I am the all consuming reader of ff and webnovel, i just wished that most of them weren't trash, it's hard to come across peak
of reading
Read books
Hmmm personally i dont like rias, there are already too many fanfics about romancing her but the most problem i have currently is wont Moon turn into a fallen if he falls for a devil? Right now heaven is second rate compared to the other 2 factions, the other 2 factions are free to roam around, do everything they want while heaven is just very passive, not really able to do anything. If Moon joins their rank, order will be recognized, using fear ofcourse
Does he know how to though? Mess it up and he will become Shirou 2.0
Only the path of unknown will yield unexpected rewards, as they say "fortune favors the bold"
Separate your dialogues
Please tell me the system is only for characterization
How did you even get a 1 star from the banner?
This is just so hilarious
The potential man
Thats interesting, i have always wondered what happen to a god's corpse after they fall, do they disappear into the air of the world or birth new entities altogether?
Nah, he gonna wipe the floor with your ass