

It has been 3 years since his birth, and it seems that Yami is not doing too well.

Unlike what he previously assumed, he and his family of three were revealed to have been living on the city of the fire capital. This place wasn't the Hidden Village, it was a place filled with civilians.

And thus, their Nara status held no power since they weren't in their home village. And also, its because of a particular reason why they weren't technically Nara.


"You Chakraless useless! You think that you can play with us with your feeble arms and legs? Hahahah dream on chakraless weakling!!"

The bully ruthlessly punched and threw Yami onto the sand-filled floor of the playground.

These wretched children!!!!!

He then swiftly came back up to fight back, but due to his sudden movements, his weak body couldn't keep up, and so he stumbled back down.


Seeing this display, the three bullies couldn't help but laugh.




Seeing his expression, the lead bully stopped laughing and became irritated.

He looked at all of them with disgust and bit his teeth in rage. Seething in absolute uncontrollable desire to rip these bullies to shred at the young age of three.

Since his birth, he has been diagnosed with the rarest condition in this shinobi world, the condition of having absolutely no chakra.

Heck even a civilian has a miniscule amount of chakra, even Rock Lee has it but he can't control it though. As for Yami, he was really irritated and disappointed that he couldn't even get the ultimate power of this world. For him, this world would only be like the boring previous world of his, and more difficult since there were people who have more powerful abilities than him.

But in the end, with his personality, he had already long accepted his condition, since for his mature mind, there was no point crying over spilled milk. For him, trying to change something he can change fares better than trying to cry over something you can't change.

But with his condition, situations like these was inevitable.

"You useless bug! How dare you-"

But seeing his eyes, those eyes devoid of emotions, although his face looked angry, his eyes held nothing.


To this, the lead bully felt threatened, and so he sucker punched Yami to sleep.





With a groan, Yami woke up to find that the bullies were already gone.

In the middle of the night, he was left all alone here within the playground.

"I should hurry back home before mom gets angry or a creep comes"

He then slowly got up and dusted off the dirt from his dark-colored clothes.

As a child, he was only wearing s black T-shirt and black pants. As for the shoes, he was wearing black slippers.

He didn't know why, but he liked the color black so much. Even though a lot of children his age normally avoided this color due to its ties with the word "scary" Or "dead", or even " Ghosts".

And that is also why they were bullying them. Some who always saw his weakly appearance coupled with his weird fashion-sense, combine that with his pale-skin, the children and even the adults around always saw him as a creepy and sickly kid.

Coupled that with his personality that absolutely fits with his aesthetic. His unfriendly demeanor, his anti-social behavior, everything about him screamed weird and creepy.

Walking in the dark sidewalks while the moon stands directly above him, shadows were rampant across the streets. Despite lamps illuminating some spots, there were still places where the darkness prevailed.

However, none of these nightly elements ever bothered him. In fact, since the first time he was allowed to come out of his house, he have always liked the dark. That is why he liked staying outside late many times. Although, this habit of his costed him his mother's scolding everytime.


Upon turning at the next street, Yami then heard a silent woosh right behind him.

Normally, none of these would've scared him. However, his intuition made him alert and feel that something was wrong.

Unlike the other days when it would just be the occasional wind blowing by, that noise wasn't natural.

And so, without turning around, he began running quickly.

He knew he had a chance since his house would only just be a sidewalk away from his position now, and so he made a break for it.

"Huff, Huff"

He ran and ran like a wild gazelle sprinting away from its lion predator. And eventually, he reached his house.

"Huff, Huff, Huff"

He huffed and puffed, breathless as he then hurriedly went for the front door.


Violently closing the front door, it created a loud banging sound all over the house.

Shit, mom would be motor angry at me now... Whatever, what's more important is what the heck was that?!

He wondered inwardly about everything that just happened as he enters the house further.

As he walked into the darkened house, he began forming questions.

Wait, I made quite a noise earlier right? Why hasn't anybody reacted to it?


He called out for Mina as he walks towards the open living room.

Light coming from the TV then invaded his eyes, turning it away from the darkness.

And there, he saw the back silhouettes of his parents sitting on the couch, watching TV.

And as he got closer and closer, the scent of something extremely metallic entered his nose.

And there, he saw the heads of his parents slowly sliding down from the bases of their necks.


Seeing this, Yami's unremorseful eyes had a second of a hint of emotions. But quickly, it settled down due to his weird mental condition.

And as he knelt down the ground, he could only look at the heads of his parents who have fallen off of their necks, without emotions.

"This.... This is... "

He muttered words that were unsure of what will become.

"They're..... Dead this early?"

He unremorsefully states as the darkness of the surroundings seemingly gets absorbed by his own shadows.

In all honesty, the moment he got reincarnated here, he'd have already expected a huge chance of his parents dying.

For him, this was just one of the inevitable laws of being in an anime with a tragedy tag, but he didn't expect it to be this early.

As he was speaking these cruel words right in front of his deceased parents, he felt a surge of power selling up from within him.

He didn't know why, but he felt the need to kill, he wasn't angry for their death, the reason was threat. He intuitively felt a huge threat right behind him.

And with his raw instincts and intuition, he suddenly willed the shadows that began rising up like tentacles, to quickly move in a random direction, striking a person that was hidden in the corner all this time.



The person, clad in black, grunted in immediate pain as his body plummeted onto the stone cold floor.


"Caught you, Rat"

After uttering the coldest words to the ninja, Yami fainted and dropped to the floor.

The ninja, bleeding from his chest, was looking at the fainted kid bloodshot in shock and fear.

"You monster-"

He utters his last words as he lost consciousness.

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