

2024-04-03 JoinedDominican Republic



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  • Marten0023
    Marten00233 months ago

    If you are the original author of Terror infinity glitch in the system, I must say that I am disappointed, it is not a rewrite or a new version, you use fragments of the original and only put them where convenient, they feel uncomfortable and poorly placed, horribly written. Compared to the original chapters, the protagonist's point of view in relation to some things is extremely stupid, it does not fit with the personality of the protagonist, and as you copied the beginning as it is, everything feels extremely forced and rushed, more than 4 times I have had to reread the chapters because it seems as if parts are missing, they are incomplete and confusing to read.

  • Marten0023
    Marten002310 months ago

    If you are a fan of terror infinity, or one of their fanfics like side B, Monster or even the not so beloved Glitch in the system, be careful reading this, the first chapter is garbage, and the first 5 detail how close to a gary stu who is the Protagonist, a character created with the sole purpose of breaking absolutely everything and taking advantage of all the knowledge that the author has about the original work, I don't know what others think, but the protagonist is close to having 0 of charisma, there are things that were added or modified only at the convenience of the protagonist or the logic of his actions or the improvements were simply overlooked. If a protagonist close to a gary stu does not bother you, and you are not very attached to terror infinity as such, you can pleasantly enjoy this story. But for me, I don't know how the hell this has a better rating than Monster

  • Marten0023
    Marten002310 months ago
    Replied to SoldatGottes

    I come from the future, and I can only agree that it became too strong too quickly since chapter 123, where in my opinion everything went downhill, that was an extreme and almost meaningless jump in strength, but before that everything It was incredibly good and sounded quite coherent to me, if you read Terror Infinity, you will know that there are some ways to acquire power stupidly quickly without any real disadvantages, as well as absorb power, like the bloodline of the vampire prince

  • Marten0023
    Marten002310 months ago
    Replied to Djabilong

    In their defense, that is not the only strategy, rather it is a very dangerous one, you should not trust anyone blindly, but if your teammates have risked your life for you and you for them, you can say that they are a true team, if they bonds are strong, the team will be even stronger, surviving terror infiniti without a reliable team is impossible

  • Marten0023
    Marten002310 months ago
    Replied to Simon_6903

    You can never be sure that they will not betray you, but to survive a reliable and strong team is the only alternative, that will not happen overnight, just be cautious and alert, but do not blindly distrust, if you take too long your teammates team will die and you will be screwed

  • Marten0023
    Marten002310 months ago

    Yooo, llego un año tarde pero que mas da, me encontre esto buscando fanfics de terror infinity despues de leer monster, imagina mi sorpresa cuando veo que de hecho esta en español. Honestamente tengo muchas ideas que puedes utilizar, soy vago y no es que tenga mucho tiempo para escribir, pero me gustaria ver una protagonista femenina joder, para variar, ademas que use nen o haki, y usar activamente el tiempo dentro de los mundos de pelicula, una mujer inteligente, con conocimiento profundo de la saga resident evil asi como una mente recta

  • Marten0023
    Marten0023a year ago
    Replied to JayFireblood

    Giving a roundhouse kick is not as difficult as it seems, plus it is the only plausible option for his age and height, how would you reach his balls? It's that or a punch