


Writer and Reader of Fanfictions!

2024-03-06 JoinedUnited States



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  • Steatoda
    Replied to Foosh
    "Detroit Smash!"
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to ArthasMenethil

    He did not. Vanko is alive. Tyson used his illusions to 'convince' Vanko to work with him. What you envision may be a possibility.

    Ch 56 Arc 5 - Ch 9: Whiplash
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to James_Bradley_8414

    Harrowers are cool, but it probably won't happen. From an in-story perspective, Harrowers don't come around for another two hundred years. Either Tyson would need to actively pursue that time period or Q would need to send him there. From an out of story perspective, This story has been very heavy on Star Wars and after this season will shift a bit more toward Trek. Also, I never played TOR and try to stay away from plots I don't know.

    High-Security Inter-Reality Connecting Door (Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic)
    Star Jumper
    Movies · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to Sin_Vergil

    Excuse my memory, it was Meth, not cocaine. I look at Sentry more as a social commentary than an actual character. He was created in the early 2000s, during a meth epidemic. The whole stick between him and Void seems very much like a personification allegory for drug abuse; Robert being Sentry and Void being Robert when he's using. That's my take anyway. As far as in-universe, meh. By all accounts I should like Sentry, he has an interesting Inner Conflict that leads to external conflict, not too dissimilar from Rogue in that way, but for some reason, he just never clicked for me. Sentry won't be in this story. As far as Superman analogues go, I have ideas for at least one. Not counting MCU Ikarus and Captain Marvel.

    Tyson gestured toward the terrarium containing the solitary spider. "That," he said, his voice lowered conspiratorially, "is far better than any super soldier serum."
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to Sin_Vergil

    I like to pretend Sentry's origin didn't happen. Super soldier Serum + Vita Rays = Captain America SSS + Gamma Rays = Hulk SSS + Cocaine = Sentry?

    Tyson gestured toward the terrarium containing the solitary spider. "That," he said, his voice lowered conspiratorially, "is far better than any super soldier serum."
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to XavierKing_6497

    That he won't be going to Kamar Taj for another year.

    Tyson opened his mouth, ready to respond, to share the disappointing secret he'd been holding on to. "Illyana..." he began, but before he could finish she interrupted him.
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to Kendri_Emilio

    At this point, Tyson doesn't have the 'there might not be tomorrow mentality'. Look at the world from his perspective. He's been there a year and hasn't faced a real challenge in nearly ten months. He can heal from nearly anything and has an unbreakable skeleton. The only thing he's even worried about at this point is Thanos and Magneto. He needs a major asskicking to get him to shift his mindset like that, which will come, but not until Arcs 6&7. The Illyana and Jubilee scene does work pretty well to show the possible harmony. But it works because Jubilee and Illyana have history. Jubilee gave her power to help Illyana fight azazel in Arc 3. They became good friends afterward and have been so for months. Plus, it helps that Illyana isn't exactly straight and isn't really in the picture. I dive more into this early in Arc 6. From a writing perspective: Making Monaco work was not easy. I had to rewrite large sections of that chapter. It probably has more additions than any chapter to date. So many that it had to be split; initially, Not my Girlfriend, Monaco, and Darkchylde were all one chapter. I had to double its length so that it made better sense. And most of the additions were relationship stuff. I enjoy it, but it's hard to give each Character their own 'voice', particularly with female love interests, they get so much 'screen time' that they have to be done well. One of haram's pitfalls is the generic girls, where most don't have unique personalities that shine. That's why I try to stick to one love interest per Arc. So that if more than one comes together, you already know them... kind of like the... Avengers

    Ch 53 Arc 5 - Ch 6: Black Widow
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to MeGusta

    Weak? At this point, Tyson hasn't lost a fight since gaining Jason's power in Arc 2.

    Ch 51 Arc 5 - Ch 4: Darkchylde
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to Kendri_Emilio

    Glad you're enjoying it. I get the harem comment a lot. Part of (what I think) makes the relationships in this story believable is that I take the time to delve into the characters a bit. Most fanfics aren't this long and subsequently, the relationships feel rushed. Particularly in a harem, where there are several relationships to balance. The other piece that I shoot for is a level of realism. A superhero story requires a level of suspension of disbelief. But the idea that a guy can have three relationships in a year isn't too much of a stretch. Even the idea of juggling two women isn't too far beyond belief, I've seen guys do that in real life often enough. The problem comes when you try to create a harem in a 'realistic' manner. Most male fantasy harem stories are built in a way that fits harems into the setting of the world. Like the man is a mage that empowers women to fight with him or gets empowered by women. Or there aren't enough fertile men... or whatever the scenario might be to justify having multiple women. The MCU and this story don't have those conditions built in. Sure Tyson is rich, and that could work in real life, but would it work in the case of the superpowered women he's pursued? Maybe, but I'd argue not. There has to be another motivation there. Ultimately, we all know how this story ends. Tyson fights Thanos. Sure a bunch of stuff happens before that. But it's pretty much a guarantee. What we don't know, is how it will happen. That's the fun of the story. The journey. How will he solve the Adamantium poisoning? When will Tyson get control of his powers? Where the hell has Magneto been? Will he find his one true love? Or when he faces Thanos will he be surrounded by a battle harem? Okay done with the tangent. On to the questions. 1. Remember wayyyy back in Arc 2 when Tyson goes into the 'white room' in his head? When he is forced out, Professor X locked the door behind him. He got back in with the help of the cuckoos, but that door is still 'locked'. Tyson can't get back into his subconscious without help. I know it has been a while but this will be explored later in this Arc. 2. As always the answer remains... a solid... maybe. 3. There was a poll for Tyson's next power-up on my Patreon for a few months. Poll is closed, but you'll probably like the results.

    Ch 53 Arc 5 - Ch 6: Black Widow
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to Void_Surfer16

    I talk about this more briefly in Arc 6.

    Ch 51 Arc 5 - Ch 4: Darkchylde
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to Sin_Vergil
    Fury did not miss a beat. "I've got bigger problems than you brewing in the southwest region," he said crisply.
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to God_Of_Null
    Tyson's gaze held hers, reading the earnest plea in her eyes. This was her way of caring, he realized, her way of ensuring he didn't miss out on life, even if she couldn't be as much a part of it as they both wanted.
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to Brezer

    It's all part of my plan to make you enjoy the smut.

    Ch 13 Season 1: Episode 4.3 - Lower City
    Star Jumper
    Movies · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to Sin_Vergil

    That's exactly the vibe I was going for. Thanks for the feedback.

    He stalked closer, looming over her though she did not retreat. "You're trying to direct a play when you haven't finished reading the script. How could Kaecilius be a candidate when you know what he'll do?" His lip curled in a sneer. "Is Ned on your list too? Or America?" He laughed mockingly. "No, they wouldn't be. Because you don't know who they are. Because you can't see past this point and have no idea who I'm talking about!"
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to L0RDgrizzly

    Part of the problem is that Illyana isn't a well-known character. Outside of comics, she only appeared in the 90s x-men and wasn't memorable there. New Mutants could've been a jump off because Magik was the best part of it, but the movie wasn't widely or well received. People tend to write and read fanfictions about characters they have an attachment to, and Illyana is very niche. For example, I got a bunch of complaints about Cindy Moon because so many people had no idea Silk even existed.

    Ch 51 Arc 5 - Ch 4: Darkchylde
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to L0RDgrizzly

    It's hard to say. This story is long, and I don't have solid plans that far out. The Ancient One was firm that Tyson won't be trained until after the Battle of New York. So unless something changes, Tyson and Illyana won't be reunited for another year. That might not seem like a long time because Arc 4 was a year. But if my outline holds, the next year is not one Arc... it's Arcs 5, 6, 7, and 8. A lot can happen and change in that time.

    Ch 51 Arc 5 - Ch 4: Darkchylde
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to GodOfLight
    Ch 13 Arc 2 - Ch 1: Slice of Life
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to JoyousRebellion
    Ch 45 Arc 4 - Ch 11: Valentine Part 2
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to JoyousRebellion
    "On Valentine's Day? Really?" Tyson muttered under his breath, shaking his head at the villain's terrible timing.
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda
  • Steatoda
    Replied to JoyousRebellion

    Yup. Straight from the scene.

    "Harry, please," Norman scoffed, his voice carrying despite the hushed tone. "You think a woman like that is sniffing around because she actually likes your personality?"
    Rogue Replacement: A Marvel Story
    Anime & Comics · Steatoda