

KimBarbie · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Claws Of Obsession

*PAH* "What nonsense are you saying?" Nuel asked in range as his bodyguards shivered in extreme fear.

"Sir! i am sorry! The girl escaped through the fence,we were right behind her but all of a sudden she disappeared,we could not find her" The head of the bodyguard said as his face burned red from the impact of the slap he was given.

"You are saying trash! telling me that a weak girl escaped from the all of you is pure trash, how can you stand before me and tell me that with no atom of shame? I do not care how you do it,but i need that girl tonight or i will feed you to my dogs" Nuel said and walked out of the house. The bodyguards looked at themselves then back to their boss who signaled them to leave,when they all left he touched his face where he was slapped and clenched his fist.


"Father!" Nuel said as he stepped into Mr Qin's house,he saw his father sitting on his favorite golden chair and walked to him, "Father" he said again and stood beside him.

"What is it son?" Mr Qin said as he raised his head to meet his son's gaze,he frowned the moment he saw the angry look on his face.

"Father that girl is missing!" Nuel said to the surprise of Mr Qin.

"How?! What where the securities doing that they could not do their job properly?" Mr Qin asked as he closed the files he was going through.

"I do not know. I have asked them to search for her,i do not Simply care how they will do it but i need her this night".

"Son,i understand you! but there are more pretty and good girls out their. Make a choice and forget about that dirty rag,no man would want her again so why searching for her?! why do you need her back?" Me Qin sighed as he didn't understand why his son would want to go back to his vomit. He has never asked for a girl he had used counteless times,so why now?! he just didn't understand his son at all.

"Father i haven't gotten enough of her yet,i still need her!" Nuel said with a serious face. "Father you quiet???? Fine call your chief and ask him,he might have a hand in it,after all he is her Father".

Mr Qin sighed again,he was lost for words! His son was just like him....stubborn to the core,once he makes a decision. Nothing at all can change his mind. He took out his phone to call his chief who is Ariene's Father! not anymore though.

"Mr Qin" Mr Gustavo's voice was heard from the other end of the line.

"Where are you?" Mr Qin asked

"At home sir. What can i do for you?" Mr Gustavo asked.

"Nothing! Where is your daughter? you must be hiding her right?"

"Mr Qin! I do not understand you! as long as i am concerned,i do not have a daughter! I gave her to your son,you can do to her anything you wish! It's none of my business.....is there anything else?

Mr Qin upon hearing what Mr Gustavo said threw a surprise look at his son who shook his head. " There is nothing else for now!" he said and the call was abruptly ended.

"Father isn't he been heartless?" Nuel couldn't help but ask.

"Sure he is....and selfish as well! If he knew what he's daughter did in order for him to be set free,he would not have had the guts to say all this! what a stupid man....men like him are great tools for us! Hahahhahah" Me Qin said and began to laugh while Nuel grinned as well.


"Hey Nuel...your face looks so ugly when you squeeze your face,The heck is wrong with you? don't tell me you are on your heat period? besides it's past midnight already" A guy asked as he saw Nuel approaching his pub with a frown on the face.

"it's nothing man! i want some alcohols, let's go in" Nuel said as he dragged the guy. The two went in and walked to the Vip section and sat down on the couch. The guy seeing how moody his friend was knew something was not right, he stood up! walked to the bar section and brought a bottle of alcohol and two glasses,he came back to his seat and sat down....opening the bottle of alcohol, he poured for Nuel and then he's.

"Here take this man! It would help you cool down" The guy said while offering the glass of alcohol to his friend.

"Thanks!" Nuel said and gulped down the alcohol in one go. The guy gasped at his friend,the alcohol he gave him was spirytus Vodka! a 96 percentage alcohol! And his friend drank it in one go?! who the hell would do that?!

"Nuel are you really not on your heat period?" The guy asked again and he got a slap on his laps as the response,"Ouch man! that fuckin hurts" he said as he rubbed his laps.

"Miguel...you really won't understand even if I tell you!" Nuel said as he stared at his friend.

"What....do tell me first!" Miguel said while pouring the second glass of vodka for him.

"There's this girl i have been using for two years now,but suddenly she escaped earlier this night."

"uhmmm! Two years?????!" Miguel exclaimed and Nuel nodded. "But how come?" he asked in surprise..

"I certainly do not know!" Nuel said sipping his drink.

"Hmm then simply find someone else!"

"That's the problem!"

"How is that a problem?" Miguel asked confused,when did looking for another woman or girl become a problem for Nuel?!

"I can't find another woman... i need that girl! Ever since i had sex with her for the first time,i couldn't control myself anymore. I do not feel for another woman what i feel for her,and i can't stay a day without having sex with her!" Nuel said and gulped down his drink again. Miguel stared at his friend motionlessly,until he was slapped again.

"Ouch!! what was that for again?" he asked frowning his face.

"You not saying anything! i am clueless of what to do,i need your advice here not your silence" Nuel complained.

"I do not know what to say! perhaps you are already obsessed with her?" Miguel said and Nuel abruptly turned to face him.

"How can you say such?!"

"What else do you expect me to say?? okay fine! let me go bring Sunny for you,she can help you tonight,what do you say?"his friend asked.

"I don't know....i am not interested so don't bother me!" Nuel shook his head and said.

"Oh cut the crap! The heck are you saying? i am trying to help you here and you saying rubbish!" Miguel chided his friend.

"Fine! Whatever....do what you want" Nuel sighed and said, he knew his friend would stop at nothing till he gets what he wants. Miguel smirked and stood up.....later he came back with a sexy curved lady. The lady walked to where Nuel sat and took the empty space beside him,he was already drunk and wasn't able to do anything,he just laid on the couch like a dead man. She began to undo his buttons and when it was done,she started caressing him on his bare chest,Nuel moaned at the feeling,and the lady smiled and stood up to sit on his laps while facing him,she brought her lips close to his and when she was about to kiss him,he suddenly pushed her away and she fell with a thud. Embarrassingly she got up angrily and ran out of there,Miguel who saw everything happen was at total lost! he stared at his friend for a while until he Came back to his senses.

"Nuel! what was that for?" he asked.

"What was what for?" Nuel asked back nonchalantly.

"Why did you push her away?" his friend asked as he seemed to be upset.

"Because i hate her! i need that girl, Ariene! i need her,she's the only one i need right now...do not bring any other slattern for me again, i do not want any of them". Nuel said and fell on the couch.

"Your obsessed with the girl already! i do not like how you pushed sunny away! She's my worker!"


"But how do we find the girl then?....it won't be that easy though and you know it"


"Nuel! Nuel!...what is wrong with you?" Miguel called and stood up from his seat, he approached Nuel and tapped him several times but he wouldn't budge! " Huh? he's asleep already?!" he said and sighed,he went back to his own seat and took his drink,gulping it down as he watched his sleeping friend.

hope you guys love my book? cheer me up please (╥_╥)

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