just a regular college studant who loves novels
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By the 80ths chapters , the prime minister says, we can’t take more population in. The very next day the motherfucker summons 1200 people, s as it is not enough , how did he fought a war per day and make his soldiers do menial work at night
He does throw away all of the things he had qhen he leaves his first qorl. Like everything, aside from one or two important event all first 200ish chapters are useless as fuck
Latest one. It does get better.
Also why learn staff technique to use some boring ass smg shit. Like fuck, i do hate so much when they go to a fantasy ducking world just to go full jhon wick .
If you read his interactions with reinelly you will cry . That’s some cringe shit. Also they do become way too much invested in one another for no fucking reason
Gray morality? This guy changes to a murderous sociopath more often than not for the most shitty reasons. Like he change his beliefs hella fast
Also, mc changes personality like his clothes, most often between ducking extremes, he goes from i don’t want to hurt that, oh no i just hurt that, i feel bad for it, since i already hurt that let’s throw any morality and empathy to the window and be a ducking murderous sociopath
Does he drop this retarded baby personality?
For real? You can’t see why a novel who have a retarded breast feeding addict at the mental age of 30 isn’t that popular? I’m at chapter 20 and until now things are absolutely nonsense.
To be honest, what is killing me is the romance in this novel. There is literally a chick who fall in love with him in 3 to 5 minutes . This is ridiculous already