
"The Reborn Saviour" A Fanfiction Story

That Day when he finally thought he Could be put into Eternal Rest, Didn't even Realize the Fate that so Bound to him has No End. How will he React in this New Life he got? Will he become the Saviour again?

Equio · Fantasia
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3 Chs

Another New World for A Change!

Akihito: Mission... System?

System: That is correct, User

Feeling weirded out by the voice inside my head calling me as a 'User' instead of my actual name.

Akihito: Why you call me as a User?

System: Because, That is what you are Akihito, User of the Mission System

Akihito: Why still call me 'User' when you can just call me Akihito

System: I have a reason

Akihito: So... Where are we?

Looking around, you know what scratch that I can't move my head but just stare blankly in this strange place with no walls or floor's, but just an empty Void,

and it feels somehow slimy in here. What is this?

System: To answer your question, You are in your Mother's Womb

A moment of silence after knowing the Reality that I'm still not born

Akihito: You have to be kidding me

System: No, I'm not

Akihito: How long am I staying here?

System: Approximately 12 Days

Akihito: Hmmm, that is not long, so I'll just have to wait

So, I got 12 days before I'm born, What can I do to pass Time in the place now named as my 'Mother's Womb' If only a skipped Option is in Here!!

Akihito: Just great

As the Days passed on this 'place' I recall every memory I have of that day and remember that a Strange Light Swallowed all of us and now.

I'm here, There is no way something like that could happened by chance or luck, But I feel like there is more to this, But the question is Who could have done it and Why?

But so far, I have one clue that only a Person that holds tremendous Power can only be the one that brought me here and my friends and classmates, But why bother putting all of the effort just for this, there has to be a reason.

As I continue Thinking of the possible conclusions I could come up with, I feel that I was being pulled and as the pulling got stronger the light in front of also started to shine brighter, Bright enough to make me close my eyes, as the light gets closer and closer and when I finally opened my eyes I was met with a ceiling that looks so old fashioned.

And I was met with a Face that is definitely not someone I know or recognize, It was a women with Dark purple hair and An astonishing Red eyes, she gives a warm smile and cries.

??? : I can finally see my baby Girl!


Hold up...

Wait a minute...

Did I hear that right, no, no, no that can't be it I probably misheard that! Yeah that has to be it!

System: I'm sorry to say this user, But you are born as a Girl




Baby Girl: "Baby crying noises"

??? : Oh no! Dear! She's crying!

????: Wait I'm coming over!

Someone enters the Room but I was to busy letting out all my frustrations that I didn't bother checking who it was.

???? : Now, now don't cry Rosaria

Huh, Is that my name, feeling the genuine care of this Man carrying me I stop with my Emotional Crisis

Thank you whoever you are, you have my respect for stopping my "Emotional Damage"

Rosaria? : "happy noises"

???? : Now who's the good girl?

I still feel weird of you calling me with that Name but I guess, I have no choice but to embrace this New new Life of mine.

Rosaria: "Giggles"

????: (Sigh) You sweet little Angel how your father truly is blessed by having you!

???: Now Dear~ You might scare her now~

????: Ah, Right sorry!

As the Two of my Parents talk about something, I have no idea whatsoever I just indulge myself in this conversation.

???: Dear~ what do you say?

????: Sure! Why not introduced Ourselves!

Milany: Honey~ you can call me your Mama or Mother If you want and my Name is Milany le Friede

le Friede?, is she a Noble of some sorts to have a Last name like that?

Evan: And I'm Evan Zippel!, your Papa and Father!

Zippel? Remind me of those European Witches that I met Before, when I was still living in my Original World.

So, This is my New new Life, I'm now reborn as a Girl and my Mother who is a Beauty that can rival anyone with her Looks and my Father who is a Jolly Guy and Energetic, How would my life turned out this Time I wonder?

As the years gone by I'm now a 6 year old Girl,

it Still feels so weird even now that I am a Girl

but anyway, Since all those 5 year's worth of Time, I got some pretty useful Information regarding this New new World.

Firstly, My New new Name is Rosaria le Friede

the Daughter of the Duke and Duchess, who Controls and Overseer a Bic City Named "Daemarrel", and the city is most famous for having it's Different Delicacy and Winery.

And Second, The New new World that I now lived in is called "Astral", Why it's called with that name? I have no idea, But on the History books that I read in the Library where my Parents owned, It says that it's the name of the Divine being that created this World, hence they also started to call this World to honor the Divine being's Name.

And Third, I still have my Beloved Friend that is in the Dagger, But I still have to keep it in secrecy,

And Lastly, I now have to face the Challenges of now being a Girl has it's Ups and Downs, Since I inherited my Mother's looks it didn't help that a lot of those so Called 'Son's of the Wealthy Family' asking for my hand in Marriage, Their so young but they already thinking if Marriage, what assholes they are.

And also before I forgot to mention, I will have my 'Magic' Awakening in my 6th Birthday so I'm pretty Excited but also Curious of what my Aptitude will Be, There is 8 different types of Magic people can use if they aquire the Aptitude to Control 'Magicell' in the Body and the Surrounding's then undergo the process of Awakening.

And the People who completed the Awakening this Elements of Magic are called the 'Holder'

Fire - Can Manipulate Fire

Water - Can Manipulate Water

Earth - Can Manipulate Earth

Wind - Can Manipulate Wind

Light - Can Manipulate the Light

Shadow - Can Manipulate the Shadows

Space - Can Manipulate The Gravity itself

Summoner - Can Summon beings

So far this 8 different types of Magic can be Controlled and Manipulate by the Holder, You can also have more than 1 types of Magic to your disposal, Or having a Unique Magic that is the Combination of 2 Different Magic,

Example of that is Ice, where it's a combination of Water and Wind, But, The downside to that is the Holder of that magic can never fully utilized the Elements that make the Combination, They can still control Wind and Water but not to their full potential.

And that is all the Information I know for now.

Rosaria: This is... Curious, I wonder what will happen next year?

I closed the Book that I'm Reading Titled

"The History" if that is obvious enough, While I'm busy looking outside the Window overlooking the People, kids playing and adults doing their Jobs, then a person walked in the Library, and momentarily interrupt My Silence.

*Opening of the Door*

Rosaria: Oh, It's you Agate what seems to be the Matter?

Agate Varia, A Maid working in our Mansion, who is assigned to Look after Me, taking care of me, and Protecting me when I'm in Danger,

She is a lovable and caring person, Now I wonder how she's still not married to anyone?

Agate: I just want to asked Are you excited for your Birthday Tomorrow?

Rosaria: It's my birthday tomorrow?

Agate: (Sigh) How could you Forget didn't your

Highness Says it to you Yesterday

Rosaria: I forgor

Agate: (Sigh) If your so forgetful, now I'm worried for your Future

Rosaria: Hahahaha It's fine! Agate! I can take care of myself you know!

Agate: For someone who forgot her own Birthday I'm not so Sure

Rosaria: Okay okay, Fine I will prepare to this

Tortu-ahem My Birthday Party!

Agate smiles worryingly to Me, I mean C'mon those Birthday parties My Parents celebrate every year since then, and it was Horrible.

I rather Celebrate alone than to be an unreachable and valuable object in a pedestal.

Agate: Why you don't like it Your Highness, it was a Celebration just for You?

Rosaria: Because to Me A Birthday celebration is for the people I care about and people that do the same for me, I don't need some fancy and expensive gift's, just a genuine Love and Happiness for my Birthday is enough.

Me standing behind Agate Looking out the Window and smiling while looking at the Horizon, I didn't notice the Smile and Small Tears Agate is giving me.

Agate: Then I'll leave you to it Your Highness

Rosaria: Take care Agate

As Agate exit the Library I continue looking outside and then, A moment of Silence in the Room Focusing and Concentrate.

Feel the Energy in your Body and Manipulate it towards your Hand.

Rosaria: Come forth, My Blade!

As the Light in my hands brighten A Dagger emerges from it.

Rosaria: Miss me Yaksha

The name of the Malicious Demon inside if the Blade is Yaksha, how I know I asked him his named mad he replied and say it's Yaksha.

Yaksha: You... What the hell happened to you?

Rosaria: You know reborn as a Girl then to try and live as a Girl, can be hardworking Yaksha

want to switch places?

Yaksha: I'd rather Die, Thank you Very much

Rosaria: Boo, No fun

Yaksha: What do you want me to do?

I'm just chilling here reading the Manga you suggested and called me out, Why don't you just do something productive, like going outdoors take some fresh air, and touch grass

Rosaria: The first offer I would try, but touch grass? no thank you

Yaksha: (Sigh) Suit Yourself

Giving me his final answer the Dagger become covered in light and Disappear in front of my Eyes.

Rosaria: Fine, let's go out and see

Exiting the Library and being greeted by the Maids that work for our House, while Walking towards my Father's office the Two guard's that is on the Door, bowed.

Guard 1: Your highness!

Guard 2: Your highness!

Rosaria: Is my Father currently Inside?

Guard 1: Yes, your Highness!

Rosaria: Then let me through I want to speak to him about something

Guard 2: I will inform your Father at Once!

The Guard entered the Room and after some amount of Time passed, he returned and welcomed me in, and I was met with my father working at his Table with that Smile I can never Forget.

As I walked in the Door behind me was closed

so no one could hear are Talk.

Rosaria: Father I have a request?

Evan: Sure my Sweet Angel! What is it?

Cringing at the Nickname I continue speaking.

Rosaria: I want to go Outside the House

Evan: Sure! Why not, I'll send someone to do the preparation needed!

Wow, that was fast I first thought he will refuse my request.

Rosaria: I'm Thankful for this Father!

Evan: No! that smile is captivating! My Angel has Finally decide to descend!

While my Father is busy with his delusions, I already exited the Room and Running happily like a Childe and when I arrived to my Room and closed the door behind me, I try to find the Clothes for outdoors and found it.

Rosaria: Here it is!

Changing Clothes I was finally done.

It was astonishingly well made and it fits just right and the Skirt not too long and too short just enough length for me.

Rosaria: I can't believe myself for wearing This

but, I have to go see what this world has to offer for Me.

The door behind me opens and it was Agate.

Agate: Do you need help?

Rosaria: I was just finished actually!

Agate: Than I will just guide your highness to your Ride

Rosaria: Sure, let's go

Going out of my Room and when I was about to exit the House My Mother and Father are also there, waiting.

Mother: Honey~ Are you sure about this?

Rosaria: Yes, I'm sure

Mother: Just be cautious~ Once you get outside the City~

Rosaria: I will Mother!

Mother was now slowly Crying as Father is trying to comfort her and saying "She will be fine Milany" and Mother and Father hug together, look at Me and Smiled.

Evan: Be careful out there Rosaria

Rosaria: Don't worry Father, I'm tougher than you think!

Saying that while puffing out my chest like a proud Daughter I am.

And once I go outside and met with a Cart with Two while Horse on the Front with the coach driver. and some guard's on the Side over 50 of them.

Agate: Would you like for me to help your highness?

Rosaria: Thank you for the offer Agate

Agate helps me get in the Cart and she follows behind And sitting beside me as the Cart started to move forward while the Guards outside followed shortly after, taking me outside of my Home.