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Rising Retribution

Marcus "Sentinel" Steele and his team after a successful mission of assassinating a terrorist leader in the People's Republic of Karamanda (PRK) (a fictional country in West Africa), get framed for the assassination of presidential candidate Cheikh Abdoulaye in PRK and after escaping a massive manhunt back to Novarica (a fictional country made up of Islands and located in the South Pacific Ocean), are arrested and extradited back to PRK. During transit, sleeper agents attack the convoy, killing Marcus's team. Marcus escapes, interrogates one of the sleeper agents, learns their handler is Christopher, and flees PRK with the help of a friend, Diarra. Marcus enlists the help of a computer genius friend, Lucas, who helps him on his revenge/fact finding mission to track down all those involved in the conspiracy, starting with Christopher. Christopher then implicates Alex Winslow, head of Counterterrorism, EAGLE, and Marcus's handler for 15 years. He assassinates Christopher after questioning him. The death of Christopher leads to a manhunt being launched throughout Nova City, the capital of Novarica, to apprehend Marcus. This sends Marcus briefly into hiding. Marcus confronts Winslow, who implicates National Security Advisor Ronald Clement. Marcus kills Alex then goes after Ronald. Ronald implicates Prime Minister Jordan Richardson, Michael Reginald, and Donald Clayton. Marcus kills Ronald before breaching Donald's safehouse where he obtains fail-safe evidence from him, revealing their conspiracy to assassinate Abdoulaye, so they could control PRK's oil. Marcus shares the evidence with a media friend, who broadcasts it, leading to the arrests of Richardson and Reginald. Public outrage ensues, demanding justice and accountability from the implicated figures.

Ebenezer_Ugorji · Action
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