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The universe like, "Bruh, what's this?"
Why doesn't he just break through in the secret realm?
no that's the Stellar Era which is just the recent era of human civilisation.
Even just a little more thought placed into it could reveal a better argument than this nonsense. Instead of deceiving her, he could actually justify it. An empire that doesn't expand dies. Competition between polities is part of the natural order, and the "good" way of doing it is doing it while minimising human suffering. Whether or not these statements are agreeable, they do contain a certain amount of truth and aren't inherently evil.
Hmm, perhaps the valley is so deep that it reaches the center of the planet?
200 million is the public number, 20 billion is the real number (or 2 billion?).
brah, the author is being really edgy with the warhammer references.
Very nice worldbuilding, character design, and story structure. My one disappointment is that there are basically no relationships that make the reader invested. This story wouldnt really change much if it didnt follow Laine or was just a non-fiction style historiography. I mean there are plenty of interesting characters, but because the reader basically doesnt care about whatever they do its all a bit pointless. For example, if Themis or Athena had entered a romantic relationship with Laine then the reader would care a lot more about the internal instability of the divine court. Zeus decisions and whims would cause great distress to the reader as they worry about Athena's safety. Maybe Themis could grapple with the trying to overcome the inherent irrationality of chaos gods. As it is Laine keeps everyone, even his closest associates and servants, at arms length. The story is kinda like watching someone watch TV.
??? What happened to Cassius' barrier?
gaslighting her with the truth?