Blackbeard: Andrew & James
This story is told from the perspective of Andrew, a treasure hunter, has been searching for a legendary bounty hidden by the infamous pirate Blackbeard for 22 years. On an unfamiliar island, he finds a clue that leads him to believe his son, James, is missing. Andrew begins to recount his journey, revealing how his interest in Blackbeard began in seventh grade. After discovering a map and notes in his history teacher's classroom, Andrew becomes fascinated with the pirate's history. Years later, Andrew receives a message from his former teacher claiming to have found a significant clue related to Blackbeard's sojourn in Northern Asia. Andrew and James embark on a journey to Asia to investigate the clue, combining their pursuit of treasure with sightseeing and history. The story unfolds as they face challenges, uncover secrets, and grow closer as father and son.
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braydentv · History