Not as witty as I think I am
of reading
Read books
Abusiveness, greed, and shame are things learned. I never heard of a physique that is naturally morally upright. And, you're right, people do make their own choices; but it is usually based on who they are and the consequences the would incur. Like the law, ignorance has the benefit of distinction of culpability.
Equality is an ideological impossibility. We are human. Humans have biases. We see things differently from different eyes because of the different minds behind them. Because of this, partiality is a given and "equality" is just a matter of a person's preference. For example: Should your mother and a death row inmate be treated equally by you? Should our government give the same treatment and rights to a hard-working, foreigner and a lazy American?
If she was really a potion master (mistress) then why was there family still so poor? Maybe love potion is the only decent potion she can make?
*A dead person has come back to life!*
e. All of the above
Too cute! 🤭
Hmm, if prostitutes could be gold diggers, they'd try that first, I believe.
He would have to be seen taking an interest in baking and cooking first or nobody would believe he came up with the recipe. I mean that in itself isn't really a big deal. But being young, weak, with lots of money and without a backing would just invite people to take advantage of you.
Who will do the work if they kick him and his family out of the village?
Italian evil cultivators? Or maybe it just sounds like Italian because he came from earth?