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Unironically kinda peak. From the title i thought it be your usual gooner fic with smut every other chapter however its kind of well written up until now at least in my opinion.
I am pretty sure sona is not that strong she and rias are high class in status only their strength is near mid class
Nerfing his system is no good logically he will never even reach ultimate class even with his sytem because the ultimate class and above beings are already naturally born with a 1000x booster. This story is alreasy a gone case in my oponion try with a new well thought out story and only take idea from ai dont just outright copy paste it.
Honestly this story is absymal dogshit. There are a lot of loopholes in his ablitiy it said anything he does or gains gets 100x doesnt that mean it also apply to his injury and pain , get a strach and it turns into a large gash ,stub your toe and you will ascend to heaven from the pain. And maybe also study some economics if he multplies the money in his account it only counts as an imaginary number he will still not become a bazzilionare by multpying his money though his system that is not how money and economy works. And worst of all he somehow became an supermodel by doing basic exercise lol even if he had a bazillion x mulitplier it would still not work because you also need nutrients,rest alongside exercise to obtain a goid body. With his 100x system it would still need like a month to loose his fat not 10 minutes. Also made by ai so instant dislike. Try doing something by yourself man this fic got no soul.
Umm author that is not how economy works are you sure this is not made by ai
Everything the he does or gain gets multiplied by hundered Doesnt that mean he will also feel 100x pain from injuries as well lol also Why does every mc keeps bitching about fallens and stray devil when in reality there is barely 0.01 percent chance of a side character encountering them considering that we barely saw 2 or 3 stary devil in the entire series meanwhile fanafic authors try to make it like the town is infested with them
I would really like to see some normal people in your fic for some reason in every fic of yours the people surrounding mc are hypocrites or simply bad people.
Another banger by my fav anti-ntr author!! Lets go! Its seems promising but a lil too cliche.
But there is a condition of killing so he would most likely do it in the future for plot reason
Not really snce author has already established the way to gain isse egg is by killing him he probably would do it in the future otherwise there was no reason to make it that way.