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  • FairPeach
    Replied to harm0nykseoul

    I don’t care how magical a pool of water is. If I’ve taken a dip in it I refuse to drink it.

    She turned to look at the clear pool. After giving it some thought, she walked towards it. "I better wash off this layer of dirt." She removed her clothes and jumped into the pool.
    Farming Space Makes Me Rich
    General · Lilac in May
  • FairPeach
    Replied to NiIl_Nayilla

    Honestly girl sounds like she has some serious postpartum depression. It would have made so much sense in this context as so many negative things could be attached to the existence of her child in her head. Many women get it and get help for it. It would also explain why she hated the child but still loved him. The depression causing a disconnect between her aversion and care for the baby.

    Xiao Lingyu ran away from home for five years to avoid seeing Xiao Tong. Now, the weight of the guilt pressed down on Xiao Lingyu. She owed Xiao Tong so much. And the culprit behind this was her lover of a decade.
    Farming Space Makes Me Rich
    General · Lilac in May
  • FairPeach

    While some might call this unrealistic I’ve heard my own grandmother claim it’s a womans fault for being cheated on. Of course when she was in their shoes it’s a different story but this level of toxic exists. And sheep mentality will definitely expedite it.

    In fact, most of the employees would side with Zhao Wenman to mock Xiao Lingyu for her inability to keep her boyfriend. It was Xiao Lingyu's fault for failing to compete with Zhao Wenman.
    Farming Space Makes Me Rich
    General · Lilac in May
  • FairPeach
    Replied to Chempaka_Amalin

    Only if they were smart enough to add that as a clause I guess. I feel like the companies in these novel never do though so…

    Zhao Huiqing roared, "Zhao Wenman, you stupid woman, why did you go and offend Young Master Yan? Thanks to you, the Yan Corporation has broken off its partnership with Huiqing Group! Do you know how serious the consequence is? Let me tell you, in just a few minutes, so many other clients called to cancel their contracts with Huiqing Corporation!"
    Farming Space Makes Me Rich
    General · Lilac in May
  • FairPeach
    Replied to misterbro

    Honestly I'd do the same. Show yourself too much and suddenly your targeted and being setup or poisoned. Worse yet he can't protect anyone right now so his mom is the first person who'll get taken out. Be too outstanding and they might try to trap him in the family then the main heirs with feel threatened and it's a mc's tragic origin story in the making. He needs to know what's exceptional and what's mediocre. But honestly being considered sneaky is better than being dead.

    'A counselor my ass! What's the point in advising people with such powers. Any problem can just be blasted out as the old man did with the lance of flame! To think that power like this actually existed! I must get my hands on it. I might have to risk a bit though, it seems that the purity of the bloodline is kept in high regard inside the Balvan family, so showing some talent might attract unwanted attention from the main family descendants. Yet, I need some information to really understand what's going on.'
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • FairPeach
    Replied to dmacrulz

    Lol as a westerner this feels like home. I dont know how many arguments started with miscommunication and people dancing around topics. honestly as i get farther into asian novels the more i see parallels in my own culture

    Zou Yue awkwardly chuckled. "Yeah, I asked for fan….. a table fan," he glanced back, hiding his sweaty forehead. 'Fuck, I mumbled Fan Xui's name… thank god my parents didn't hear it clearly otherwise they might think I'm a stalker,'
    Crossdressing To Survive An Apocalypse [BL]
    LGBT+ · Lullabybao
  • FairPeach
    Replied to DayLo

    My guess is the ghost was always going to kill her but she managed her schemes before it happened. The ghost likely has all the time in the world after all the only ones with a expiration date is the living.

    Yun Qin pretended not to see this terrifying scene. She knew that even if she didn't make a move, Yun Rou would be killed by the greedy ghost behind her.
    Bigshot, Your Wife Is With Her Tarot Cards Again!
    General · JQK
  • FairPeach

    Honestly Its not that there no way to explain Just pull somthing from your space and show him. claiming you cant for some flimsy reason just adds weight to the idea that you don’t trust him.

    Li Ran understood that he was just worried about her. However, she could not tell him the truth. There was no way to explain it. If she tried, things would become even messier. 
    Apocalypse: Living with a Cute Baby
    General · JQK
  • FairPeach

    To be greedy is to take what you dont need and to ask for more than you should. She declined your offer for a logical reason but honestly with how to guardians packaged it especially since she knows she coupd be in danger at any time one would believe that they absolutely need the blessing to survive. Itd be different if she asked first without reason or consideration but to turn down what offered when youre ignorant of your needs can be pragmatic or foolish, but not greedy.

    "We will never give blessings to people who are greedy nor those who are not mindful of their own lives and the lives of the people surrounding them. They will never be worthy!" Sylvain declared.
    New Life, New Task: I'll Be A Mom Then!!!
    Fantasy · RandomPotato
  • FairPeach
    Replied to Ouroboros001

    Its rather accurate. Just about every Asian friend I have though primarily Korean or Chinese friends have hang ups about their cultures fixation on appearance. One of my friend even told me she got passed up for a job because the other person was physically more attractive though they both had equal qualofications. From what i know by word of mouth Asian culture is very intertwined with appearence, family loyalty and connections. Heck Japanese childern without family names dont get adopted, that just a fact. They have very few chances of going far in the schooling system aswell.

    After all, Blessings did not choose people based on appearance. Having such a powerful Blessing did not make a person beautiful. Perhaps the money earned from the Blessing might even make people less ugly, but it was not as common here as on Asian planets.
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • FairPeach
    Replied to Don_G

    This is why you leaRn multiple languages. If he knew something like french/or arabic he wouldnt have this issue

    This was also the reason Klein insisted on doing a review every week and reorganize all the information he knew.
    Lord of Mysteries
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • FairPeach
    Replied to VaishnavC

    Its comments these that give me the courage to tackle this with the 1000+chapters. I love novels that are thoroughly thought out and have hints of plot that get followed through especially since I’m putting coins to this.

    The symbolic meaning of the earlier dream is that, if I were to hide the related matters about Mr. Azik, I would receive his assistance when I'm in danger in the future. Heh, the danger might have come about because I helped to keep the secret… What does the last scene mean? I will discover some mausoleum with Mr. Azik? Yes, perhaps the mausoleum has other symbolic meanings… Klein clasped his hands together and supported his chin while he interpreted the contents of the dream divination.
    Lord of Mysteries
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • FairPeach
    Replied to Dreadix

    He never said that power was permanent only he could give these people power. when really think about it all the Blessed in world really on the Gods favor to powerful. there’s to say that those same Gods can’t just take back their blessing. besides it’s a win-win for involved. The humans get a extra boost in their saftey while in fortresses and he gets both money and exp in exchange.

    Noah knew Carlos was smart, with a smile he started to explain in detail what he had planned. "Yes, the imps would be how I would do this. Currently I can summon 15 imps in total. I plan to use 3 for myself, and I hope you test these imps on a daily basis: Carlos in the real world, while Patrick tests inside a Rank F Fortress to see how it will perform. As for the other 10 imps, I thought of setting up something like a rental. The person will come to me and we will make an X hour contract where the person can command the Imp and will have responsibility for him. Regardless of whether they die or not, the person will still have to pay all hours of the deal. After time runs out, the contract will disappear and the imp will return for another pentagram on the ground, regardless of if they were in battle or not."
    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • FairPeach
    Replied to Brianna_Torres_9523

    I don’t think it’s only higher talent. we can infer that the MC originally had the highest talent of his generation before being infected by the terrors. even though his body was damaged, there’s been no mention that it would be impossible for him to recover. I think the system removed whatever was damaging him, and now his body is slowly recovering his original talent. So the system is the only reason he’s not weak anymore but the system mentioned that how strong he grew would depend on him.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    The Demon Monarch System
    Fantasy · Syphiinz
  • FairPeach
    Replied to Sin_Of_Sloth19

    She also said she’d tell him the basics but that only seems to be when it’s convenient for her and inconvenient for him

    'Household members are completely loyal to their master's command. They are physically and mentally unable to harm their master. This means that there is absolutely no chance of betrayal. The only way that they can break out of your control is if they hate you to an extremely unimaginable degree.
    The Great Demon System
    Fantasy · Drip
  • FairPeach
    Replied to Drip

    Ok I usually can’t stand poor grammar, since it’s a novel killer on the best of days and even admitting that the beginning is bad can turn me away. But anyone who’s apart of the no harem gang is worthy of views. I’ll stick through it, it might even help that The vampire system is a serious guilty pleasure of mine (I can’t reread it because it’s bad but I love it anyway) and Ive been looking for something similar but just overall better.

    The Great Demon System
    Fantasy · Drip
  • FairPeach

    Honestly i can’t nitpick, this is an amazing story with characters I genuinely like. I never feel like the story has stalled and I’m never bored. Heck for the very first time I’ve actually spent literal coins on a book which is out of charcter for me. I can’t wait to see where the story takes me and I pray this stays as amazing as its been so far.

    Lucifer's Descendant System
    Fantasy · Zhanye
  • FairPeach

    Says the girl who seems to have spent her whole day tailing a boy she has no relationship with.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • FairPeach
    Replied to User177785

    Honestly some people are just like that. In general if you don’t genuinely care for someone you tend to let go of them when you’re not interested anymore.

    At the time Jia Hyson was also happy for Jacob attaining a job but now after getting to know him further he felt a little conflicted. It had been a long time since he's genuinely liked someone for more than a few months before getting tired of them. He'd even had periods of time when he had gotten sick and tired of Maddy and ignored her for several days before forcefully mentally pulling himself back into his brotherly love mindset. Monroe was more aloof and wasn't around as much so he didn't have the same problem with him but Jia Hyson was sure that if they weren't family and this wasn't a mission he probably would have slowly pushed them away in favor of more interesting things.
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake