Greetings, fellow Earthlings! I am a wordsmith by passion, a stylistic shape-shifter by choice, and your friendly neighborhood apocalyptic scribe all rolled into one. I venture into the vast universes of science fiction, concoct tales at the world's end, chat with zombies over a cup of brains—oops, I mean coffee—and weave enchantments in realms filled with magic and knights. Your follow means you're now part of this eccentric ensemble, so if you've got plots brewing in your head, or even just a zombie tip or two, don't be a stranger! Share away, and let's make some narrative magic together!
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I misspelled her name, sorry.
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In the upcoming plot, I will reveal their ages.
"Haha, no worries, we're not starting a new episode of 'Cooking with Hannibal Lecter' here. Just a typical day in the apocalypse!"
Oh, of course, my dude! The '90s in America were quite the technicolor dream – a veritable Crayola box of television innovation. While I can't claim to have firsthand experience of those chromatic glory days (my personal time machine's still in the shop), I do appreciate the history lesson. Keep those vibrant facts coming!
"Ah, reaching level 10 in a skill? That's when things get really interesting – think 'Kentucky Superman' levels of powerful. But, plot twist, I haven't quite written that far into the future yet. So, if you've got any bright ideas about how our protagonist should wield such mighty power, do share.
"Oh, you've caught onto my unique storytelling technique! You see, it's a bit like my personal writing quirk. Sometimes I might not explicitly mention the protagonist hitting the hay at the end of a chapter, but by the start of the next, I assume they've had a good night's sleep, fresh as a daisy. It's kind of like watching a Chinese cartoon, where the story hops along, assuming the little details happen off-screen. If anything seems a bit too out of sync for you, feel free to point it out. I’m all for making adjustments. After all, who doesn’t enjoy a good plot twist now and then?"
"Ah, you got me there! My bad for oversimplifying it. Turns out the virus isn’t just an airborne ninja sneaking up on us. It’s more like a concoction brewed in a mad chemist's lab under unique circumstances. Guess I'll have to don my detective hat and unravel the mysteries of its spread bit by bit. Stay tuned!"