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can't lie gore magala is fire I wish they had him in world cuz you know I could kind of see him being like an intro or like within the crystal he was encased in or like a variant of him encased in Crystal and during our fight with nergigante the crystal started to break until it was released
could be good then the child could grow up with the hatchlings they be like a myth to both the humans in the elves a human with the ability to control and tame the wyvenrns
your suggestions are great NGL but if you're playing wilds right now why didn't you suggest something cooler like arkveld ray dau heck even balahara would have fit in the desert ecosystem or better you could have made your own monster something that combines your favorite element a look that you want it to have and ect. like you can make an in elder Dragon for the story as long as ability doesn't involve like blowing up islands with void abilities and stuff make it something unique like dragon energy their only 3 elder dragon monsters that carry dragon energy and only 3 normal monsters that have it as well but excluding all that hows the gameplay so far and what is your favorite monster to hunt
why does it interest you in such a unique pair an rathian with gold scales with power comparable to a elder dragon and an white rathalos the ability to shoot energy beams and as for deviljho don't you think I would defeat the purpose of the main character's new evolution and the purpose of adding him in because if he didn't read the description dark divine rathalos eats monsters that harness dragon energy such as deviljho and ebony odagaron but it settles for things without Dragon energies the substitute so the only way I could possibly see myself adding deviljho this early on is if you request for two deviljho so they can breed or I add deviljho and just place him super far on the island as for bracyadios I can see The barrage punch meme funny I'll see which one I can do and which one would make more sense to add to the story
I just need two things from you 1.: what variant should the MC's children should be 1.:apex rathian 2.:silver rathalos 3.:gold rathian 4.:zenith rathalos only 2 can win second thing is what monster you wanna see next 1.:Diablos (x2) 2.:Tigrex (x2) 3.:mitzune (x3) 4.:barroth (x2)
thank you for your faith in me I know I want the hive to move to a new location and I definitely want there to be a battle but I just can't find the right location for the hive to move to
oh nah you put your heart and soul into this one I got to continue it now three blue eyes white dragons for that much you might as well make the creators of Yu-Gi-Oh build a whole new odd-eyes dragon card
thanks I am trying to think if their be some faction where they despise the main character in one and dead and they built like this makeshift Jager to try and kill him in the next chapter or should grimsagorm appear in the next chapter and duel with the mc
so what do you think of your custom monster let me know if you want attacks added
and just for you i have made an oc and wish for you to be an inspiration and forever member in the story