kyubi roared at the sky as if angry at existence itself.


His massive vocal cords enhanced by an outrageous amount of wild chakra reverberated through out everywhere in the span of a hundred miles.

Those asleep were awoken in confusion and those awake dreaded in fear as they shouted outloud the dreaded monster.


In mere seconds the quiet and peaceful leaf village changed into a full state of alarm with fuinjutsu seal's around the village going off constantly.

Of these seals their where two types one that constantly sent out a recorded message for everyone to take shelter the other to gather all available ninja at the hokage infrastructure.

And because of this system set up for worst case scenarios absolute efficiency was achieved. Within moments every ninja from genin to high class Jonin where present.

Being specifically trained even during the chaos they managed to keep some semblance of calm at least long enough for the hokage to come out and properly coordinate the situation .

On top of the kage building sarutobi stood Infront of every ninja weak and strong alike indifferently with a cold and serious undertone much in difference from his usual gentle old man appearance.

In an abrupt authoritative manner enhanced by a high amount of chakra sarutobis voice projected into every one's ears.

" Ninjas of the hidden leaf the nine tails has been released!! If you wish to protect your family I ask that you listen to my commands to the absolute letter and believe in your comrades"

Putting his old crafty mind to use he started his speech with the intent to hasten their resolve and stop anyone from just abandoning each other to help their own family's. Which to his relief worked well so he quickly gave out orders.

" Jonins follow me to attack the tailed beast I will explain the strategy on the way. genin I want you to help with evacuations shielding the sheltered with your lifes while chunin search the whole village for trapped civilians... but if the situation becomes more dire ignore my orders and find your love ones by yourself and leave. DISMISSED!"

In an instant 2/5 of the ninjas vanished into thin air while the majority, meaning genins hauled ass toward their predetermined perimeters.


18 miles away Minato stood on top of kages mountain overlooking the massive amount of destruction the kyubi was doing to his village .

It didn't take long for his presence to be noticed with the sensitivity tailed beast had towards chakra and his massive reservoir just a moment was enough.

Even under a genjutsu the beast didn't just mindlessly slash at the strong foe before it but instead charged up it's tailed bomb to send off this slightly stronger ant to oblivion.

Before the bomb reach him he cast dozens of hand seals instantly,

and instead of a massive explosion the fabric of reality bent inward.

What followed was the complete disintegration of a forest far off into the distance.

However he could not sigh in relief as he felt a very subtle displacement of space behind him.

Quickly he stabbed at the enemy expecting to have instantly killed whoever just tried to attack him. Only for his eyes to widen and his blade to just pass through an intangible neck as if air.

Stunned he gawked at the enemy like a novice while his brain thought back to his experimentation with the thunder god technique and how what just happened is maybe not impossible but very unbelievable.

Making him unable to think, but how?

Taking advantage of this moment the one eyed masked man used his ability in an attempt to capture Minato.

" You lose" He said in a cold voice convinced he had already won.

Yet at the very last nanosecond Minato disappeared.

Landing on the ground hard Minato quickly analysed the situation while preparing for the enemy to appear at any moment.

He may not know how the masked man directly manipulated space in such away but he would be a fool if at the very least he didn't expect this man to also be very sensitive to spacial fluctuations.

As if on cue a void appeared a couple meters away along with a mocking voice.

" I found you"

3 minutes later

Two figures blinked in and out of existence. Within 1/100 of a second they cast hand signs or appeared in and out of direct confrontation with each other.

This scene went on for but seconds in what seemed to be a stalemate. Until naturally they stopped. Their we're many times during that fight when one caught the other but neither were able to follow through as both had the ability to negate or instantly teleport away from the attack.

Effectively making this a battle of who can catch who.


In an odd contrast these two figures expressed the true meaning of light and darkness.

One was an all powerful kage few wouldn't fear in direct combat, the yellow flash rarely called the master of space with talent and potential that would even give harishima a run for his money.

While on the opposite side you have the unknown, besides frame and hair only the single hole in his mask revealed anything about this individual.


Yes his eyes glowed red with patterns that gave one a feeling of sinister intent, yet even with such an infamous eye only one person in the world currently knew who he was...

Even Minato no matter how much he tried to no one even came close to matching this guy's description in his vast memory besides one person...


Not to mention this tricky opponents ability that defis logic, which after that brief fight he barley managed to grasp a possible weakness due to his many years of experience and very intelligent mind.

Lucky for him however this dangerous man had a mouth and loved to use it buying him more time to finalize a way to take advantage of this weakness.

" Minato

Fourth hokage, the fastest man alive and the 3rd strongest ninja ever... Such.. great title's.... I can't help but wonder are you worthy of them? "

As soon as he stopped speaking Minato finished with his possible plan and dashed towards obito while throwing his marked Kuni at his head.

Fool Obito thought as he used his ability while slashing at his sensei's neck.

" Checkmate!"

teleporting behind him through his marked kuni he slammed his highly condensed rasengen down opon Obito before he could even re-activate his ability in time.


On impact the ground split and the grass vaporized leaving only massive upturned mounds of dirt and trees.

Only their was no charred body or limb in sight. Minato knew even if that was a direct hit this level of foe would have a minor injury at worst so the real question is where did he go?

Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted when he heard a eerie voice a few meters away from himself.

" You got me " Obito said more so in suprise then anything else.

Over the years he thought himself invincible or atleast nearly so as quite literally no one could touch him even if they themselves were stronger.

Of course weather or not he realized his opponent was underestimated the price for his arrogance has yet to to be fully paid.


" Indeed"

With a flash minato appeared directly next to obito and in one swift motion he stabbed him while forcibly placing a contract seal on him.

In this short dual the mask man is undoubtedly the loser but in the end even if he was caught off guard by the hokage his sharingun was still completely unaffected thus insuring his life.

As he activated his unique power obito vanished but not before leaving an ominous message.

" Mark my words.. within time this world will be held in the palm of my hands."


" He's gone" minato said while feeling a foreboding sense of crisis for the future of the village only for him to completely forget about obito words leaving him for the future generations.

Glaring at kuruma off in the far distance he flashed to a mark nearest to the beast before placing another mark on the nine tails flashing again with the kyuubi intow.

What troubled the strongest village in the ninja world took only a moment for him to deal with.

A true testament to the power he once wielded...




As the hero's fated destiny actualized on the very brink of death minato felt something,

it wasn't coldness or his own blood but the movement of space.

Where it came from thoroughly worried him for the future, left without chakra and barely any strength he coughed up blood on his dead wife's back writing coordinates and a secret message.

Investigate now!

10 minutes later

Tears of pain and guilt fell from the mighty third hokages eyes, guilt born out of his knowing incompetence and pain from the eternal loss of such a powerful ninja.

" Sir! we found coordinates on the back of kushinas corpse along with a message."

What! the hokage said in a loud voice before appearing next to the two dead bodies and singular baby with a cautious expression

The eyes of those present widened, the speed at which he moved between places was basically teleportation in their eyes, no flash or blur he just moved and was already there.

Really such strength is worthy of a legend

That was their thoughts until it came to a resounding halt when suddenly he disappeared again!

Like a missile he honed in on the location written by the now dead minato.

As buildings whizzed past him he couldn't help but mentally prepare himself for the worst, he after all knew for a fact someone was behind all this and that someone was STRONG!

Arriving in front of his destination he showed confusion at what lay before him even questioning if he was at the right place.


why did the coordinates lead him here?

For awhile he debated weather to even go in and check until he just went in placing his trust on minato.

Opening the door he looked around the run down place expecting for their to be a group of people huddled together hiding, but no their was no one atleast that was his first thought when he heard the muffled sounds of voices.

He couldn't sense them at first which shocked him for a moment before he saw the seals around the bedroom doorframe.

chakra and scent disruption seals their even seemed to be some inactivated parts of the entire seal most probably due to a lack of sufficient energy.

This made sarutobi grow suspicion, such things require at the very least a million yen and the approval of an aubu ninja.

An orphanage like this should have nither the ability nor the financial resources but that aside atleast it is used for the proper situation during a tailed beast attack.

Slowly he walked to the door while their were many seals even some barrier ones only two were activated so he just waltzed right in grabbing the attention of everyone in there.

T- third hokage!!?

Nodding without a word he examined everyone of them and what they were doing, none of them had even decent levels of chakra so he ignored them and focused on the dead body laying on the table.

" What happened here?"

Afraid they would be misunderstood one of them waved their hand in a hurry explaining the situation.

" She died while giving birth... we did everything we could but the blood loss was just too severe... if only one of us was a medical ninja she would probly still be alive right now."

And the baby? Sarutobi questioned

"See for yourself" the men said saddened while handing him the baby

Covered in cloth the little one layed limp in his arms asleep or in a possible coma without even the smallest of movements, odd for a newborn but what really caught his eye was his hair.

It was blue!

Only those from the water village had blue hair like this so this could only mean this child

came from elsewhere.

Asking them who the babys parents were he listened with mild curiosity as they said his dead mother was a resident helper while they had no clue who the farther was none of them even knew his name.

Accepting their words as truth for now he inspected the baby's body with his chakra.

Prickling it's skin the whisps of chakra went into the baby spreading through it's every layer before coming out.

Decent constitution the old kage thought moving on he attempted to analyze the spirit of the baby with his own spirituality. This simply involved sending a very small amount of intent into the baby's brain clashing with the baby's own will.

What happened however was completely different from what should, almost as if a droplet among sea their was no reaction his whisp just vanished.

Shocked by this he sent more and more forceful intent until eventually he just couldn't anymore, using all of his spirit he wanted to see the depths of the boy's spiritual will but he failed...

No matter what even after he tried killing intent the will inside the baby stood firm indifferent to him and unmoving.

Leaving the babys brain he became aware of the fainted body's around him but didn't care they'll wake up later with some PTSD but their normals so that's fine what matters is the what he just learned.

This child holds abnormal will to the extent even his own feels shallow in comparison, this made him an old man who's seen just about everything to faintly grow exited.

Analysing the chakra of the child directly he found a decent amount of chakra definitely something for a baby, one could even say he was up their with the gifted.

This didn't matter for chakra will grow with age what did however was the last thing he would check.

His ability to use chakra

Some could easily wield it casting jutsu like it's second nature and others who were less fortunate would be unable to do anything with it at all.

He had really high hopes for this baby even if he was suspicious because of minato and his farthers identity who cares about the past with enough talent all can be forgiven.

Dragging some of the babys chakra out he waited for it to be subconsciously sucked back into the boy and it started to he suddenly held it in place by force.

The goal of doing this was to see if the person could increase the pull on the chakra subconsciously thus meaning they could wield chakra if the pull stayed the same even after more resistance was added then they can not wield chakra.

The result

Pity he muttered this child will be unable to cast a single jutsu in his entire life no matter how firm his will may be.

Disappointing as it was he left with the baby with no intention to explain his actions to the ones fainted on the floor.

Meeting back up with the high class jonin ninja's he handed the sleeping baby to one of his aubu ordering him to arrange for the baby a brainwashed mother and small house with 24/7 survalince by atleast Chunin level ninja after konoha returns to normalcy.

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