
[Marvel:Naruto Template System]

[DING! Minato Namikaze Template unlocked!] Kai gets reincarnated into the world of Marvel with a System, which let's him gain the abilities of Naruto Characters. Follow him in his path to become a true hero! PS: -First time I write a Fanfic so don't it judge too harshly! -English is not my first language therefore expect some mistakes. -There are going to be some characters and plot-lines from the comics but it's mostly going to be about the MCU. -The MC is nerfed at the start but will get OP eventually! [I don't own anything except my own character!]

AceTheHonoredOne · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 5

I quickly pay for the ice cream and bring Izzy to the car. I sit her down in the backseat, place a FTG seal on the car and tell Edward to drive off.

"Edward you need to keep her safe. Quickly drive away!" I say to Edward.

"Young master you need to come with us!" He says to me.

"Bwoder whats hawppening? I'm scawed." My sister says.

"Everything's alright Izzy, you don't need to be scared." I say to Izzy. "Edward do you trust me?" I ask him.

"Yes of course." Edward says.

"Then trust me and drive back home, I will explain everything to you later!" I scream while quickly walking away from the car.

Edward apparently trusting me enough, starts driving away, so I quickly think of a plan. Okay...I think I got one.

The first thing I do is going close to the bank and placing a FTG seal on a streetlamp. The police tell me that it's dangerous here and that I should go so I go away from the bank, into an alleyway where no one can see me and transform into minato.

Now that I currently look like a 5 year old minato, I wait for a few minutes and then teleport to the FTG seal I placed at the streetlamp. The police is shocked and confused how I suddenly appeared out of thin air but before they can say anything, I throw a rock with a FTG seal on top of the bank.

The police is consfused and look at me but after a couple of second I suddenly gone. Now standing on the bank rooftop, I can see the robbers and hostages through the roof window. I see that a police helicopter and a news helicopter are currently hovering above me but I pay them no mind.

Looking into to the windom I see, that 3 out of the 4 robbers are somewhere in the front talking with a police negotiator, while one of the robbers is guarding the hostages.

I walk to the roof entrance, quietly destroy the lock and sneak into the bank. Now inside the bank I make my way to the back. Spotting the robber I quickly knock him out with a kick to the back if his head. Normally I would've killed him but ever since my mother died and I felt the pain a death brings, I decided to only kill when it's absolutely necessary.

Now standing infront of the hostages I don't know what to say, to calm them down. Fortunately I have Minato's experience as a Hokage so I quickly find the right words to calm them down. After they calmed down I place a FTG seal on the floor and tell them to hold on to me.

I really thought they would ask more questions about "why" but it seems that they were so scared, that they would easily trust me as their "saviour".

Now that a couple of them are holding on to me I teleport back to the streetlamp outside. The police was obviously very confused about what was happening. Before they could say anything I was once again inside of the bank.

Once again I teleported them outside but this time including the knocked out robber. The police was already waiting infront of the streetlamp, so I quickly said "This is a bad guy" while pointing at the knocked out robber and disappeard again.

Now that I am inside the bank with just the robbers, I make my way to the front. The remaining robbers already noticed that something is wrong, so they were on guard.

Moving quickly out of my hiding place I try to sneak attack on of robbers but because of my fast movement I accidentally make a sound.

They move quickly and shoot me in the chest multiple times. As soon as the first bullet hits my body I vanish into smoke with a *puff* sound.

Having used my shadow clone as a distraction, I now run behind a robber and hit him on his head, which instantly knocks him out cold.

Now using [Body Flicker Jutsu] I flicker to the next one. Kicking his knee inwards, therefore breaking his leg in the process, I proceed to give him a fine right hook.

The last robber who isn't knocked out quickly aims at me. Before he starts shooting I use the [Body Replacement Jutsu] to switch places with an chair behind him.

Quickly moving in the timespan it takes him to realise that he missed, I use a weak version of the [Rasengan] and hit him on his back.

Now that finally everyone is knocked out I can finally take a breather. Even with the experience of my past life as a gangster and Minato's experience, it was still mentally exhausting to stop this bank robbery, especially since they had hostages.

Well anyway I went to the front door and opened it. Infront me were multiple police men aiming their guns at me.

"Ahem whats up guys? You know you shouldn't aim at me, I just saved the hostages and knocked out the bad guys afterall." I said nervously.

"NYPD put your hands above your head and come with us peacefully!" An officer said.

"Ahem yeah I don't think so guys. Anyway you should probably put the robbers behind me in cuffs before they wake up." After saying that I dissapear into smoke.

Yes I send out a shadow clone to speak with the police, who knows maybe they would see me as someone dangerous so they shoot me or something. So I just stalled them with a Shadow Clone, while I teleported to the seal I placed on my car.

Arriving inside of our garage, I quickly transform back into myself. Afterwards I walk into the front door and knock thrice. While opening the door, Edward gives me a stern look and gestures for me to follow him.

Now inside my room he asks me why I didn't come with him. I take out my phone and start playing the news. The news show how I, in my Minato form, disappeard into thin air and how I later reappeared with multiple people beside me.

It also says that after I disappeard, after opening the door, they found the remaining 3 robbers knocked out. They also interviewed a couple histages and found out I was rescuing them.

Basically they just recounted everything that happened and also speculated what/who I am. If I am something like Captain America a "Super Soldier" or maybe something completely different.

Now Edward isn't a dumb man. He can easily spot, that I have something to do with this kid, so he raises an eyebrow and was about to ask but before he could say something I already transformed into Minato infront of him.

"How?" He asks, wide eyed and still in shock.

"I can't really tell you." I awnser.

"Why?" He asks.

"I also can't tell you." I grit my teeth as I say that. I really didn't want him to find out this early but I just couldn't turn an blind eye to a bank robbery right infront of me.

"What can you tell me?" He asks.

"Really not much, maybe in a couple years I can clear up a couple of things but a lot of things are never going to be awnsered..." I awnser him truthfully "I can tell you that I am still the same Kai as before. I just have this energy inside of me, which I call "Chakra" and can use it to perform impossible things with it." I continue as I start walking on the wall.

He stares at me for a couple second. After a small pause he let's out a sigh and says "I always knew you weren't a normal child but that it's to this extent is really shocking...even tough you lied to me or better said, never mentioned these things infront of me, I can't really blame you. If I were in the same position as you, I can't say that I wouldn't have done the same."

He pauses before a small smile appears on his face.

"I will still serve you young master kai, I just hope you can tell me more about this chakra one day."

"Oh wow that went a lot better then I expected. Honestly I thought you would freak out way more then you did..." I said

"Ah well you already said, that you are the same young master kai as before so not much has changed. I just have one question...will this happen regulary from now on? The saving people I mean." He asks.

"Oh ehm well you see I actually wanted to wait a couple of years more but since I already started I can't really just dissapear and appear a couple of years later again." I said nervously.

"Young master I can't allow you to go out there, even if you have this chakra energy, you're just 5 years old." He says worriedly.

He's right, even though I already have about 50% of Minatos power, it's still dangerous to go out like that while I'm 5. Oh wait I got a perfect plan for it.

[Shadow Clone Jutsu]

*Puff* *Puff* *Puff*

[Transformation Jutsu]

Just like that I created 3 Shadow Clones looking like Minato. This also led to Edward being shocked again.

"I call these clones "Shadow Clones" they are basically clones of me, just that when they are hit once, they vanish into smoke. I can send these out to save people until I am ready to do so myself." I say to him.

"Ah I see. Is this what you used to appear and dissapear in the news?" He asks

"Uhm no not really that's another technique that I call "Flying Thunder God" that let's me teleport to anywhere I place this seal." I say while placing a seal on his hand. He just chuckles, probably about the name. I ignore his chuckling and continue with "I probably should leave that seal there, so that incase something happens I can always teleport to you."

"Teleportation, is it? Well young master I agree with your plan of leaving a seal on me but could you change the location of this seal?" He asks me while looking at the seal on his hand.

"Ah yes of course, where would you like to have it Edward?" I ask him.

"I would like to have it on my upper arm, so that other people don't see it and think it's a tattoo." He says, to which I just nod and gesture for him to take of his clothing.

He starts taking of his his clothes until his upper body is exposed. His whole torse was full of knife, bullet and whatnot kind of scars. I raise an eyebrow at that while placing a seal on his upper arm. He understands and awnsers "I served in the special forces back in my youth."

He looks a little sad at that so I take the hint and just nod not asking anymore. After I am done placing the seal, he puts on his clothes again.

Afterwards we just talked a little bit more until he left, to do his bulter tasks. I went to my sisters room to spend a little time with her, which I did. Shortly before I left I gifted her a blue hair ribbon with black markings over it, which she happily accepted. Only I know that the black markings on the hair ribbon are actually an FTG seal.

Of course I have to keep my sister safe...I couldn't save my mother but nothing and I mean NOTHING is happening to her.

When one day boys come to our house to pick her up...just wait what I will do to you...hehe...unlucky fuckers...unlucky indeed. You picked the wrong person to mess with...hehe...

(AN- What should his hero name be? I mean I thought about naming him Yellow Flash but maybe you guys have better ideas? If yes write it in the comments.)

Now before you guys complain, I just want to say, that I obviously can't make him really as strong as his templates, otherwise it really wouldn't be fun to write or read. Minato's normal speed even without sage mode is multiple times above the speed of light. Now he is currently 5 years old with 50% of his first template, if I make him as strong as his characters, he could already defeat all of mcu as a 5 year old...

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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