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Be careful with this novel because at some point, it goes from a survival genre with puzzle (MC is underdog which must find a solution) to a brainless overpower self satisfaction harem genre to satisfy a male audience. The psychology of the characters are similar to 15 yo teenagers even if in theory the MC is 25 and the characters suffer from the stereotypic view of the female genre from China (girls are follower, frightened by everything and wait only that a big guy protects them). Moreover, the writer does not have a clear view where he goes. However some good points : the rythme of the novel is well handed; except for some part, you won’t be bored when the MC is in big trouble. Some cultural reference are funny to recognize.
You need to imagine the difficulty to remove a mustache by hand so quickly.
Franz Liszt, the pianist !?
Funny enough, it almost seems that Shangai became a small village qhere everybody knows each other.
I find this logic a bit strange. The guy put him into the game because he had to; if not, they will need to wait for another opportunity that someone steps or they will die waiting forever. He didn’t do it with evil intend. The MC can be just honest and say that his ability is interesting and he is not his friend so he will kill him for benefit.
Strange. In 2017, Mario is older than that.
This guy is a 5% survivor and received a cheating skill but still complains about his bad luck. I am sure at school, he was the guy who complains of failing his exams but actually just missed one or two questions.
Sorry, Mario, but I prefer Zelda. I don’t really like eating mushrooms and going into pipes.