

Autor: 三线消防师
Contínuo · 13.7K Modos de exibição
  • 380 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is 千万别让我跳起来

Leia o romance 千万别让我跳起来 escrito pelo autor 三线消防师 publicado no WebNovel. 司博南看着系统推送的歌舞视频,自己心里在“瑟瑟发抖”。这个,系统竟然让我这样跳?这个武技竟然……这个场合也太……楚天行者:又是这种怪异的音乐,大家小心!恐怖如司又要跳起来了!玄峰帝君:快拦住他!别让他跳起来!伯德大帝:你们都傻啊,只要他跳起来,你们还想跑?现在就抓紧跑啊……司博南已经跳了起来!我跳起来我都害怕,别说你们了!来啊,我不要脸,你们也别想要命!...


司博南看着系统推送的歌舞视频,自己心里在“瑟瑟发抖”。 这个,系统竟然让我这样跳?这个武技竟然…… 这个场合也太…… 楚天行者:又是这种怪异的音乐,大家小心!恐怖如司又要跳起来了! 玄峰帝君:快拦住他!别让他跳起来! 伯德大帝:你们都傻啊,只要他跳起来,你们还想跑?现在就抓紧跑啊…… 司博南已经跳了起来! 我跳起来我都害怕,别说你们了! 来啊,我不要脸,你们也别想要命!

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In our world, there are no humans, no big cities. We are just servants of Mother Nature, that is, us and the hordes of darkness. They come to us every year to take the "ripe fruits". This year, our protagonist, Skylar, also enters school, where unexpected twists await. Our hero ends up in the danger zone and must go through it if he doesn't want to die. It's very difficult for him to make it through, where the principal and the leader of the training squad anxiously await him. When he successfully reaches the destination, the principal scolds the mockers and escorts the frightened and brave Sky to the main building. They undergo an initiation where everyone's abilities are revealed. Our protagonist is placed in a separate group, where besides him, only the principal is, as she controls all the forces of Mother Nature: water, wind, earth, and fire. It later becomes apparent that she can control dragons as well. Apart from his friends, everyone mocks him because he can't really control his abilities at first. Later, a romance develops between him and the leader of the squad. During the annual training, he puts his all into it and becomes one of the best. He gains the respect of more and more students, but also earns hatred. One day, the haters throw him into the danger zone, where it's revealed that he can control dragons. He returns to the training camp as a dragon rider, injured and half-dead, where the squad leader finds him. After our hero tells everything, punishment is imposed on the hateful students.

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  • Taxa Geral
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  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
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  • Antecedentes do mundo


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