

The more you read the more it gets intresting

anonymous_thinker · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter-4 what the hell is happening

After Liam's death and Leo's fainting BOTH kai and Noah cried for several hours but after that 5 years passed Leo was in coma and no one was able to forget Liam's death and the shocking truth is that professor was still not found and his location was still unknown and Leo's parents always came and check him and they had a blue color orb that was solid and they kept saying that Leo's heart is manufacturing magic and they said even kai's and Noah's heart is also manufacturing magic but no one believed them but after kai listened to Leo's parents he came to a conclusion that .....

Leo's parent may be saying the truth Liam do you remember that my grandfather said that we have been chosen for something and Leo never said the information he got from touching the vase and my grandfather said what we are chosen for includes magic and maybe that Leo's parents might know magic that our heart is manufacturing as they say and no one believes them so I think they might be saying the truth and we need to go to the depth of it,, well that is my theory and I think we do need to ask Leo's parents about it maybe they do know something or maybe they don't.....

Let's go to the hospital where Leo is and check him out '' some hours passed they reached to the hospital "

i know that the publish time was delayed and the chapter is short cause i am still unwell it might take some while

anonymous_thinkercreators' thoughts