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The Royal Ruse

In a fantasy world where political alliances are forged through arranged marriages, I find myself thrust into the role of a princess from the rival kingdom of Rassec. Awakening in the body of my favorite character, Gabriella Isobel de Rassec, I face the daunting prospect of marrying Asher Von Rothchester, the formidable Duke of the Vraenia Empire. As I stand before Asher, the supposed epitome of cold-blooded aristocracy, I can't help but wonder if I've stumbled into the wrong fantasy realm. Here I am, expecting a brooding, aloof duke straight out of a dramatic romance novel, and instead, I'm met with a man who treats me like a cherished treasure rather than a political pawn. "Are you sure you're the Duke of the Vraenia Empire?" I can't resist teasing him, a mischievous glint in my eye. "You seem more like a lost puppy than a fearsome ruler." He chuckles, the sound warm and genuine, a stark contrast to the icy facade I was expecting. "Well, I've been called many things, but 'lost puppy' is a first. I'll have you know, I have a reputation to uphold." I raise an eyebrow, unable to contain my amusement. "Oh, I'm well aware of your reputation, Your Grace. The Grim Reaper of the battlefield, they say. But forgive me if I find it hard to believe that the feared duke is nothing more than a big softie at heart." He flashes me a lopsided grin, his golden eyes twinkling with mischief. "Ah, but you see, my dear princess, even the Grim Reaper needs a cuddle now and then." I can't help but burst into laughter at his absurdly charming remark, my initial apprehension melting away like snow in spring. Maybe this arranged marriage won't be so bad after all.

happipotato88 · Fantasy
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9 Chs