of reading
Read books
That’s not good. I would have had a boring childhood without the barn and the tractor dad let my sister and me use. Rainy days, the barn was a playground. Cold day? The hay fort was warm because the straw held our body heat. It had a hole in the top to let light in. Fresh air and enough light to read. It was so quiet and I could stay there for hours reading! The barn was our escape!
So, my answer is, I don’t know if it’s an affair or if he’s under a spell and she holds it for ransom after he slept with her once or what. Dear author holds that secret. I hope she explains it before the end of the book. Sounds like Jasmine is going to save civilization! Cant wait for that to happen!
Ok, this is fun! Euckre is my favorite card game and my old roommate, nicknamed Snue, was the luckiest card player I have EVER seen play so I always had her ad my partner. She got named Snue because our drunk friend Amy was waking everyone in our hall. She opened Sue’s door and said “Good morning Snue.” Sue Snyder was her name Snue rolled off Amy’s tongue and forever after she is called Snue. She is brilliant and a mathematics major. I was quarters champion and everything else, Snue was the champion!
Definitely a fruit. My dad grew over a hundred acres of tolmatoes. They grow on vines. Same with bell peppers. Very yummy ripe and right off the vines. My brother is color blind. If mom sent him out to the field for a ripe tomato for lunch or dinner, he would come back in with the biggest green tomatoes you ever saw. So mom sent me along with him to tell him which ones to pick.😎
I enjoyed that chapter‼️😎♥️
I slept for 2 days so I missed it. Good chapters!♥️🥰♥️🥰♥️🥰♥️🥰♥️
I get it now. You’re right there. Rose hasn’t been involved this whole time and now wants to know right away about the poison. I’m still trying to figure out her husband’s deal. I still think he has a bigger secret about Cherry but he’s so useless he won’t ever come clean because she is holding all this in threat. He is so weak he won’t tell what he knows.