
[BL] A Demonic Love

[PAUSED] Nineteen years ago, Prince Xavier vanished from The Kingdom Of Azkundane. Without any clues, Queen Azula and King Rohan searched the entire kingdom. Up to this day, they still haven't found any clues about the prince's whereabouts. Xavier who is now a college student starts to uncover the secrets of his past. As soon as he's about to find out the entire truth, he's magical teleported to Azkundane a world filled with demons, gods, and other magical creatures. But will he have what it takes to survive in such a different place? But most importantly who's the guy who he keeps dreaming about? (The beginning a little fast pace but I promise the journey will be long.) (Read on to find out) ---------------------------------------------------- This novel is BL - boys love This story has sex, blood, disgusting monsters, and objects as the story progress. If you like my story please add it to your library to get updates for when I release new chapters. Disclaimer: The novel cover doesn't belong to me. If your the author text me and I will take it down. Join my Instagram: @bl_lover

TypicallyAwesome · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 3.1 - AWAKEN



I groaned as I open my eyes, only to find Amos hovering over me...

Before I could move or say anything, he pulls me into a hug...

"What happened?" I ask

"Let's not get into that," he says with a worried face, but It quickly changes into a smile "I'm just glad you're awake"

"What do you mean awake? And why am I here"

He sits back down slowly with an expression I can't place...

"You were in a short coma but you're fine now, please let's not talk about it" he pleads

"Fine," I said, but still confused

Suddenly, the door opens and a man, who looks way too similar walks in.

But I can't place where I've seen him before...

"Oh, you're awake? that's good" he says with a smile

"Yea, but when can I leave?" I ask

I don't want to spend any more time in a hospital or something similar to one, I already spent too much time in one on earth...

"Well luckily, the test that we ran says your okay and you can leave tomorrow"

"Oh, okay," I reply

But as the words leave my mouth Amos jumps up, with a worried look...

"Isn't it too soon?"

"Don't worry, he's okay, but in the meantime keep me updated"


The doctor suddenly walks out, leaving only me, and Amos.

Instead of sitting back down on the chair, he lays next to me on the bed...

As he lays next to me, I can't help but study all his facial features, until I see his eye-patch.

"What happened to your eye?"

"Oh, well, it's a long story"

"I have time"

"You don't give up, do you?"

"Nope" I answer with a smile

"Well, I wasn't lying when I said it was long, but I'll cut it short"

"No fun, but okay"

"Well, my parents were powerful spell casters, which meant they had a lot of enemies..."....