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first of all I would say this is a great book, I have a habit of just skip the character development in term of power and training as it seem boring to me but this book however is just great The only this that I would found a bit bad about this novel is that the death of some character feel a bit distant and not that much of impact to me (left arm and knife) as it just happen in the same chapter with a very short moment to be honest...i just realize she die after i read comment and read again(left arm nor knife) I do think it does not do as good as in sword god, one moment would be queen primodial she don't have anything to say and there is almost no dialogue but is so unexpecting and in that moment is just silence which make it kind of depress.(to be honest I did not know she that much and I just like her) so it kinda impact me more. i don't really like when peple say he don't have character development because it not as much show and transparent it still there and good one at that, he start from guilt to hero complex then realise that this world is just a farm and then, he IS a real hero to freed humanity no matter what it also show a sign of reset and i really look forward to his response and action toward the future human generation and one thing a Flawed character is not a bad written character people don't like nick as he hypocrite but if we look from another perspective just how many people had he help? millions if not more tbh and in the future he will free HUMANITY so his action is kinda justify. (I never write a long review before so the grammar and structure might be bad tho)
bro after the hoe lol and who the kimono one?
one of the best aspects of this novel...
tftc and thanks so much for choosing my scorch girl!
Great angela presence a bit weak? though, Honglu make up for it
4th match of flame...