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在末日废土,少年陈哲因为抢劫了莫氏帮派的一些物资,成为了整个帮派的追杀目标。尽管他身陷险境,却始终保持幽默和开朗的态度。 一天,陈哲正在废弃的城市中躲避追兵,忽然听到身后传来急促的脚步声。他转身一看,竟然是莫氏帮派的头目莫帮亲自带队追来了。 “哎呀,莫帮老大,你们帮派真是大手笔,居然出动这么多人来抓我一个人!”陈哲笑嘻嘻地说道,仿佛在与老朋友聊天。 莫帮冷哼一声:“小子,今天就是你的死期!” “死期?我可不这么认为。”陈哲眼珠一转,突然从旁边的废墟中抽出一根铁棍,摆出一副准备战斗的架势。 莫帮一挥手,手下们纷纷上前围攻陈哲。然而,陈哲灵活地在废墟间穿梭,利用周围的障碍物不断拖延时间,同时不时地用幽默的话语激怒对方。 “哎呀,真是不好意思,我这人跑得快,不好抓啊!”他一边躲避攻击,一边调侃道。 经过一番激战,陈哲终于找到机会脱身。他快速爬上一辆废弃的汽车,发动引擎,扬长而去。莫帮带着手下们气急败坏地看着陈哲远去的背影,无奈地停下追击。 “陈哲,下次见面你就没这么好运了!”莫帮愤怒地喊道。 陈哲在车上哈哈大笑:“下次见面?那我可要准备点更精彩的节目给你们看!” 就这样,陈哲在末日废土中继续他的冒险,他用幽默和机智一次次从困境中脱身,成为了这个世界上最特别的生存者之一。

Herry0802 · Horror
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22 Chs

Last Second

In the post-apocalyptic wasteland, young Chen Zhe found himself on the run after robbing supplies from the Mo gang. Despite the dire situation, he remained humorous and cheerful. One day, while evading pursuers in an abandoned city, he heard hurried footsteps behind him. Turning around, he saw the Mo gang's leader, Mo Bang, leading the chase personally. "Wow, Mr. Mo, your gang really goes all out! So many people just to catch little old me!" Chen Zhe said with a grin, as if he were chatting with an old friend. Mo Bang sneered, "Kid, today is the day you die!" "Die? I don't think so." Chen Zhe's eyes twinkled as he grabbed a metal rod from the rubble and assumed a fighting stance. Mo Bang motioned for his men to attack. Chen Zhe, agile and quick, darted among the ruins, using the obstacles to his advantage. He constantly taunted his pursuers with his humor. "Oops, sorry, I run pretty fast. Hard to catch, huh?" he teased while dodging their blows. After a fierce battle, Chen Zhe saw his chance to escape. He climbed into an abandoned car, started the engine, and sped away. Mo Bang and his men could only watch in frustration as Chen Zhe disappeared into the distance. "Chen Zhe, next time you won't be so lucky!" Mo Bang shouted angrily. Chen Zhe laughed from the car, "Next time? I'll have an even better show prepared for you!" And so, Chen Zhe continued his adventures in the wasteland, using his humor and wit to escape danger time and again, becoming one of the most unique survivors in this desolate world.

Herry0802 · Horror
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21 Chs