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What is [[REDACTED

Leia o romance [[REDACTED escrito pelo autor Khondokar_Sindeed publicado no WebNovel. This novel is only used for testing...


This novel is only used for testing

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***On Hiatus...*** Regular updates will be resuming on 25th January 2024... Thank you for your patience and Davies will be back soon. Davies had just been transmigrated… but he wasn’t happy about it. After all, it was now his fifth life, fourth transmigration, the third time he’s been betrayed and murdered, his second…(oh well… no more lines) Davies: Hey! Where are my second and first times… Author: I already said I have no more lines, so shut up and let me finish the synopsis! … After realizing that he wasn’t destined to be a hero and after many run-ins with the “Fated Protagonists”, Davies totally abhors those crybabies that have their heavenly daddies spoon-feeding them with opportunities to be strong, especially at the expense of himself as he always ended up with the short end of the stick in all his lives. Davies is now in his fifth life and now has a system that seems to target protagonists. Even though he doesn’t understand why he's been used as a stepping stone for the "fated ones" in all of his lives, or why he keeps on transmigrating, or even why the system is just finally showing up after all the transmigrations he’s been true… According to the system, he was on his last life but at least now with the system at his side to aid him against the protagonists, he can wreak havoc and have his revenge against the protagonists in this world and also find out who is messing with his life… is how the story should have gone, but… “What the hell is with this busted system…!!!???” ------------------------------------------------------------------- *Disclaimer alert* This story is not all fun and games where nothing tragic happens. There will be sad moments and devastating moments. (Some of y'all might even cry) Comedy is also a major part of the story. it may not be enough to keep you reeling in laughter, but it's enough to get you smiling... I hope. The story is set in a fantasy world with all types of fantasy creatures and even some of my original creations and there is different type of power level so the story will be a bit slow-paced at the start, the story may become fast paced later on though. Things to expect… -Strong but not OP MC at the start. -Rich MC. -Cunning but Playful MC. -Magic and Melee combat and Transformation type abilities.

Sphire1707 · Fantasia
182 Chs

LOVE AT THE END OF THE ROAD (Cinta Di Ujung Jalan)

Volume 1 Padamu Aku Mencinta "Tara, Apapun yang sudah kita lewati anggap saja bukan apa-apa. Aku dan kau tidak akan pernah menjadi kita. Bertemu denganmu adalah suatu kesalahan. Aku menyesal telah mengenalmu. Aku dengan suka rela mengembalikan kau ke Indonesia. Kau pernah mengatakan padaku bahwa kau ingin sekali pulang. Dengan ini aku memulangkanmu dan aku minta padamu jangan pernah mencariku karena aku akan menikah dengan wanita lain yang lebih kucintai. Kau hanya pelarianku. Mengenalmu hanya membuatku terlibat dalam bahaya dan hal itu membuat aku membencimu. Kau telah membuang waktuku percuma." Sepenggal surat yang mengubah perasaan Mutiara Kasih pada Damian. Pria misterius yang menolongnya pada suatu malam. Tara mencintai Damian namun sikap pria itu membuat Tara mulai membencinya. Apalagi Damian membuangnya ketika dia sedang berjuang antara hidup dan mati. Namun ada satu hal yang membuat Tara tidak tahu mengenai Damian .... ### # # # # # Volume 2 Padamu Aku Berharap “Raja sayang Ayah?” Raja mengangguk. “Kalau begitu, jaga Mama untuk Ayah. Ya? Raja mau?” Raja menatap Damian. Tercetak jelas di wajah mungil itu bahwa Raja tidak ingin melakukannya. “Demi Ayah?” kata Damian lagi. Raja menggeleng. “Mama sudah ada yang jaga. Om Riyan.” Jawab Raja. Damian hampir lupa bahwa Tara sudah memiliki orang lain. Sudah ada yang memikirkannya setiap saat. Damian menghela nafas. “Kenapa Raja enggak mau sebut Om Riyan dengan panggilan Ayah? Kan dia bersama Mama.” “Ayah Raja cuma satu. Om Riyan bukan Ayah Raja. Kakek yang bilang.” Raja cemberut. ############### Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash Cerita ini mengandung adegan 21 tahun ke atas dan kekerasan. Bijaklah dalam membaca. Diupdate seminggu tiga kali dengan hari yang tidak tentu.

MrsDharma · Urbano
59 Chs
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1


  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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