Construct X-1288
In the year 2147, the human race has spread to all eight planets of the Milky Way, even constructing rings to harness the Sun's energy whilst prolonging the life of the star. On Earth, what was San Francisco has been turned into Neo City, the first city that was rebuilt once humans created Neo Metal, a man made element that was stable and more durable than any other. Many corporations make tech with Neo Metal and various other electronics the such, however Zeoman Enterprises stand at the top of their game.
Eventually, Zeoman Enterprises would create a one of a kind metal assassin, meant to guard the company's CEOs and other high ranking members. As well as hunt down any rebels against the company's monopoly.
The Zeoman Enterprises Combatant Construct Serial Designation X-1288 opposes any enemies for his creators. Follow the journey of this mechanical marvel.
PrismaticPurity · Sci-fi