
Lies and Secrets

" Secrets are everywhere. From a simple lie to cheating. It makes you what you are and also what makes others think of you. It's easy enough to understand when you know the consequences. Like the Butterfly effect when you keep a secret it can slowly spiral down from a Snowball that can sting for only minutes to something big that can destroy relationships. Why am I telling you this? It's simple, your life was held on by lies. " The therapist smiles to comfort me.

" Based on what I know the secret was just known until a few weeks ago. I'm terribly sorry but I am always here to help." I look at the window, looking outside. The street was lively.

" A Secret was the reason. A secret, no- a lie was the thing that made my life. If that Secret made me who I am... then without that secret who am I? " I sight silently knowing that my question will only burden someone else.

I look toward the Therapist that was still smiling. " What did you just think about? Judging by your sigh I sense its something because of the secret. Can you tell me wha- " Suddenly an alarm clock rang.

It was my phone and I reach out to it resting on the table between me and the Therapist. I stop it and looked at the time. It was the end of my session.

" You don't like these sessions, do you?" The Therapist chuckles. "I Once had a patient like you, well not a patient but that's what the others always call people like you. Well goodbye. " I leave the room taking a breath of relief.

It was uncomfortable for someone I don't like how they talk to me like they know how hard it has been. I look outside as I left the building and smile. " The streets haven't changed. At least some things remain the same. "

The walking was much more bearable than the sessions with my Therapist. I wish it could end but people around me tell me it's good. Ever since it happened, I always find myself wondering 'What's a lie and what isn't a lie.' I sometimes remember old conversations and think if they were telling the truth.

I didn't realize that I was already in-front of the house I was living in for the years my life has been entwined with lies and secrets. It's empty to the point it feels hollow. Even though it wasn't that empty it felt like it. Memories filled with lies fill this place to the point its suffocating. I quickly went to my room to avoid myself from having a headache. My room will always be the same. It's the only place I feel comfortable with, before and after the secrets and lies were revealed.

My smile was natural and unexpected as I sat down on my bed. Exhaustion washed over my body as soon I felt my soft bed underneath me and I can't do anything but lay down and sleep. I open my eyes once more and the scenery was different. I was still laying down on my bed but it was in the middle of a meadow. I was already familiar with this situation. A Memory that always appears in my dreams. I stand up and look to my right, a girl and a boy running around and when they look towards my direction I wake up.

I was already accustomed to the feeling of longing and wanting to know who the boy and girl were. My alarm clock started ringing and my mind was clear of any thoughts. Another day meant another 24 hours of me remembering things I want to forget.

" Wait, isn't it Monday today? " I rushed to my phone which was still ringing and it was Monday. It was kind of relaxing knowing I could fill my thoughts with schoolwork and nothing else for most of the day until it was time to go home.

As if my body were programmed, I was already preparing to go to school. Brushing my Teeth, taking a Bath, wearing my School Uniform, cooking, and finally Eating. With each task I moved swiftly without taking a break. When it was finally time to eat I played music on my phone to keep myself from getting distracted with thoughts of my life.

After eating I quickly washed the things I used and locked the house making sure nobody would get in. The sunlight covered my eyes and I wore my glasses. Even though I didn't really need my glasses that much, having it is better. I checked the time and I had enough time to catch the train. I quickly ran to the station which was a 20-minute walk but I didn't want to take my chances unless that train was early.

The train was fortunately right on time and I got to school with ease. The school was fairly empty and was only filled by either Staff of the School or Students that were early just like him. I happily strolled around school looking for a person and when I was ready to give up, he showed up.

" Min-ho! " I quickly shouted. There wasn't anyone near enough to hear my scream. Min-ho was a friend I had since going to school. If we were compared Min-ho was the most handsome although he was younger by a year.

Min-ho looked towards me and waved his hand. He walks up to me and suddenly starts talking " I'm surprised that you still go here early after what happened. Although I'm sure it only bothers you slightly most of the time. " He smiles and that smile was the thing that made all the women fall for him.

" You're half right. " I smile as well knowing that this will help him get a little bit better. I look at him in the eyes and within I feel like he wants something from me. " Do your assignment. I'm not letting you copy mine. Your puppy eyes are too obvious once you want to use them. "

Min-ho gasped in an exaggerated manner and covered his mouth but it only lasted for a second. " I can't get anything from you, can't I? "

" You can but you know the price. You'll buy me lunch if you want to make me your assignment. " I smile knowing I can save some money today. Min-ho looked and was defeated, while I had a smile of relief because of the fact that this was familiar.

[Chapters will be released every Wednesday and Friday]

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