
BM:B2 Chapter 7

(Entry 567)

The past few months have been mundane to say at least, after Beau's birthday we didn't have that many problems here. Me and E did went to the Rez for thanksgiving to spend time with Bonnie and the rest, Charles and Beau came down too, which was nice. Our cousins from Denali came down to have Christmas with us, I got to see Laurent and Garrett again they are doing good, Garrett and Laurent are both on my blood supplement and honestly they are doing much better now. When they are together the annoy me and E like hell with that prince and kings shit. We have been really just relaxing for the last few months. We have been hearing whispers of Victoria, but to be honest I am not worried about her.

Yes, her and James made me who I am but I am not worried about her, I mean I fucked her up pretty bad. Later this year I will be graduating, then me and E will be moving to Volterra. For now I am going to take one day at a time.


I back away from my computer, saved my entry. It has been a long time since I had written one.

I hear my door open up, "Are you coming to join the group Stevie." E said

I turn around to look at him, "Yeah just give me a bit to get ready and I'll be out."

E nods at me then closes my door.

'Today we are doing I guess like a family night with the swans and all of us, Charlies even coming over too, I guess Mom is going to cook for us humans, and we are going to watch movies and play games all day.'


(Time Skip to us enjoying the night. Mainly because I am lazy and don't want to write that part.)

We are watching a movie and we hear a knock on the front door.

Charlie from the kitchen, "I got it I am already up."

I see Charlie leaving the kitchen then to the front door, all I can hear is Charlie asking who they are.

"Hey does anyone know a girl with blond hair and red eyes", when Charlie said that we all got up and rushed to the front door. Everyone else got there soon then I did. Mainly I had to put my legs back on, more comfortable on the sofa. By the time I got there everyone look white as a sheet, more white then normal.

"Was it who I think it was?"


(Time skip to the family talking)

"So Alice who did you not see this happening?" E asked

"Well Charlie hangs out with the Quileute a lot so there scent is always on him and I can't see people future right if they have contact with the Quileute tribe."

While everyone was taking my phone went off, "Give me a second got a call."

I left the room and went into my room, I answered the call.

"Hello Father."

"Hello Figlio, I assume you know what this call is about."

"Yes, I figured, and why did Jane come without letting us know."

"Well technically, she did she let Bonnie know so she could go through there land, why didn't you tell us that two other humans know off use?"

"Well one of them is mated to one of the Cullen's and the other I gave them the necklace with the crest so other vampires wont mess with him."

"That is understanding but you should of told us, you know what has to happen correct."

"Yes, Padre I'll see you in a few."

"Okay, I love you Figlio."

"I love you too Padre."


I got done with my call and walked back to the rest of the group, all eyes where on me.

So I clapped my hands together, "Okay who feels like having a trip."

"What kind of trip Drake?" Charlie asked

"Well a trip to Italy of course."

"Well that doe...." Charlie was saying

"To meet the Vampire Royalty, Like we need to leave in like the next two hours." I interrupted him

"Wait what the hell do you mean Drake, I can't just take of work to go half way around the world at the moment."

Dad walked up to him, "I can cover you financially for the time you are gone but Drake is right we don't want to keep the Volturi waiting."

"And plus Drake is like the Volturi's son so we can probably walk away fine, I mean they may make you become a vampire but that's probably about it. Emmett said

I see Rose and Esme hit him on his head, "What"


(Time skip to us being on the jet)

I am sitting in a chair watching a movie and Charlie walks in trying not to stumble.

"First time on a plane Mr. Swan?" Emmett said

"Yes, and didn't expect my first time to be on a private jet."

Me and Emmett laugh a bit.

We sat in silence watching the movie.

It was soon interrupted, "Hey Drake I have a few questions."

"Yeah what's up sir?"

"I though the Cullen's where your parents after they took you in?"

I explained to him how bonds worked and the different kinds.

"So you have the Cullen's but also the Volturi as well and no better your bond is with the leaders."

"Pretty much."

"And you are mated to a vampire nicknamed the "The Witch" am I correct."

"Yes, pretty much."

"So tell me about them."

"Okay, well my father Marcus he is the quiet type, he can see if someone has a bond with someone, he also has his wife Didyme, who we all though was dead but wasn't, she is kind and very motherly. Then there is Athena, she is hot tempered, but a great strategist, when it comes to planning, she does have a gift though, she used to be more hot tempered tell a certain boy got her around his finger."

"I heard that dick." E yelled

We laughed, " Suplicia she is the head of the group, she is also very motherly, she is like if a vampire was given crack and ten cups of coffee most of the time."

"Does she not have a mate as well?" Charlie asked

"No, but Father thinks it is someone I know."

"Why does he say that."

"Because he see's color lines to people that's how he know, apparently there is another line that goes from Mother(A) to me and Father said that means I have meet her mate before."

"Ohh, anyone else?"

"There is Jane, who is my mate she is very dominant in our relationship, but she is also very lovely, she also can make people feel pain just by looking at you."

"How did two polar opposites become mates." Charlie chuckled

"Then there is Felix and Demetri, they look mean but they are two big teddy bears once you mean them."

"Does Suplicia have a gift?" Charlie asked

"Yes, by a single touch she can see every though you have every had"

"Wow, that's kind of cool but also vey invading."

"She wears gloves most of the time, she understands that her gift is very invading, there is also Mele who is very powerful she is what we called Mother(S) thief."

"Why is she a thief?"

"Well because she can steal peoples gifts, she can't use them but she can take them and give them to someone else."

"Wow, your making them sound like some superhero group."

We all laughed at that, Charlie asked me a few more questions for awhile. Beau came in and sat down and listened into are conversation.

Beau was off in space, "Beau", Beau shock his head and looked at his father, "Yes, dad?"

"If you every pulled some shit like this and I didn't know why I would kill you myself."

"I got it dad, no running off to Italy without you."


(A/N) Sorry about the long breaks guys, I have been busy with my new job but I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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