
원벳주소{리얼원벳.com 코드mk888} 원벳고객센터 SIXBET 놀이터사이트 토토사이트

Magical Realism
Contínuo · 199 Modos de exibição
  • 1 Chs
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What is 원벳주소{리얼원벳.com 코드mk888} 원벳고객센터 SIXBET 놀이터사이트 토토사이트

Leia o romance 원벳주소{리얼원벳.com 코드mk888} 원벳고객센터 SIXBET 놀이터사이트 토토사이트 escrito pelo autor DaoistHxxUiQ publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Billionaire Love Story(BLS)

Blake Coster One of the richest Billionare in America. He got the face, the money and fame. He always get what he wants and now he wants the heritage that his grandfather, he has to find a bride but love is his number one enemy, he hates it. Love ruins his family and he doesn't want it ruin him. Aaron Samuel He's a billionare that gets worship by women and hate by man. He never fails to make girls screaming for him , he never tried hard to get a girl. All he do is winked and smirked , they fall to his feet. Never get rejected. Sky Locason Billionare that never fail to make girls knee go weak. He has the charm that everyone envy. Hates everyone who tried to hurt his family and his closest friends. He never give someone mercy , he always ended up crushing them in the end. Alexander North A Billionare that loves changing girls like changing clothes , girls are begging for his love but no one ever gets it. There is no LOVE in his dictionary and he doesn't expect one. He thinks Love is stupid. Maximillion Cesantio A Billionare who likes to change girls like changing clothes. The playboy of the group , he only need to smile and girls fall to his feet begging for him. He always has so many girls around him but he always end up with one girl at the end Luke Hastington A Billionare that really loves work more than anything. Call him workaholic because he loves to sit on his office for hours without getting tired. He loves silent situation and only talk a lot among his friends. He was known as a cold man in the business world because his seriousness about work. Sebastian Cesborn A billionare that has a really cold heart. He never cares about people's feelings except his friends and his family. He doesn't like to have a relationship because he thinks girls want him just because he has money and fame. Chloe Regens A girl who loves fairytale and currently living in it. She's your typical ordinary girl. She's really kind and always think of people's feelings first before hers. She thought her prince will make her happy just like in every princess story but she's wrong.. it turns out her prince charming cheated on her with her bestfriend. That's when her Knight in Shining Armour come into the scene

beyondlocks · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
276 Chs


Bagi sebagian orang menjalin hubungan itu perlu mempertimbangkan usia dan juga seberapa dekat dengan seseorang itu. Tetapi sepertinya hal itu tidak berlaku bagi seorang Haidar Sastra Wiguna. Remaja yang masih duduk di bangku SMA itu tertarik kepada seseorang yang usianya terbilang cukup jauh darinya. Tidak hanya itu mereka juga dipertemukan disaat yang tidak terduga. Yaitu saat Arumi Nesya wanita dua puluh lima tahun yang baru bercerai dari suami yang ketiga. Banyak kesempatan yang mendukung pertemuan mereka hingga akhirnya Haidar jatuh cinta dengan pesona Arumi. Memantapkan hatinya untuk berjuang mendapatkan janda tiga kali itu yang ternyata tidaklah mudah. Selain dari usia mereka yang berbeda, Arumi sendiri adalah wanita mandiri yang berpenghasilan tinggi. Memimpin sebuah perusahaan dan kehadiran Haidar seperti tidak berarti apa-apa baginya. Tetapi Haidar tidak akan mudah menyerah, segala macam dia lakukan untuk mendapatkan cinta Arumi. Membela Arumi dari banyaknya gosip gosip murahan yang merendahkan statusnya. Dengan perlahan Arumi pun mulai luluh dengan perjuangan Haidar dan menerima cintanya. Melalui pasang surut hubungan mereka hingga akhirnya keduanya membangun hubungan rumah tangga. Tetapi nyatanya badai tidak berhenti sampai disana. Di tahun pertama pernikahan mereka, Arumi harus rela kehilangan buah hatinya yang masih di dalam kandungan. Belum sempat meraih bahagia Haidar kembali dihadapkan dengan kepergian Arumi. Separuh nyawanya bagaikan hilang melihat istri yang dia perjuangkan harus meninggalkan dunia. Merawat bayi mereka seorang diri dengan keadaan yang masih kuliah. Tanda tanya besar, akankah Haidar dapat melupakan Arumi dan melanjutkan hidupnya. Atau menyerah dengan menyandang status duda sepanjang hidupnya dan membesarkan putri mereka seorang diri?

viviana_yukata · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
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  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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