

I was walking down the hallways of my school with my white and blue school uniform on and a red ribbon to finish it off. I was staring down not daring to look anyone on the eye. Then I felt a weird aura of anger. That came from Magazine Miller. The most popular and obeyed student at school. She stepped back with disgust and said "eeeeeww,who dropped the trash?" I looked up a inch and mumbled "sorry" but she didn't seem to hear as she had her minions open a locker and put me in it. "Listen here loser don't think you own the place bumping into me,got IT!!!" I nodded with fear as one of her minions slammed the locker door in my face. I teared up trying to tell myself I'm "ok" but knew it was a lie. So if you haven't figured it out yet I'm the loser of the school. I get bullied like this everyday and I don't know why. No one stands up for me because of Magazine and I know what I did to her that made her mad. As Magazine keeps bullying me others join in on the so called fun but don't worry I'm.....ok...