

2024-02-01 JoinedGlobal

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  • Aman_Mourya_0480
    Aman_Mourya_048013 days ago

    I see "kingdom building" TAG and I will support the book ..................................................

  • Aman_Mourya_0480
    Aman_Mourya_048016 days ago

    GOD DAMMIT WHO THE F*** DECIDED THIS ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH... HUH?! I will drink blood from the skulls of your brood! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

  • Aman_Mourya_0480
    Aman_Mourya_048025 days ago

    I really like this book, lots of potential and also extremely enjoyable. The MC is OP, of course, but he remains careful and doesn’t get arrogant which is extremely refreshing for this type of book. VEry enjoyable, the only down side is that not enough chapters have been written and so you end up waiting a while for each chapter (about 12 to 18 hours) but the longer this book stays on the market the better this will get. Can’t wait to read more!

  • Aman_Mourya_0480
    Aman_Mourya_04802 months ago

    The ethereal realm was vast, filled with magic, fantasy, and city states across three continents. Each had unique cultures and powerful beings competing for hegemony. The cities were a blend of technology and magic, with unique buildings, complexes, and levitating vessels. Each corner had its own mysteries, starting on the light continent.

    This book has been deleted.
  • Aman_Mourya_0480
    Aman_Mourya_04808 months ago

    It seems like you're looking for a review or information about "Magic's World: Dimensional Battles." However, since this appears to be a hypothetical or unspecified concept, I'll provide a general overview based on the name you've given: **Title: Magic's World: Dimensional Battles** 1. **Genre:** - The title suggests a fantasy setting, likely involving magic. - The inclusion of "Dimensional Battles" hints at the potential for interdimensional conflicts, adding a layer of complexity to the narrative. 2. **Plot:** - The plot could revolve around characters navigating different dimensions and engaging in battles that have consequences for each world. - Potential for an overarching conflict or quest that spans multiple dimensions, offering a rich and diverse storytelling experience. 3. **Characters:** - Protagonists might be individuals with unique magical abilities, tasked with maintaining balance across dimensions. - Antagonists could include powerful entities seeking to disrupt the harmony between worlds. 4. **Gameplay/Reading Experience:** - For a game, players could explore various dimensions, each with distinct challenges and enemies. - If it's a book, readers might be taken on a journey through vividly described worlds, experiencing epic battles and uncovering the mysteries of magic. 5. **Magic System:** - The magic system could be intricate, with different rules and capabilities specific to each dimension. - Characters may need to adapt their magical skills to the characteristics of the dimension they are in. 6. **World-building:** - The world-building could be expansive, showcasing diverse landscapes, cultures, and civilizations across dimensions. - Rules governing the interactions between dimensions could be a crucial aspect of the narrative. 7. **Art/Visuals (if applicable):** - If there are visuals, they could depict fantastical landscapes, unique magical creatures, and intense battles, enhancing the overall experience. 8. **Unique Features:** - The concept's uniqueness lies in its combination of magic, different dimensions, and battles, providing a fresh take on traditional fantasy themes. Remember, this is a general overview based on the title and common elements associated with fantasy concepts. If you have specific details or aspects you'd like to explore further, feel free to provide more information!