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The Crimson Light Serenade

Elias perched proudly atop his prized Griffin, a magnificent creature he'd personally tamed.  Behind him, hundreds of loyal knights mounted on mighty Griffins soared through the sky, their unwavering loyalty a testament to their devotion to king and country. Below, stretching out like a sea of steel, the Faelorian Royal Army stood in perfect formation.  Their thunderous roars echoed across the plains, a sound that sent shivers down any spine. Elias guided his loyal Griffin to the forefront, then gracefully dismounted and landed amidst the bustling soldiers. A tense silence descended. Elias and his troops fixed their gazes on the distant horizon, towards the sloping expanse of hills beyond. Dust clouds swirled in the valley and grasslands below, accompanied by a low, ominous rumble and the chilling echo of monstrous roars. Emerging from behind the hills, the enemy revealed itself in stages. Led by a contingent of Death Knights, clad in heavy armor and wielding wicked swords and shields. The enemy force seemed endless. From the distant mountains beyond, new waves of ghastly creatures poured forth, their numbers seemingly limitless. Undeterred, Elias raised his mighty axe and let out a thunderous war cry.  Mounted on his Griffin, he charged towards the enemy lines.  The Faelorian army erupted in a deafening roar, echoing across the battlefield. With their king leading the charge, they surged forward, a wave of steel and determination against the encroaching tide of darkness.

484H · Fantasy
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35 Chs