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The Road to Ruin: A TGKB Side Story

Laiyth and Shren, two ambitious brothers from Hifron, prepare to leave their family behind and embark on a journey to the Sanqi Woods. Their goal is to enroll as mercenaries at the MerCo headquarters in Taliqun. Amidst heartfelt farewells from their family, the brothers set out, filled with dreams of future glory and a bit of trepidation about the unknown. Simultaneously, Tangret Ormic, a young man burdened with expectations and familial duties, makes a daring escape from his noble life dominated by demonic influences. Disillusioned and desperate for a change, Tangret decides to flee to Sanqi Woods, hoping to forge his own path as a mercenary, far from the manipulations of his family. Meanwhile, Qrezn, a young orc from the deserts of Senex, stands at a crossroads in his life. Inspired by the legendary Rakgur mercenary group, he dreams of proving his strength and making a name for himself. Facing the limitations of his youth and inexperience, Qrezn decides that joining MerCo is his fastest route to gaining the recognition he craves. As fate would have it, these four individuals converge at the bustling MerCo headquarters in Taliqun. Their first encounters are marked by a mix of competition and camaraderie, as they navigate the initial trials of enrollment. Thus chapter the group, newly formed yet uncertain, prepare to face the world together from threats and overcome challenges from inside and out.

NNA_Central · Fantasy
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4 Chs