

Autor: 跳舞
Concluído · 43.3K Modos de exibição
  • 346 Chs
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What is 变脸武士

Leia o romance 变脸武士 escrito pelo autor 跳舞 publicado no WebNovel.   一个小人物的成长传奇故事……有东方术法的妖异,有魔法世界的奇幻,有金戈铁马的悲壮,有荡气回肠的真情,有捧腹大笑的恶搞……  【跳舞出品,必属精品!】  【目前本人在起点已经全本的作品:《欲望中的城市》,《嬉皮笑脸》】...


  一个小人物的成长传奇故事……有东方术法的妖异,有魔法世界的奇幻,有金戈铁马的悲壮,有荡气回肠的真情,有捧腹大笑的恶搞……   【跳舞出品,必属精品!】   【目前本人在起点已经全本的作品:《欲望中的城市》,《嬉皮笑脸》】

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Addicted to your taste

“You know it’s better off this way.” “No. I don’t care what you are. I want you, and no one else.” “Please, Graham. We cannot be together anymore. Don’t make this more difficult than it has to be.” “You are making it difficult. I’ve told you time and time again that I don’t care about the dangers of being with you.” “That’s because you still don’t understand what I’m capable of”, the red-haired man says with gritted teeth, his patience running out fast. “You haven’t hurt me yet, and I don’t think you can.” Aiden scoffs. “I shouldn’t have come here.” “But you are here, and we can try to make this work.” The vampire can feel how he starts losing track of the heartbeat that kept him at ease. Thus, he decides it’s better to flee before his instinct takes over his consciousness. Graham’s hurtful gaze triggers hesitation, nonetheless. Aiden is aware that the only way he can carry on with his life is to stay away. And he soon figures out that there’s no better way to keep your distance than being dead. “This won’t work. Do you want to know why?” Millers asks with spite as the color of his irises intensifies. Instead of being afraid by the change in his voice, Larson seems to be in a trance. “Why?” He asks almost unconsciously, letting Aiden’s voice hypnotize him entirely. “Because I don't belong to your world anymore.” --------- Graham Larson is the successful heir of one of the biggest companies in the country. He has never found true love until one drunken night he meets the chef Aiden Millers. Ever since the moment their eyes meet, a sparkle ignites inside them. And when they first kiss, Graham becomes addicted to the taste of Aiden's soft lips. Unfortunately for them, there are more than just one obstacle in their relationship. Graham's parents want him to marry a successful entrepeneur for the sake of the company. On top of that, Aiden has a very dark secret that could put everyone involved in danger: he is a vampire killer. When Graham is forced to either leave the family company or forget about his forbidden relationship, will their love be strong enough to keep them together? Or will Larson give up on his addiction for the chef? And what if it is Aiden's past what will come to haunt them? Can they keep each other alive when numerous vampires want them dead?

KiraVengeance · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs
Latest Update
Volume 0 :作品相关
Volume 1 :变脸之初卷
Volume 2 :冒牌大少卷
Volume 3 :雏鹰展翅之卷
Volume 4 :郁金香之荣耀卷
Volume 5 :VIP卷


  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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