

Autor: 胖子骑肥牛
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  • 562 Chs
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What is 史上最强导演

Leia o romance 史上最强导演 escrito pelo autor 胖子骑肥牛 publicado no WebNovel. “韩导又出新电影了?,那必须得看啊,不然我就和时代脱节了”——一位普通的观众。“今年的奥斯卡已经颁给韩秋导演了,不过我们现在已经在定制明年的奥斯卡最佳导演的奖杯了,名字嘛,还是刻韩秋的。”——奥斯卡。“是他丰富了人民的文化生活,是他弘扬了华夏博大精深的文化,是他让我们的精神得以升华,感谢他,感谢韩秋导演。”——人民日报。“他是史上最强的导演,前无古人,后无来者!”——时代周刊。(PS:这是一部纯粹...


“韩导又出新电影了?,那必须得看啊,不然我就和时代脱节了”——一位普通的观众。 “今年的奥斯卡已经颁给韩秋导演了,不过我们现在已经在定制明年的奥斯卡最佳导演的奖杯了,名字嘛,还是刻韩秋的。”——奥斯卡。 “是他丰富了人民的文化生活,是他弘扬了华夏博大精深的文化,是他让我们的精神得以升华,感谢他,感谢韩秋导演。”——人民日报。 “他是史上最强的导演,前无古人,后无来者!”——时代周刊。 (PS:这是一部纯粹的导演文,作者只想给大家一个影视天堂。) (新书已发布,《娱乐大忽悠》,求一波支持!)

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Leading to shadows / Lord of universe

[WARNING] Dear reader, I hope this novel finds you well. I am excited to present to you my first novel, which I have written as part of my English practice. I would like to kindly ask for your help in ensuring that it is free of any grammatical or spelling errors. Please feel free to point out any mistakes you may come across, and I will make the necessary edits. Thank you for your support and understanding. [SYNOPSIS] The Great Unholy War has brought forth unimaginable bloodshed and terror for five long years. Even the gods themselves dare not enter the battlefield. But there is one mortal who can stand against them all. You, dare mortal, have attempted to challenge the gods, but you are merely a pawn in this war. Your only escape is to flee when Blackstone, a broken god, urges you to do so. However, Leon, the protagonist, has grown tired of running away from his fate. He vows to end the war and take down every single god who believes themselves to be superior. The god of darkness, Erebus, tries to warn Leon to run, but before he can finish, he is killed by Odin, the King of Asgard. Leon uses his incredible swordsmanship, known as null swordsmanship, to defeat Odin and half of the army. But the war is far from over. Leon remains the target of those who seek to capture him and avoid the wrath of their master. He is the Holy Son, a warrior who fights for his own will and beliefs. The world of Era is under attack from an unknown species known as mutants. The Holy Saints, who fought to protect their own planet, have sacrificed themselves to create a barrier around half of the earth. The mutants can no longer penetrate this barrier, but the question remains: do the gods know if they are inside or not? This novel is filled with epic storylines, dragons, and numerous gods. I will be uploading two chapters every week, and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. Thank you for your time and support. [ Disclaimer ] the cover art doesn't belongs to me from 1 to 15 chapters , there is a fast pace

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宋欢和林嘉愿分手三年后,意外重逢,重逢后的两人虽然心怀对方,但是都不愿提起往事,更不愿意拉下面子说一句求和的话。 而重逢的两人各有各的烦恼,宋欢的现任男友劈腿女秘书,宋欢不痛不痒向现任男友提出分手。 宋欢和林嘉愿多次在医院相遇,闹出了许多麻烦,矛盾多次升级。 林嘉愿:我们之间不是一个爱字就能说清楚的! 宋欢:我知道我还是爱着他的,但是我们没办法不去提起往事,因为是过不去的坎! ………… 两人又失去联系,朋友们听说两人之间的故事,却有心无力。 一年后,林嘉愿父母着急抱孙子,作闹让林嘉愿相亲结婚。林嘉愿最终向父母妥协,多次相亲没有结果。 偶有一次,遇见以前的朋友与宋欢在一起。又再一次心动,这次朋友们倾力帮忙,制造两人相处机会:在朋友聚会中,宋欢意外醉酒,两人终于解开了多年的误会。 林嘉愿:原来我们都以为自己爱对方,胜过爱自己。其实,这只不过是自私的借口罢了! 宋欢:原来我们都曾为了对方着想,而伤害对方! ………… 此后,林嘉愿洁身自好,并且霸气官宣,打发了宋欢身边所有对其蠢蠢欲动的烂桃花。 林嘉愿:此后,你永远都是我的最佳首选! 宋欢:此后,我永远爱你如初,待你以诚!

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Rainbow Dragon For My Pain

Dee-han(Author) ingin mendengar tangisan para Fujoshi diluar sana~~ Mwahahahahahahahhaaaaa!! ~~ ____ "Apapun!! Kumohon!!" Naga brengsek itu malah tersenyum sinis.. "Hoo?" Siluman itu menatap kami dengan tatapan yang angkuh, "Sebeharga itu Dia untuk mu?" Aku mencengkram pakaian Ragfael, "Ja..Jangan....." Ragfael yang sedikit tertarik kebelakang, menoleh ke arah ku lalu baru mendekat, "Kakak.. Dengarkan aku.. Aku sangat menyayangi mu dan kau tahu itu bukan kak?" Aku yang masih menahan sakit, menatap nya seolah bilang, 'Aku tidak percaya si brengsek gila emas itu.' Ragfael yang seperti nya mengerti tatapan ku, ia menarik nafas dalam kemudian mendekat ke telinga ku, "Aku tahu Kakak khawatir.." bisik nya lembut, "Tapi kadal Pelangi kurang harta itu ada benarnya juga ka.. Tapi kita tidak bisa mempercayai semua ucapan nya.. Apalagi dengan tawaran tidak masuk akal nya." "HEI!!" teriak si Siluman yang Baru saja adik ku bisikkan. "Aku tidak tuli ya!!" "Eehh?? Begitukah?" jawab adik ku yang entah kenapa setelah bertemu dengan Naga tujuan kami ini..tingkat percaya diri nya naik sangat tinggi sekali dan seperti nya ia benci sekali dengan Naga itu. Entah siapa nama nya. Aku lupa...- "Ini bukan urusan mu! Ini urusan ku dengan Kakak ku!!" tambah Ragfael. Si Naga malah melompat ke hadapan adik ku lalu berdiri membayangi nya. Menandakan dominasi nya. Seperti nya.. Negosiasi kesembuhan kutukan jantung ku akan JAUH lebih sulit Dari kelihatan nya.... # P.S: Cover asli masih dalam proses pengerjaan... Jadi mohon maaf dan kiranya untuk persabar..

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Volume 0 :作品相关
Volume 1
Volume 2


  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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