

Ever since Valaine's triumphant victory in the grand colosseum, where she had faced Houlong, the Sun Dragon, brought her both fame and newfound respect among her guild mates.

The celebration that followed her victory was nothing short of spectacular. 

The throne room in Nazarick, was now transformed into a banquet hall adorned with tapestries and banners of her Insignia, celebrating the name of Valaine, the new World Champion of Musphelheim.

Touch-me raised his glass in salute and said, "To the new World Champion! Your dedication and determination have truly paid off! You've made us all proud."

He approached her with a warm smile. "You were truly exceptional in that battle" he complimented her.

Momonga, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, your strategy was good. It was a sight to witness such a display of power" he praised.

Bukubukuchagama, the ever proud pink slime, wrapped her slimy form around Valaine in a warm hug. "I always knew you had it in you, You've made us all so proud" she gushed.

Valaine couldn't help but shed a few tears of joy. Such genuine praise and admiration were rare in her life, and it touched her deeply.

Ulbert, playfully punched her on the back. "No more tears, Valaine" he said with a grin. "It's a time for celebration, not sadness."

He was right. She was more happy here than in the real world.

As the guild members chatted and celebrated, someone suggested a game of "Darumasan Ga Koronda", a classic Japanese children's game. They urged Valaine to join in, eager to continue the festivities.

She couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging and happiness that she had never experienced before. 

Her victory had not only made her a World Champion but had also brought her into a guild where she found true friendship and support, making her feel like she had finally found her place in the world.

That was three months ago.

The celebration had faded into a distant memory, replaced by a constant stream of challengers seeking to test their might against Valaine. 

Each confrontation ended swiftly, with Valaine's God-Flesheater blades proving too much for anyone daring enough to challenge her.

But one encounter stood out from the rest. 

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the surroundings. Valaine, cloaked in shadows, stood alone, awaiting the arrival of a hooded figure.

The hooded man, his features obscured in darkness, approached with a quiet, calculated gait. 

They had agreed to meet at this secluded spot for a reason, the man held vital information the other needed. The price for this exchange was steep: 50 million gold, a sum that would dent Valaine's substantial fortune but one she could afford.

As they came face to face, Valaine could sense the tension in the air. This was no ordinary exchange, it was a high-stakes transaction. 

She reached into her inventory, a small, ornate chest popped out. It was a special chest that can store large amounts of items.

The hooded man, his voice shrouded in mystery, spoke in a low, gravelly tone. "The forbidden information you want is within this cursed scroll," he said, handing over a tightly sealed parchment. "But remember, knowledge comes at a co-"

"Cost, yes, you and your roleplaying language, just hand me the scroll." she was getting impatient. 

The man tossed the scroll to her and in return, she placed the chest down, which the man quickly fetched for it. 

He inspected the data of the chest, and it validated the transaction. With the transaction complete, and Valaine now with the scroll, she stepped back into the shadows.

Back at the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Valaine carefully unrolled the scroll she had acquired on that desolate bridge. Her curiosity burned like a fire within her as she examined the contents. 

What she found was unexpected, a set of two seven-digit numbers and a world name: Helheim. 

Valaine pondered the meaning of these digits. Were they coordinates, a code, or something else entirely? 

Wait. Putting two and two together, she had a thought.

It is a coordinate. How slow of her.

She tingled with excitement. These coordinates held secrets that promised to make her even stronger. A certain interaction three months ago led her to this.

It was when after a week passed since the championship festival, and during that time, Valaine crossed paths with Houlong once again. 

But this time, instead of engaging in another battle, they decided to sit down for tea at a tea-shop in Asgard. 

It was a rare moment of tranquility in their otherwise action-fantasy-packed lives.

Valaine was dressed in a regal black dress. At first glance, it appeared to be a normal dress, but to those who knew, it was much more, a cleverly disguised transmogrification. 

The dress was both elegant and practical, allowing for ease of movement without hindering her agility in battle. It concealed the formidable World Champion Armor she wore underneath under an illusion.

Her new World Champion Armor, was incredibly powerful, but its design didn't suit her taste. The bulkiness of the armor, and the aesthetic didn't resonate with her persona. Yet, she couldn't simply discard it.

To remedy this, Valaine had used a transmogrification item. With a touch, she had hidden her bulky World Champion Armor beneath an illusion. 

It was a subtle deception, allowing her to maintain her style and mobility while not sacrificing the armor's vital attributes.

"You've always been inventive" he commented, a slight smile playing on his lips. "That dress is more than it seems, isn't it?"

Valaine chuckled, acknowledging his keen perception. "Indeed, it is. A little transmog goes a long way, especially when you're stuck with armor that clashes with your vibe."

Houlong nodded, understanding the importance of personal style on the battlefield. "It's essential to feel comfortable in your own armor. Confidence can make all the difference in a fight."

As they sipped their tea and catch up, Houlong leaned in closer, his eyes filled with a hint of excitement. 

"You know" he said in a hushed tone, "I've heard a rumor. A rumor that could unlock even greater power for you. It's something I never had the opportunity to do."

Valaine's interest was piqued, and she listened intently. She stirred her tea, eager to hear him out.

"Ever heard of a World Enemy?" Houlong asked.

"Of course" Valaine replied with a smirk, her confidence showing. "Do you mistake me for a noob?"

"Just being sure," Houlong replied with a hint of amusement.

He continued, his voice barely above a whisper, "I heard that if you defeat a World Enemy as a World Champion, you can "Merge" with it and become even stronger."

Valaine's eyes widened in disbelief. "Th-that's impossible!" she exclaimed, her voice inadvertently drawing the attention of other customers.

Houlong hastily gestured for her to hush. "Quiet down, This is classified information."

Valaine sank back into her chair, her mind racing with the implications of what she had just heard. "How do you know this, anyway?" she asked, her curiosity burning.

Houlong leaned back, taking a casual bite of his croissant.

"I have an inside source, very inside" he said cryptically, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

As Valaine contemplated the opportunity that had just been unveiled to her, she couldn't help but wonder about the challenges and dangers that lay ahead. 

The prospect of merging with a World Enemy was both alluring and terrifying, and she knew that this path would lead her to confront powers beyond her wildest dreams.

Valaine leaned forward, her curiosity and suspicion growing. "If you knew this, why haven't you tried it?" she asked, her eyes fixed on Houlong.

Houlong took another nonchalant bite of his croissant. "I couldn't" he admitted casually.

"Couldn't?" Valaine pressed, puzzled.

Houlong toyed with his croissant using his fork, avoiding eye contact. "Yeah, I was too weak," he confessed, his tone tinged with regret. His tea is getting colder.

Valaine furrowed her brow, her thoughts racing. If Houlong, a formidable former World Champion, couldn't attempt this "merge", what chance did she have? Doubt began to creep into her mind.

"Why are you telling me this?" she asked, her voice tinged with suspicion.

Houlong's mischievous smile returned as he took a bite of a muffin. "Because-" he said between bites, "-it's funny."

"Funny?" Valaine inquired, her patience wearing thin.

Houlong pointed a fork at her, "I know your kind, you and I are alike, in a way"

"A risk-taker, a solo. And it would be absolutely hilarious for me to see you get beaten up by a World Enemy" his laughter bubbling up.

Valaine couldn't believe what she was hearing. 

The audacity of Houlong's revelation left her momentarily speechless. She had now considered him a friend, a fellow champion, but now she questioned his motives. She couldn't help but wonder if he was truly looking out for her best interests or merely amusing himself at her expense. Or both.

Sensing her hesitation, Houlong decided to take the initiative. 

He leaned in closer, his laughter subsiding. "I'll have you meet one of my contacts from the company, someone who also plays and designs the game" he said, his tone now more serious.

Valaine raised an eyebrow. "And what will this contact give me?" she inquired, her skepticism still lingering.

Houlong flicked her a piece of a muffin using a teaspoon to her forehead playfully. "You'll receive a scroll," he replied with a sly grin.

Valaine couldn't help but get annoyed at him and his childish actions. She stared at him with a defiant expression. "And what's the scroll for?" she pressed.

Houlong's grin widened. "Figure it out for yourself," he said cryptically, clearly enjoying the nature of their conversation.

Valaine's frustration grew. "Just who are you, really?" she demanded.

Houlong leaned back in his chair, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I'm just a really bored guy" he told her, his true identity and motives shrouded in mystery.

"Are you gonna eat that donut?" Houlong asked, his gaze shifting to Valaine's plate that holds a sweet treat.

Valaine couldn't help but roll her eyes at his nonchalant attitude. "The nerve of this guy" she thought to herself. 

She pushed her plate toward him, a hint of exasperation in her voice. "Enjoy yourself," she said, her tone laced with obvious sarcasm.

Houlong's eyes lit up as he reached for the donut. "Ooh, don't mind if I do," he replied, taking a big bite with relish.

Valaine watched him, a mixture of annoyance and amusement washing over her. Despite the infuriating nature of Houlong, she can't deny that Houlong had an entertaining quality about him. 

Houlong continued to munch on the donut with extreme exaggeration, making ridiculous sounds as he stared at Valaine, clearly enjoying his theatrics.

Valaine's patience had its limits. 

She reached for a small plate and threw it in his direction, the clattering sound echoing through the tea house. "Eat more quietly!" she reprimanded him, her voice sharp and stern.

Houlong couldn't help but burst into laughter. 

He wiped a tear from his eye and nodded, taking more reasonable bites of the donut. "Alright, alright," he said between chuckles. "I'll tone it down."

Houlong, seemingly unfazed by her outburst, wiped the crumbs from his lips and grinned. "Since you're going to face it, let me give you some advice," he said, his tone turning serious.

A sensitive information abut the monster she will face head-on. No one heard it except Valaine herself. 

She couldn't help but wonder. The allure of becoming even more powerful was tempting, but the risks were greater than anything she had ever faced.

But one thing was clear: Valaine was about to embark on a journey to Helheim.

Valaine now found herself in a cave surrounded by thousands of dark ashy bones. Weeks had passed since her meeting with Houlong, and she had been meticulously preparing for the upcoming battle.

She had pored over every piece of advice Houlong had given her, dissecting it meticulously. 

It was a gamble, trusting his advice, but she knew that going in blind was not an option. Houlong had faced the monstrous opponent a few times, and his insights could make the difference between victory and defeat.

Valaine crafted a meticulous battle strategy. She knew where to face the World Enemy and how to exploit its weaknesses. The bones in the cave served as a grim reminder of what was at stake, the game designers deserve a raise for making her anxious.

But she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The prospect of surprising everyone with her success, of achieving a feat that few had even dared to attempt, was a tantalizing thought. 

Victoria Ceres, with her champagne blonde hair bouncing with every hop, happily trotted beside Valaine as they ventured deeper into the bone-filled cave. 

Her presence was more than just an NPC, she had a crucial role to play in the upcoming battle, and she wore her excitement like a badge of honor.

Valaine couldn't help but smile at Victoria's enthusiasm. Having her loyal and skilled companion by her side was reassuring. She wouldn't admit this, but the cave is really scary to her.

With an infectious grin, Victoria lovingly hugged a weapon that gleamed with magical enchantments, a Karabiner 98k rifle meticulously crafted by Amanomahitotsu, one of the 41 Supreme Beings. 

Valaine marveled at the extraordinary craftsmanship and wondered about the unique enchantments that Amanomahitotsu had imbued. It was a stark contrast to Victoria's primary role as a cleric.

Valaine couldn't help but voice her curiosity. Why would the developers even implemented such unusual classes?

It's a weird game design she will admit. Classes that does not belong to a fantasy game where you wack monsters with swords and ride dragons. But it's not unwelcome. She will use this to her advantage.

"Stop" Valaine said, her voice firm yet calm, and without a moment's hesitation, Victoria came to a stop. 

They were in an area of the cave that is a safe zone. Valaine knew this was the moment to prepare, to gather her strength and focus her mind before facing the World Enemy.

She reached into her inventory, pulling out a large leather sack that emitted a sweet, tantalizing aroma. The scent made Victoria's mouth water with anticipation. 

Valaine opened the pouch, revealing an assortment of moon-cakes, each one crafted with exquisite care. These weren't just ordinary moon-cakes, they were a special kind infused with powerful positive karma buffs, a special tool she will need for the battle ahead.

Victoria watched in silence, her eyes filled with sadness as her master savored each moon-cake in front of her. 

As the last crumbs of the moon-cakes disappeared, Valaine wiped her mouth and turned to Victoria, "Let's go" she said.

Victoria nodded, her sadness replaced by unwavering loyalty.

They emerged into a vast clearing, a 600-meter(656 yds) radius open arena bathed in a faint, eerie glow. 

The silence hung heavy, broken only by the distant echo of dripping water. The absence of the World Enemy's presence was unsettling; the anticipation of the impending battle weighed heavily on Valaine's shoulders.

With a determined glint in her eyes, Valaine turned to Victoria. "Buff me," she commanded, her voice steady and unwavering.

Victoria nodded, her cleric skills coming to the forefront. Her hands glowed with a soft, golden light as she chanted incantations. 

The air around Valaine shimmered briefly, a sign that powerful protective spells now enveloped her, enhancing her strength, agility, and overall attack power.

Satisfied with the Victoria's buffs, Valaine issued another command, "Find cover and stay as far as possible."

Victoria nodded once more, her loyalty shining in her eyes. Without a word, she sprinted away. Her job was done.

Valaine could feel the energy surging through her veins, and with her senses heightened and her body infused with newfound power. 

She stood at the center of the arena, ready to face whatever challenge awaited her.

The minutes stretched on, the anticipation building. She scanned the perimeter, her eyes sharp and alert. She knew that the World Enemy could strike from any direction, and she was prepared to defend herself with every ounce of skill and magic she possessed.

As the screeching noise reverberated through the cave, A large figure emerged from the cracks in the ceiling. Valaine's heart raced, her anticipation turning into raw adrenaline as the creature took shape before her eyes.

[Baal-Zebub, Deadly Sin of Gluttony]

To her surprise, Baal-Zebub defied her expectations. 

She had imagined an insect-like creature, perhaps a giant fly, but what she faced was far more grotesque. It resembled a starving vulture, its skeletal form adorned with scythe-like wings that gleamed with an eerie, otherworldly glow. Its eyes glowed with a hunger that seemed to consume all light around it.

In that moment, as if the very world itself spoke, a declaration echoed in every corner of Yggdrasill:

[Valaine Challenged the World Enemy: Baal-Zebub]

The weight of those words hung heavily in the air. Valaine's muscles tensed and her eyes locked onto Baal-Zebub. The battle was about to begin.

Her smile was confident. Several layers of intricate magical circles enveloped her, casting radiant illumination throughout the cave.

In her right hand, she held a tiny handheld crystal hourglass, a cash-shop item. With a mere crush, it would give her a free instant cast of a super-tier spell. The hourglass glowed as she crushed it without hesitation.

Her gratitude whispered to the air, "Bukubukuchagama, you are such an angel to lend me these. Thank you."

With a shout that reverberated through the cave, Valaine declared her intent, "Skill!"

"[Binding Chains of Fenrir]!"

At her command, the cave erupted in a blinding golden light, as immense, ethereal chains, reminiscent of Fenrir's legendary binds, materialized around Baal-Zebub. 

The chains glowed with a divine radiance, a stark contrast against the creature's dark form. Bound by these unyielding restraints, the World Enemy struggled, its scythe-like wings slashing through the air in futile attempts to break free.

Valaine's grin widened, a mix of triumph and determination etched across her face. In this moment, she held the upper hand.

Her movements swift and purposeful, she pulled a large leather sack from her inventory. 

Inside the sack were summoning crystals, Divine-Tier summoning crystals that could call forth Seraphs, angelic beings that are level 90 to fight on her cause. 

The moon-cakes she had consumed, with their positive karma buffs, allowed her to temporarily bypass any penalties that might have hindered her from summoning such high-tier angels due her original negative karma value.

She shattered numerous crystals within the sack.

Each crystal broke with a melodious chime, and with each shatter, Seraphs materialized in a blaze of radiant light. Their forms were majestic, their wings expansive, and their eyes glowed with divinity.

The Seraphs heeded Valaine's unspoken command and launched themselves at Baal-Zebub. 

The World Enemy let out a deafening screech as it found itself under assault from multiple angles. Their attacks were precise, their movements coordinated, and with each strike, they weakened the deadly Sin of Gluttony.

Valaine remained resolute. The Sin of Gluttony fought back with a relentless fury, its unchained mouth snapping at the Seraphs as if they were mere morsels, its hunger seemingly insatiable.

She knew she couldn't afford to hesitate. 

With swift motion, she reached into sack and pulled out more summoning crystals. In a fluid motion, she shattered them, and new Seraphs materialized, joining the fray without a moment's delay.

The cave lit up with bursts of brilliant light as the fresh reinforcements descended upon the World Enemy. 

The Seraphs fought valiantly, their celestial weapons clashing against the malnourished, starving-ridden body of Baal-Zebub. Despite the odds, the Seraphs were fierce, their determination unyielding as they pushed back against the gluttonous onslaught.

Valaine continued to summon more Seraphs, her movements becoming a blur as she replenished their numbers. Each crystal she broke reinforced her army, and the tide of the battle began to turn. 

The World Enemy now found itself overwhelmed by the combined might of Valaine and the heavenly warriors she had summoned.

With each strike, the Seraphs weakened Baal-Zebub, their divine essence seeping into the body of the Deadly Sin of Gluttony. 

With a grim determination, Valaine continued her assault, summoning a total of 644 Seraphs to bolster her forces. However, the World Enemy's insatiable hunger consumed them all, leaving nothing but the echo of their sacrifice in the cavernous space.

A screech filled the air as the chains that bound the Deadly Sin of Gluttony broke, its hunger-fueled rage now fully unleashed.

Baal-Zebub's eyes locked onto Valaine, its intent clear: she was its next target.

Unfazed, Valaine grinned. 

Surrounded by several intricate magical circles, she have been preparing ever since the World Enemy was distracted for several minutes. An ace up her sleeve, an immensely powerful super-tier spell she was about to cast.

The enemy, now weakened to 65% of its former strength thanks to the sacrifice of the Seraphs that faced an inevitable doom.

"Skill" Valaine declared, her voice echoing with power.

"[Lord of Destruction, Nyarlathotep]!"

A massive black hole materialized near the World Enemy, its gravitational pull consuming everything in its vicinity. 

The void expanded until it seemed to devour the very fabric of reality. Then, in an instant, the black hole collapsed, compressing itself into a tiny, dense mass, before it exploded with a cataclysmic force, rivaling that of several suns.

The aftermath was devastation incarnate. 

Nothing remained, not the cave, not the World Enemy, not even a trace of dust. Every atom had been deconstructed, obliterated into nothingness. The very essence of the space they had occupied was erased, leaving behind a void of absolute silence and emptiness.

In the midst of the desolation, only Valaine and Victoria stood.

In the midst of the desolate crater that spanned several miles, where once there was a lively battleground, now stood only silence. The snowy weather of Helheim floated gently down from the sky, blanketing the scene in an eerie calm.

Yet, amid the aftermath, an unexpected sight caught Valaine's attention, a single egg, nestled in the center of the crater. 

Its presence was ominous, a lingering enigma amidst the destruction. Valaine approached cautiously, her senses sharp and alert.

But this was no reward; the egg cracked open, revealing something monstrous within. 

A dark, bone and fleshy demon emerged, its six hands flexing in the cold air. The space surrounding it seemed to warp and shift, indicating a power beyond mortal comprehension. In its upper hands, it held a floating crown-like object, a symbol of its otherworldly authority.

[Baal-Zebub, Transcendent Form]

"Oh shit" Valaine whispered to herself, realizing the battle was far from over she distanced herself immediately.

She had shredded Baal-Zebub's mortal coil, but in doing so, she had unleashed a new, even more formidable form.

Valaine prepared to face this new incarnation of the Deadly Sin of Gluttony. The true battle had just begun.

Her eyes narrowed as she assessed the situation. The Transcendent Form of Baal-Zebub stood before her, weakened but far from defeated. 

With a quick [HP Essence], she noted that it now had only 30% of its health left. Despite the damage, it seemed invulnerable to pain, making it a formidable and unyielding opponent.

With a determined resolve, she gestured with her hand, summoning hundreds of holy-infused weapons of various shapes and sizes. They all appeared, emerging from a portal.

The weapons rained down upon Baal-Zebub, striking its form relentlessly. Each impact caused visible damage, yet the Sin of Gluttony remained steadfast, its resilience astonishing.

In a startling turn, Baal-Zebub removed a spear lodged in its neck. 

With a mere touch, the spear disintegrated into countless pieces, leaving Valaine shocked. The enemy's ability to nullify and destroy even holy weapons was a revelation, and it forced her to reassess her approach.

So many thoughts raced through her head. Can Baal-Zebub decay any weapon he touches or just holy weapons?

With one casual wave of his hand, Baal-Zebub attempted to "eat" the space around her, a deadly spatial manipulation technique. 

Valaine's instincts kicked in, and she narrowly dodged the attack, her agile movements saving her from obliteration.

As Valaine stood at the edge of the newly formed crater, her heart raced with a mix of awe and dread. The display of power from Baal-Zebub, the Sin of Gluttony, was both terrifying and intriguing. 

The sheer magnitude of its spatial manipulation abilities left her awestruck, creating a vast and desolate expanse where once there had been solid ground.

The encounter had reached a critical juncture. Valaine knew she needed a new strategy, something that would exploit the enemy's weaknesses and turn the battle in her favor. 

Her mind raced, analyzing every piece of information she had gathered about Baal-Zebub from Houlong and this battle.

In the blink of an eye, Baal-Zebub's massive form appeared before Valaine. With a single hand, he swatted her away, sending her hurtling hundreds of meters across the snowy landscape. 

Before she could even regain her bearings, the Sin of Gluttony reappeared, clapping with only two hands, and the area around her was eaten out of existence. 

"[Dimensional Gap]!"

With a swift teleportation, she narrowly escaped the annihilation, reappearing at a safe distance. Despite the dire circumstances, a grin stretched across her face. The sheer power of her opponent intrigued her; it was a challenge worthy of her skills.

If he can erase land and disintegrate anything, what can she do?

Determined to match the enemy's strength, she made a decision. Discarding her weapons, she positioned her hands in a praying gesture. 

"[Bloodbound Summoning]" she said, her voice echoing, "Come forth, The Faceless Man with a Thousand Arms."

"Aksara-Daksha" Time seemed to freeze as that name left her lips.

Names have power.

A rift opened behind her, and from it emerged a grotesque and nightmarish creature. Aksara-Daksha, the Faceless Man with a Thousand Arms, stood before her, a nightmarish entity with an uncountable number of hands, long lanky legs, and dark, feathery wings.

As a Bloodbound Knight, Valaine had a pact with an eldritch entity, granting her the ability to summon one of their children.

She never had the chance to summon Aksara-Daksha during Houlong's fight because of his Divine Blessing. She has a hunch, that this will turn the battle to her favor.

Victoria watched from a distance, her eyes fixed on the unfolding battle. She recognized the summoned entity well, understanding the intricacies of its power. 

Aksara-Daksha was one of her master's favorite summons, a level 90 Nephilim proficient in both cursed and divine casting. What set it apart was its exceptional mana pool, surpassing the maximum limit.

Observing keenly, Victoria noticed a connection between Aksara-Daksha and Valaine's mana pool. A link had formed between them, allowing Valaine to draw upon Aksara-Daksha's vast reservoir of mana. 

This revelation added a new layer of strategy to the battle; Valaine could now cast spells using her summon's mana, expanding her repertoire and potentially overwhelming their opponent with a diverse range of attacks.

Valaine's grin widened. The battle had taken a decisive turn, and she felt a surge of confidence coursing through her veins.

The snowy battlefield was about to witness a display of magic and might, the likes of which had never been seen before.

[Widen Magic: True Strike Domain]

Aksara-Daksha's multitude of hands moved in an intricate pattern, a series of unrecognizable hand-signs that seemed to defy mortal comprehension. 

In response, several [Reality Slash] manifested in the air with a blend of holy energy. These slashes phased through Baal-Zebub's body, leaving deep wounds in its form and gouging the very ground beneath it.

Valaine's strategy had taken the Deadly Sin of Gluttony by surprise. 

The enemy, once confident in its power, now found itself on the defensive, struggling to counter the onslaught of reality-altering strikes.

The onslaught continued, the air crackling with the residue of magical energy as Aksara-Daksha's relentless attacks filled the battlefield. 

Baal-Zebub, the Deadly Sin of Gluttony, found itself increasingly overwhelmed by the continuous assault.

The Sin's movements became sluggish, its once instantaneous motions now hampered by the relentless barrage. Aksara-Daksha's strikes tore through its form, leaving deep wounds.

The snowy battlefield bore witness to a dance of reality breaking power, as Valaine and her eldritch summon pressed on, determined to emerge victorious against the formidable foe.

The once vast crater was now a flat expanse, the land flattened by the relentless onslaught of Aksara-Daksha's devastating attacks. 

Baal-Zebub, the Deadly Sin of Gluttony, stood barely, adorned with countless slashes, its demonic form marred and weakened. It knelt in pain, a once formidable foe now reduced to a pitiful state.

Valaine regarded the fallen enemy with triumph, "Can't take it any more?" she murmured, her voice carrying the weight of her victory.

In the silence that followed, Valaine uttered a phrase. 

"[Blood Martyr]

Aksara-Daksha transformed into a statue made of blood, its form then melted like chocolate under the sun. 

Its liquid essence spread across the ground, forming a complex magical circle. It was a spell of great sacrifice, using a high-level summon as a medium for an attack that required a significant xp cost.

"[World Break]!"

A colossal beacon of blinding light descended from the sky, striking the World Enemy with unparalleled force. 

In an instant, Baal-Zebub's existence was erased, its once formidable presence reduced to nothingness.

Valaine stood amidst the aftermath, her breathing steady, her eyes reflecting the gravity of her achievement. 

The battle was won, the Deadly Sin of Gluttony vanquished, she exterminated the insatiable hunger.

The aftermath of the battle left a profound silence hanging in the air, broken only by the echo of Victoria's footsteps, approaching her master. 

As Valaine stood amidst the remnants of her fallen foe, a sudden glimmer caught her eye. In the very spot where Baal-Zebub had been defeated, a mysterious item had materialized.

With cautious curiosity, Valaine approached the item. 

It was a set of two silver handheld bells, conjoined together. A holographic box appeared, and she recognized it immediately. A World Item.


She was even more shocked when she saw the description. It is a set of bells that has the ability to erase large areas with every ring.

Was this similar to Tabula Smaragdina's World Item she wonder? Both have the same abilities but with different shape. But her seems to erase, not destroy. 

"Is there a difference?" she thought to herself.

But the surprises didn't end there. From the very snow where the Deadly Sin of Gluttony had met its end, strange shadows began to emerge. 

It coalesced and hybridized within her, forming a dark entity that merged seamlessly with Valaine.

The realization hit her like a tidal wave. Her journey here hadn't been in vain. Looks like Houlong was right.

The defeated World Enemy had left behind not only a powerful artifact but also an essence, a chance for Valaine to ascend to even greater heights.

The shadows that had merged with her began, it reshaped her character data, granting her new abilities and skills.

And then, a proclamation echoed across entire worlds, sent through the very corner of the game:

[Valaine Inherited the Gluttony, A New World Enemy has Emerged]

DYK: The name "Beelzebub" is derived from the Philistine god Baal-Zebub, which means "Lord of the Flies." This association with flies symbolizes impurity and decay.

Zerviilcreators' thoughts
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