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Oh, that's right, I guess my mind was going blank at that point
She hadn't been indifferent to him ever, it was just that in his past life there was no need to protect him, he was in the most protected place in the country and no one touched him except his brothers who sometimes teased him. There was simply nothing to protect him from. This time he showed himself directly, not as an empty place, but rather as a kind of “revolutionary”, that's why it was opened to him directly, not as in his previous life.
Thank u!
I try to stick to the standard release of Korean webnovels (three times a week) so as not to sacrifice the quality of the story, so I apologize for that!
There will still be third-person chapters, but I felt that conveying the depth of a character's emotions and experiences was much better in first-person. Nevertheless, when necessary I will still switch to the author's face.
And it's true that this unfortunately happens sometimes. Thanks for pointing out the specific naming errors! Already fixed it. These problems are caused by the fact that I originally wrote the novel in another language and when translating I can't always keep track of the correctness of the translation of proper names, I apologize :(
Thank you!
I had no plans to make a harem)
Hi everyone! This is ImLyra86, or simply Lyra. Six months ago, the idea of creating my own story hit me, and I haven’t been able to let it go since. I wanted to write a novel that blended romance, action, drama, and a knightly setting in a seamless way. I envisioned a medieval world with elements of steampunk and hints of modernity. At times, you might feel that I'm still finding my voice, and that’s fair—this is my first experience writing. But I hope that Raphael’s journey captures your imagination and that you’ll enjoy this story filled with emotion and adventure. Thank you for reading Legacy of the Silver Flame!