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MercuryDrone · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

History Of Aracadia

Chapter 3: History of Arcadia

Ever since Noel was reincarnated in this fantasy world, he hoped for nothing less than gaining the ability to use magic. However, a week after his birth, he was taken to a ceremony that involved a magic circle and seven stones, each representing a different elemental affinity: fire, water, earth, wind, dark, light, and null.

If any of the stones lit up, the person had an affinity for that particular element and could use magic. But if none of the stones lit up, it meant that the person had no magical abilities whatsoever.

Initially, Noel thought that his parents were part of some cult, but he soon learned that the ritual was a common practice in this world. It sealed his fate as a powerless human, which left him devastated.

For four years, Noel spent every waking moment trying to find a way to wield magic. Even though he was unable to use magic, he was determined to keep searching for a way.

During those four years, Noel learned how to read and write. He spent countless hours poring over books, trying to find something that would be useful in his research. By the time he was four years old, he had become even more obsessed with finding a way to wield magic after witnessing Nora awaken her powers.

Noel knew that in this magical world, the ability to use magic was everything. He considered himself lucky to have been born into such a friendly family. However, as he grew older, he began to hear whispers from the servants comparing him to his sister Nora, which was said to have lit up all four basic elements.

Noel understood that as he continued to grow, the comparisons and judgment would only get worse. He knew that even with his family's protection, he was still vulnerable to ridicule and discrimination from those who saw him as inferior. This fear was rooted in his past experiences of being bullied and abused in his earlier years.

He confided in his parents about the bullying, but they were powerless to stop it. The bully's father was his own father's boss, and one word from him could instantly change their entire lives.

No matter how hard he tried to fight back, the bullying only got worse, and he eventually learned that sometimes there was nothing his parents could do to protect him.

The fear of being powerless haunted him, and he knew that without power, he would never truly be able to protect himself. He couldn't bear the thought of being helpless again, which is why he was so desperate to gain strength.

He was willing to do whatever it took, even if it meant making a deal with a demon. The thought of selling his soul to gain strength didn't even faze him.


Two weeks have passed since Nora's awakening.

I spent my entire time in my room, skimming through the history of the kingdom, hoping to find some clue that would lead me to acquire overpowered weapons or encounter lucky opportunities like those experienced by MC protagonists.

"Lucky bastards," I said while flipping through the pages of the book.

The Kingdom of Arcadia is the most well-known country known for its magic. The kingdom was originally built to be a shelter for mages that have nowhere to belong to. That was it until this person called Alison Cadiuex, united the mages together and established order in this lawless land making it a sanctuary for mages.

In just a few decades it found itself a country able to rival its neighbor The Great Kaizen Empire. The Empire had a rich and strong history, dating even back to ancient times. It took the whole human domain by surprise as its rise was unprecedented and no one noticed it until it was already too late. The Empire was not pleased with the rise of a potential powerhouse in its backyard.

In the year 696 of the Imperial Calendar on the day of harvest, the Empire launch a surprise attack on the Kingdom of Arcadia, starting the long and bloody Arcadian War. The war lasted for fifteen years, and it was one of the most brutal wars in the history of the human domain.

Despite being outnumbered and outmatched in terms of resources, the Kingdom of Arcadia managed to hold its ground and defend its people. It was during this time that Alison Cadiuex became known as the "Savior of Arcadia" for leading her people through the war and protecting the kingdom from the empire's invasion.

After fifteen long years of fighting, the war finally ended with the signing of the Treaty of Arcadia, which recognized the Kingdom of Arcadia as a sovereign state and granted it autonomy. This was a huge victory for the kingdom and its people, as they were able to preserve their independence and continue their way of life.

The war's end marked the beginning of a golden age for the Kingdom of Arcadia. With the majority of the population being mages, it became the largest producer of magi stones, enchanted weapons, potions, and other magical goods. The economy thrived, and the kingdom's power grew exponentially.

As the kingdom's influence expanded, so did its culture. Arcadia became known for its music, art, and architecture. The city of Cadiuex, named after Alison, became the hub of the magical world, attracting mages from all over the human domain.

As I was immersing myself with the history, my stomach suddenly growled, reminding me that I hadn't eaten anything all day. I sighed, realizing that my hunger couldn't be ignored any longer. I stood up and made my way to get some food.

I heard a noise next to my room; I looked in the direction of where it came from. I saw Nora coming out of her room. Our eyes met but I quickly made my way through the hallways.

Ever since her awakening, I can't seem to face Nora, I felt a strange mix of jealousy and admiration towards my sister. While I was stuck in my room, desperately searching for a way to gain power, she is practicing magic and was already good enough to make normal mages a good run for their money.

But at the same time, I couldn't help but feel resentful toward her. Why did she have to be the one with such incredible power? Why couldn't it have been me? I'm the one who had a hard life here, at least give me a damn cheat code.

As I made my way to the dining hall, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps behind me. I turned around to see Nora approaching me.

"Hey, Noel," she said with a smile.

I forced a smile back, trying to hide my true feelings. "Hey, Nora. How's your training going?"

"It's going great! I'm learning so much," she replied enthusiastically.

I nodded, trying to feign interest. "That's good to hear. I'm sure you'll become an amazing mage."

Nora's smile faltered for a moment, and I felt a pang of guilt. I knew that my jealousy towards her was unfair, and it wasn't her fault that she had been born with such incredible power.

As we entered the dining hall and sat down to eat, I made a decision. I would try to overcome my jealousy and be happy for Nora's success. After all, we were family, and I didn't want to let something as petty as envy comes between us.