

Autor: 魔龙射手
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  • 94 Chs
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What is 雄霸诸天始于武侠世界

Leia o romance 雄霸诸天始于武侠世界 escrito pelo autor 魔龙射手 publicado no WebNovel. 我以为我只是一个商贾之子,可我无意间发现,我父亲的真名是叫左冷禅……我以为只要诛灭少林武当,踏平逍遥雨花台,就能坐稳武林至尊之位。可我又发现,这个世界居然有无双城……南麟剑首北饮狂刀都已为我所败,步惊云和聂风也已崭露头角,可为什么这个世界没有雄霸呢?直到有一天,一个名叫泥菩萨的人找上我,送我一句话:金鳞岂是池中物,一遇风云即化龙……武的尽头是道,道的尽头却是神魔,原来从一开始便注定了,我要走完这条...


我以为我只是一个商贾之子,可我无意间发现,我父亲的真名是叫左冷禅…… 我以为只要诛灭少林武当,踏平逍遥雨花台,就能坐稳武林至尊之位。可我又发现,这个世界居然有无双城…… 南麟剑首北饮狂刀都已为我所败,步惊云和聂风也已崭露头角,可为什么这个世界没有雄霸呢? 直到有一天,一个名叫泥菩萨的人找上我,送我一句话:金鳞岂是池中物,一遇风云即化龙…… 武的尽头是道,道的尽头却是神魔,原来从一开始便注定了,我要走完这条神魔道。 …… 这是一个无数世界融合穿梭的故事,主角系统加身有点强…… 主要世界:笑傲,倚天,神雕,射雕,天龙,风云…… 次要世界:绣春刀,龙门飞甲,龙门客栈,六指琴魔,小李飞刀,三少爷的剑,陆小凤传奇,覆雨翻云,破碎虚空……

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  这是一个关于追求胜利的故事。   ——“我唯胜利论。我只追求胜利,只要能够获胜,全攻全守还是防守反击我都不在乎。职业足球的终极目标是什么?在我看来,就是胜利,追求胜利的极致就是冠军。我是教练,不想丢掉工作,或者被人遗忘,只有一条路可走,就是带领球队取得一场场胜利,取得一个个冠军!”   主角并不讨人喜欢。   ——“……我们做了一次被托尼-唐恩教练认为非常无聊的调查。在街头随机采访中,选择‘我讨厌托尼-唐恩’的人占了百分之九十三,而选择‘这家伙还不错,我喜欢’的人仅有百分之七。值得注意的是没有人选择‘托尼-唐恩是谁?我不认识他’这一选项。马克,你知道为什么唐恩教练会认为我们的调查很无聊了吧?”《每日电讯报》的记者斯派克在接受BBC采访的时候哈哈大笑说。   但是也有人疯狂的热爱他。   ——在接受采访的时候,托尼-唐恩被迫谈到前段时间《每日电讯报》的那次街头采访,他的回答是:“我很高兴,在英格兰诺丁汉森林队的球迷占了百分之七。”   而他本人似乎并不在意人们怎么看他。   ——“你们想让我说什么?承认自己并不受人欢迎,走到哪儿都是嘘声和中指。你们以为我会害怕?错了!害怕的是你们,因为我能为我的球队和支持者带来胜利。我并不在乎有多少人讨厌我,恨不得杀死我,我也不会为了照顾失败者的心情而改变我自己。想要让自己心情变得好起来?很简单,来战胜我吧。”   他的爱情受人瞩目。   ——“我们的记者在托尼-唐恩教练的家门口拍到了这些照片,上面清楚的显示仙尼娅在晚上八点四十三分进入他的家,然后整晚都没有出来。但是托尼-唐恩教练坚决否认,并且坚称我们拍到的不过是他订购的最新款充气人偶。”   他是球队的头号明星。   ——“……成为全球著名服装品牌的代言人,拍广告,出入时尚界的颁奖典礼,代言电子游戏,拥有超级名模女友,广告收入超出工资收入的十七倍,在多家平面媒体拥有专栏,出自传(计划中),据说他甚至还在计划以自己的经历为蓝本拍励志电影!谁能告诉我他的经历有哪一点配得上‘励志’?等等……你们认为我在说大卫-贝克汉姆吗?大错特错!我说的是托尼-唐恩教练……”   他对中国足球很了解。   ——“……我听说了,博拉在你们国家队的热身赛前送了四本书给他们的教练朱先生。然后球队以1:3输给了一支美国大联盟的杂牌军。朱先生输球的新借口就是博拉赛前送‘输’。在这里我建议你们把那一本书找出来。哪一本?当然是导致你们进球的那本。然后告诉我书名,我会在你们每次比赛前送你们十本那样的书,这样你们不就能每次都10:0大胜对手了吗?”中国某著名体育报纸上的托尼-唐恩专栏摘录片断。   他让媒体又爱又恨。   ——“他在最少四家著名平面媒体上拥有专栏,每个星期写几百字的废话或者找个人来骂就能拿到不菲的稿费。而我们却要冥思苦想三易其稿才能让老板满意。他在自己的专栏文章里面骂所有媒体都是‘婊子养的’,宣布自己最痛恨的就是媒体。可每当他又出了什么新闻的时候,我们却像看见奶油的苍蝇一样蜂拥而上。为什么?因为读者喜欢看到他的新闻,看到他骂人。我敢和你们打赌,托尼·唐恩教练心里也很清楚,他嘴上讨厌我们,但是他知道如今的他离不开我们。同样,我们也离不开他。这究竟算好事还是坏事呢?”《诺丁汉晚邮报》记者皮尔斯-布鲁斯在谈及托尼-唐恩的时候一脸无奈。   但不管怎样,他的球员们是他最忠实的信徒。   ——加雷斯-贝尔:“不不,我们打客场从来没有压力。因为压力都在教练身上呢。只要看到他站在场边,我们就觉得这场比赛一定能赢。足球流氓在他面前温顺的就像绵羊!”(说到这里他哈哈大笑起来)   森林队的队长乔治-伍德回答的最干脆:“我们跟随他,因为他能给我们带来胜利。”   英格兰足球历史上最具个性,最成功,最富有争议性的教练托尼-唐恩的传奇经历!   这个夏天,隆重登场。   欢迎收看。   

林海听涛 · Esportes
Classificações insuficientes
1052 Chs

Lemon Grass and Sleep

She rests her head on my shoulder, her breath hot against my exposed collarbone, her lips so close to my skin. My arm is around her waist, rubbing small circles on her hip while my other hand smooths her hair. her free hand rests on the bottom of my rib cage, palm grazing my stomach through the thin fabric of my shirt. She begins trailing kisses along my skin. From my shoulder, up my neck, gradually making her way to my ear. I shiver, goosebumps covering my body, unable to remain still beneath the touch. her tongue flicks against my neck, and I let out a small groan at the contact. her lips brush my ear, her hot, heavy breath engulfing it and spreading across my cheek. her hair is now falling in my face. I turn my head towards her and close the distance, my lips meeting hers. It’s soft, slow and careful, but I move my hand up into her hair and she moans against my mouth, giving me the chance to deepen the kiss, and I take it. I beckon her to open her mouth further and she happily oblige, her hands tangled in my hair and roaming my stomach. her fingers graze my ribcage, taunting me. I grip her hip tighter and pull her over me, so she has to adjust her legs. She pulls back, now crouching over me. I start to sit up, but she pushes me back down, pulling at the sleeves of my shirt. I help her slide it over my head, leaving me in my skimpy tank top. She leans towards me, her breath tingling on my skin as she brings her head farther up my torso, until her face is right above mine. I reach my hands up and push at the small of her back, forcing her down and kissing her desperately. This time, I don’t even wait for her to give me a chance. I graze my thumb against her lips, and she understands immediately and does as I ask. her mouth is hot on mine, her lips soft and the kiss rough and needy. She pulls back again, but this time I follow her, pressing my body against hers as we sit up, my lips never leaving hers. This time I break the kiss, leaning down to trace her jaw with my lips. Cutting a line down her neck, trailing her collar bone, as her hands start to wander one slides up my back. My skin tingles at the contact as her fingers wander further and further. her other hand rests briefly on my waist before traveling down the length of my thigh, and settling itself right above my knee. My breath hitches in my throat as she smiles down at me. I snap my eyes open, forcing myself to clear my head as I take in my ceiling above me. Good. No bugs this time. I drag myself out of bed and pull my lead feet to the bathroom, getting ready to shower. I turn the water on, scorching hot, before I remember that it isn’t good for you - especially with my anxiety - and turn the temperature down to barely warm. I step in and let the warm water cascade over me, splashing across my face and soaking my hair. I close my eyes, and in seconds I see the most beautiful brunette girl in the middle of the road, walking away from me, and a car screeching around a sharp turn towards her. I jump forward, pushing her out of the way as the car slams into me, sending a shudder throughout my entire body. I shake my head and turn the water colder, attempting to distract myself from thoughts of her. She’s always on my mind, so I know it was a long shot, but I feel like I’m insane; like I’m obsessed with her in some terrible way. She’s one of my best friends! I shouldn’t be thinking about her like this. And yet…

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The Venom That Saves

“Who are you? A dormant were wolf or a human?” His voice broke as he spoke. His eyes were silently pleading, anxiously waiting for the answer. Deep down, he knew it already. Yet, his stubborn heart refused to concede. The silence that followed was enough to escalate the hurt he felt in his heart from a dull throb, to burning glaring pain. The bullet wound he received a year ago hurt less than what he felt at that moment. “Here you go. It’s time to end this forever. Let’s make it fun while it lasts.” He handed her a shiny golden revolver. One look and she knew, neither could survive a shot between the eyes. There was only one bullet in the gun. Her hands shook as she tried to let go, as though it burnt at her skin. Kai didn’t let her. He won’t have any of it. This was his surrender. His eyes spoke words that his lips couldn’t. They were raw with emotions both familiar and foreign to her. Her own silver eyes filled with tears as she tried not to cry. “I choose to die by your hands. You are the only one with the right to take my life. Let’s begin!” He didn’t wait for her to process his words before helping her place the gun between his eyes, which never wavered from hers. Click! Click! Click! “Noooooooo!” She screamed as she dropped the gun. ************************************************************* DISCLAIMER!! Note that the chapters are not edited as of yet. However, they have very little grammatical errors here and there Nothing major. Please show some love and support for this new piece. I hope you will enjoy reading it. Additionally, don't forget to leave an honest review behind. It helps with the rating. Criticism are welcome, if and only if, they are meant in good faith. please, avoid being extreme and harsh in your corrections. I am only human after all. Don't forget to leave your comments, votes and gifts if you can. Thanks. Enjoy Join my Discord if you wish to interact with me and discuss the characters. https://discord.gg/jJeBuJN8 If you like my writing, you can always buy me coffee. It would be appreciated. https://ko-fi.com/kittenbunny

235 Chs
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Volume 1
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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
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  • Antecedentes do mundo


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