

Autor: 有酸菜没有鱼
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  • 319 Chs
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What is 想废后有点难

Leia o romance 想废后有点难 escrito pelo autor 有酸菜没有鱼 publicado no WebNovel. 【正经文案】温厚谦和,是他,为帝位,他迎娶乖巧懂事的她,只因得到国师支持心狠手辣,是他,为皇权,他不择手段除掉劲敌,所谓皇家无须亲情看似略懂医术的平凡之女,却也有超凡武艺,更有神秘身世看似贤妻温婉体贴,却也能倔强如驴,扯后腿本事独此一家本以为登上帝位便可安稳无忧的三皇子李穆,不必再演孝子贤婿,更可废后另娶未料,比起与皇后的明争暗斗,夺权之路只算小场面素妍自云雾山长大,只懂读医习武,不知人情冷暖,不...


【正经文案】 温厚谦和,是他,为帝位,他迎娶乖巧懂事的她,只因得到国师支持 心狠手辣,是他,为皇权,他不择手段除掉劲敌,所谓皇家无须亲情 看似略懂医术的平凡之女,却也有超凡武艺,更有神秘身世 看似贤妻温婉体贴,却也能倔强如驴,扯后腿本事独此一家 本以为登上帝位便可安稳无忧的三皇子李穆,不必再演孝子贤婿,更可废后另娶 未料,比起与皇后的明争暗斗,夺权之路只算小场面 素妍自云雾山长大,只懂读医习武,不知人情冷暖,不在意得失,更无所谓嫁娶 应师父所愿,隐于后院相夫教子,奈何世事难料,注定要以武服人 本以为嫁了个乖巧懂事的夫君,省心省事 未料这皇子披了羊皮要吃肉,更是胆大包天想过河拆桥,看来,有些规矩要教一教咯 【作者有话说】 不要以为这是一篇权谋宫斗文,其实只是一篇言情 不要以为这是一篇男主酷炫逛拽,其实女主才是武力值爆表的存在 【新手上路,望多谅解】

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Mia, I don't want to go for party what I will do there I don't know anybody they are your and Gavy's friend Sharry don't make excuse you need to come with enjoy yourself always reading novels will not get you friends Mia I understand what you saying I also want to have fun but these parties make me more shallow Ok you come with us and if you not feel good you can always come back home I promise I will not force you  Are we ok with this Hmmm but I don't have anything to wear and look at my hair always clumsy Sharry don't worry I Will fix it every thing today I have a feeling you will meet someone nice Ohhh pls Mia not again there is no prince charming and there's no happy ending atleast from where I stand You always being negative how you can say you can't get happy ending my sister can get anything and look at yourself even though you faced so many things in life you are still strongly standing on your foot noone can say anything against  my sister Oh Mia love you so much you are the one who gave me confident otherwise I would have ended somewhere else Ok enough of these talks let's get ready for party today let's have fun and I promise with me and Gavy you will not get bored Ok ok let's get ready but warn you tomorrow I have meeting in office so I don't want to be late and no too much drinking Fine miss professional now let's get ready Mia this dress have deep neck and it's small I can't wear this Just try once for me I am sure you will like it Pls pls pls Ok fine you always make me do whatever u want Haha that's what the benefit of being younger sis Yes my sweet little sis How I am looking??? Ohhh superb let me do your make up and hair than you will look dazzling Don't you think it's bit overdo Cmon sis it's not too much it's you thinking too much Gavy: sharry! Wow you looking nice looking different.  I...I mean beautiful ( his mouth was open and look was totally mesmerised like he seen her first time) Sharry: Gavy don't lie I know it's not me I am looking awful Mia: Sharry don't do this I know my sis is beautiful and you need to change your dressing style some days after all it's grand party you can meet so many people Gavy: ok if you girls are ready shall we leave otherwise it will be long queue and we will not get proper parking Ohk let's go!!!! AT PARTY PARKING LOT Mia it's Vivanta Taj whose party is this I don't think I should come with you there might be too many people over there and might due to my clumsiness I do something awful I don't want to embarrass you both I will take taxi and leave Sherry are you so party pooper trust me nothing will happen just come out of car now we are getting late Gavy: sharry don't worry we are there just take a long breath and come. you being too nervous I know after such a long time you attending a party like this is making you feel like this .... After taking a long breath sharry finally come out of car and accompany them Now what going to happen in party does sharry will meet someone or whether she will do something to embarrass all or might once she put her guard down and enjoy a little What you think!!!!

sharoline · Realista
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2 Chs
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Volume 2


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