

Autor: 生拾
Contínuo · 24.3K Modos de exibição
  • 153 Chs
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What is 柠檬树下一个我

Leia o romance 柠檬树下一个我 escrito pelo autor 生拾 publicado no WebNovel. 一个关于互相救赎的故事,剧情伏笔多,坑慢慢填,更新较慢,勿催~小剧场:在事情平息的多年后,傅朝辞捧着个有些生锈的铁盒子,让简柠打开。简柠还有些疑惑,接过盒子晃了晃,里面叮叮当当乱响,也不知道是什么。她费了点力气打开了盖子,里面杂乱无序地摆放着七枚奖牌,金灿灿的表面刻着不同的日期,但获奖的名字永远只有一个,church。傅朝辞看着她怔愣的表情,眼底的笑意藏不住:“柠柠,你见过光吗?”从极致的黑暗中照...


一个关于互相救赎的故事,剧情伏笔多,坑慢慢填,更新较慢,勿催~ 小剧场: 在事情平息的多年后,傅朝辞捧着个有些生锈的铁盒子,让简柠打开。 简柠还有些疑惑,接过盒子晃了晃,里面叮叮当当乱响,也不知道是什么。 她费了点力气打开了盖子,里面杂乱无序地摆放着七枚奖牌,金灿灿的表面刻着不同的日期,但获奖的名字永远只有一个,church。 傅朝辞看着她怔愣的表情,眼底的笑意藏不住:“柠柠,你见过光吗?” 从极致的黑暗中照进来的光。 简柠有些迷茫,不知道他在说什么。 “曾经,我以为我这残破不堪的一辈子就该在永恒的痛苦与黑暗中度过了。”傅朝辞坐在她身旁,搂过她,深邃的眸子满是信仰,“直到遇见了你,你是我无数次祈祷,用所有的汗与血,挣扎着穿过荆棘,也不想放弃的光。” “是你,简柠。”

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The Scion's Jack of all Trades Wife

They first met on a train. She just came out from retirement of being a hermit while he was traveling incognito. He was reading a book when she interrupted his concentration. “Do you want to know how fast I read?” The man looked up, his charcoal eyes peered at her, an eyebrow was raised. How shameless can she be? But whatever, she needed to read that book. “I can finish it in thirty minutes.” “So do I. If you stop talking to me,” the man once again buried his head on the book. “I can give you a very detailed book review?” The man continued reading, treating her like an air. She pursed her lips, thinking how she can convince the man. “Giving up so soon? I thought you want to read this book?” The man threw her a glance, raising the book in front of her face, tempting her. “Okay. What do you want?” She braced herself for his outrageous answer. “Oh, it’s nothing. I’m sure you can give it to me.” She squared her shoulders, indicating him to proceed with his request. “Just a kiss,” the man said, his charcoal eyes became darker. She almost fell from her seat when she heard the man’s request. She looked at the man’s lips unconsciously then back to the book. For the first time in history, Li Nuxie wanted both. ================= This is an original story. I just changed the cover which is from Canva. I hope you like it. :) Thanks. By the way, I'm an amateur writer and English is not my first language so please pardon my grammar.

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84 Chs


dalawampong taon na ang nakalipas mula sa pagkasunog ng isa sa mga hospital ng del valle sa yumin kung saan may isinilang na dalawang sanggol sa araw na iyun.At dahil dun ay nagkapalitnng sanggol ang dalawang magkaibang mundi na mag dulot ng malaking problema sa dalawang pamilya.Lumaki sa magkaibang mundo at magkaibang personalidad bagkusnay parehong matalino at napakagandang dalaga.Si Sierra ay matapang na haharapin ang pagsubok sa buhay isang mahirap ngunit may angking kakahayan at talino na nagbibigay ng magandang imahe sa kanilang unibersidad subalit mababa parin ang tingin sa kanyanng lahat dahil hindi sa ganda at abilidad masusukat ang pagiging dyosa kundi pera at kapangyarihan kya hindu nakapagtataka na lagi syang minamaliit at binabasura ng kapwanng magaaral.Lumaki sa isang mahirap na pamilya at naninirahan bilang isang simpleng tao na may busilak na puso at angking kagandahan na mala dyosa.Si wendy del valle ay isang top student sa unibersidad ngunit hindi nakakalamang kay Sierra kaya labis nalamang nya itung kinasusuklaman syanay isang maganda ngunit sakim at maitim ang kanyang buthi hindi nababagay sa angkin nyang ganda.Hanggang sa magkakilalang muli ang dalawang minsan ng nagtagpo at pinagbuklod ay muling pagtatagpuin ng tadhana na magdudulot ng malaking problema sa kanilamg buhay.Gagawin lahat ng sakim na babae upang masira ang babaeng tunay na minahal wawasakin ang kinabukasan pero hindi papatinag at lalaban para sa kanilang pagmamahalan.Pero darating ang panahon na mabubunyag ang katotohan ng kataohan na syang magbabago ng kapalaran ng dalawang magkaibang mundo.Abangan!

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六界独尊的天道石被同一个人连续打回原形两次,事不过三哈!本想着第三次化形之后,她要养精蓄锐去给自己报仇,奈何她失忆了!而且还和仇人在一起了!恢复记忆后,她做的第一件事就是离婚!离婚! 文案一 在一次朋友的生日宴会上,钢铁伪直女复万枝被伪高岭之花太子爷暮帆迟紧紧的抱在怀里,众目睽睽之下,伪高岭之花委屈的控诉道,“送了我花,我就是你的人了,难道我就这么不能带出来吗?”场面瞬间崩塌了下来。 文案二 有一次伪高岭之花被问道,你们素不相识,为什么不可以一见倾心,二见终身不离? 伪高岭之花浅浅的笑了一下,他轻松自然的说道,“见到她的那一刻,我觉得我终于找到了我许久未解开的谜题了,因为她就是我的谜底。” 钢铁伪直女煞风景嫌弃道,“算了吧,做你的谜底,真是倒了八辈子的霉了。” 文案三 记忆回来之后的钢铁伪直女,她十分的恼羞成怒的询问揪着她脸捏的高岭之花,“为什么你杀了我两次,我还和你在一起了!离婚!离婚!这日子没法过了,我居然和仇人在一起了那么久!!!” 如果没有酸甜苦辣的生活,也许就不会有今天的甜言蜜语。 钢铁傲娇伪直女vs腹黑伪高岭之花 敲黑板【现代玄幻,强,宠,甜,爽,爆笑】 佛系码字,佛系作者

姬如画 · Geral
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73 Chs


Are You Bored(Like me) of Those Shitty Novels Where MC is only horny and where villains are stupid and with no plot ... If so Read this novel where you are gonna find A little wise, a little fool mc, heavy romance(*wink*,*wink* You Got It), and a fantasy world where you are going to get lost. (hahaha) Though I must inform you that sometimes you may find bad grammar please ignore it cause your bro is not so fluent in English but I will do my best not to make mistakes FREQUENTLY(lol) .... now let's talk about the real deal... Fei Hong was an ordinary disciple of a sect. He was a 13-year-old boy looking very frail but at the same time very handsome. Boys use to bully him because of his frail structure no but because he was more handsome than them. Fei Hong had a special identity in the sect. He was the son of the sect master. Except for the few bullies for Fie Hong, everything was fine. However, Fate had something else for him. One day, while cultivating suddenly he felt a huge pain and passed out. When he woke up he found some changes in his body and a few hazy memories. From then on The handsome-looking frail boy's life changed. Watch how the mysteries unfold behind the hazy memories and Fei Hong journeys to his path to the peak. Important NOTICE:- This novel may or may not contain INCEST depending on the demand of viewers and readers so if you want incest please inform me by commenting and if you don't want then also please comment and inform me so that I can move the plot accordingly.

NoName2021 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs
Latest Update
Volume 1
Volume 2


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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
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  • Antecedentes do mundo


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