Felix Harp finds himself transmigrated in a Universe filled with Magic, Gods of Norse, of Egypt, of Greek. The Science very advanced — men flying in tin armor can be seen everyday, carpenters that can fly with a swing of their hammer, and one man can even stretch himself into oblivion — they exist. So Felix who's a fan of this world found himself amazed at first, yes, but after a month he found himself bored. Thankfully after a quick nap with a little dream and such he found himself somewhere else that can be entertaining for himself, and for the world as a whole — watch how the GOD OF GAMES develop and create games that can literally suck people inside the little untapped Dimension in-between the Universes.
[ Felix Harp: "Fuc* me life's finally getting interesting, let's go!" ]
[ Phoenix: "Aye bruv, chill, I got this." ]
[ Ned: "Wo-what's happening?!" ]
[ Darcy: "YES! VALORANT!" ]
[ Jett: "존나 절어, more Agents!" ]
[ ... ]
DaoOfEverything · Others