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2024-03-10 JoinedGlobal



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  • ISpyExp
    Replied to GodOfDegenerates

    Thanks for showing up and entertaining the things going on in my stupid brain. only wish I could update more.

    Ch 32 Chapter 32
    Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to HarkenEliwood
    Ch 32 Chapter 32
    Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to Habutheri

    Ain't no way I just saw someone put tongue to lightsaber. Where is that scene from? As for the character's future, I don't like to spoil such things my friend.

    While they equipped themselves both took notice of the only other person still picking out a weapon. Well, they weren't picking a weapon per say. Rather than restricting themselves to a single one they were grabbing a weapon from each type and clipping to their form. Erin held back a snort. A small crimson skinned twi'lek weighed down by armaments she had no business carrying was certainly a first.
    Star Wars The Old Republic: For The Empire (SWTOR)
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to OverlordBGs

    Glad you think so 👍

    Ch 6 Another Day Another Tomb
    Star Wars The Old Republic: For The Empire (SWTOR)
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to Daoist96s1k6

    Not going to give a definitive yes. I have drafted out plans but I've noticed I'm a very character focused writer, meaning I'll derail my whole planned plot to stay consistent with character traits. Personally I think it helps me create a more interesting story even if that results in planned scenes being tossed in that trash, reworked, or postponed. The protagonist will definitely have stronger ties to the others around him, compared to the game. How well that'll work out and the direction those relationships develop is in constant flux. One minute I think I know exactly what a character will do and plan around that only for their reaction to be nothing like I expected or subtly different once I put myself in their headspace, changing the story in various ways. Writing for me is definitely a process of constant discovery, edits, and revamps. Anyways I'm done rambling, hope you enjoyed.

    Ch 5 First Assignment
    Star Wars The Old Republic: For The Empire (SWTOR)
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to Krulsch

    A human with very strong sith blood. A more detailed description of the MC will come through when the opportunity presents itself or through someone else's perspective.

    Ch 1 Arrival
    Star Wars The Old Republic: For The Empire (SWTOR)
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to John_Dobson

    That is part of the long-term plan. Thank you kindly for the encouraging words 🙏

    Ch 5 First Assignment
    Star Wars The Old Republic: For The Empire (SWTOR)
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to UltimateSparda
    Ch 2 Chapter 2
    Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to dioltas

    Just started it recently. Old Republic era (SWTOR specifically) won out but I might write a clone wars one way later.

    Ch 6 Chapter 6
    Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to dioltas

    Shoot, definitely meant to say material. Good catch, I'll change that when I get a hold of my laptop.

    Along the way, Athias checked a few of the old urns, discovering ancient coins. They weren't made of the same gold as septims but there was a good chance they could be traded or sold to any collector interested in the stuff, so he pocketed them.
    Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to Whadyamean

    I agree. Paradoxical will likely be the name of the game when it comes to the MCs deeper characterization. Though I feel like there was a bit of disconnect. He has no problem using illusion to kill; its the other possibilities continued practice will open up that makes him apprehensive. After all, in a world full of magic and gods, I think many would agree that killing someone isn't the worse thing you can do to them. The average joe beleives they're above doing certain things only to end up doing said things once they have power. But that's just the ramblings of someone exploring the world of literature. Anyways, hope you're enjoying the story, peace out.

    Self control? That wasn't exactly his strong suit.
    Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to DartUpdates

    Hey, if that means no more working or paying taxes I'm all for it. I'd throw myself into that basement 😂

    Ch 29 Chapter 29
    Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to Daoist96s1k6

    I always wondered about images. Is that something people really like? I might consider it but that seems like something I'd do if I had enough money saved up for an artist I can hire. Or I could take screenshots from the game myself. Either way, it's not something I planned on but not something I'm against either. -The MC is human with very strong sith roots. I haven't detailed his appearance much but it'll show up sooner or later. Possibly via a P.O.V switch. While I do consider myself a descriptive writer, it never flows right when I randomly drop a description of a person while writing from things from their perspective. Maybe it's just me but I almost never wonder what I look like when I'm going about my day so it seems unnatural. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Your other questions will be answered as things progress I think.

    Ch 4 Confidence and Arrogance
    Star Wars The Old Republic: For The Empire (SWTOR)
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to Daoist96s1k6

    Definitely some interesting ideas in there that I might use to some degree and others not so much. -I get the whole harem argument but there'd also the otherside of that coin, where a true sith chasing power wouldn't hold themselves back with any form of long-term attachment to others since thats just a form of reliance. Either way, while I don't argue that a lot of that stuff could be common in a society dominated by sith, it also isn't the sort of story I'm interested in writing. If I kill my own enjoyment, this story will definitely die. -The cryo thing would be a great idea for spin off books or what ifs but realistically, I don't see that being a believable conclusion with the MC's current personality. Who knows, he might change a little over the course of the story. Assuming I finish this story and want to write something cool that isnt meant to be taken 100% seriously, like a faction headed by the MC showing up and going head to head with the likes of Palpatine during the Empire era or foiling his plans during the clone wars, it is an idea worth considering. -As for all the other stuff, a lot of that can be considered spoiler territory and I'm not too keen on spoiling. I will be looking more into the art of the small though (that ability hadn't even been on my radar). Even if I don't use what you bring to the table, it's nice to see lore/force abilities for future stories.

    Ch 4 Confidence and Arrogance
    Star Wars The Old Republic: For The Empire (SWTOR)
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to DartUpdates

    Feels good to finally post. Who knew a week could feel so long? Hopefully I'm never inactive for that much time again.

    Ch 29 Chapter 29
    Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to Chezebrelephaffe01

    It's Sith warrior, but you'll see other characters from the empire from time to time as their stories brush or cross each other.

    "So, you're the one my father went out of his way to have brought to the academy?" A woman questioned Erin the moment he entered the well-lit chamber that had been at the end of the hall.
    Star Wars The Old Republic: For The Empire (SWTOR)
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to Daoist96s1k6

    A lot of these are in deep spoiler territory but I do intend to have this follow the Sith warrior storyline with differences and more details in plenty of places. It's sort of a novelization of how I saw my main character. I don't have any 100% percent plan for pairings since that's so far off but I'm generally torn between Lana or Jaesa. Not against both if I can make it make sense but we'll see. I'd rather not compromise quality to force in unnecessary romance. anyways, hope you enjoyed these first few chapters.

    Ch 3 The Sith Academy
    Star Wars The Old Republic: For The Empire (SWTOR)
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to Chezebrelephaffe01

    Once I get into a regular update schedule, this story will generally follow that of the Sith Warrior with a few other empire characters making appearances here and there.

    Ch 1 Arrival
    Star Wars The Old Republic: For The Empire (SWTOR)
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to DartUpdates

    Hope you enjoyed it. I'll try not to keep you all waiting too long.

    Ch 28 Chapter 28
    Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey
    Video Games · ISpyExp
  • ISpyExp
    Replied to DartUpdates

    Unlikely unfortunately. Still settling into my new job so I didn't have as much time as I wanted to write. I did manage to post a bit of that star wars story I've been talking about if you're interested though.

    Ch 28 Chapter 28
    Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey
    Video Games · ISpyExp