If I don't respond to comments, it's because I don't like communications, even if it is text. I hate talking as a whole. I'll try to respond to comments I guess... No promises though.
of reading
Read books
Was plannin' on that
Sundays and Mondays
I don't like it. Idk, it's just not my thing. Reading this makes me lose braincells for some reason. I don't understand how this'll get more then 3 stars.
I like earth and fire more.
Hey, Author here! I genuinely hope you like this story. I've wrote one before and y'all seemed to like it, but I decided I want to make a MHA/BNHA one first before One Piece. I am not good at story telling but enjoy :P
Honestly, I like the story, the problem I have is how it's written. It's very hard to read this. When someone talks try surrounding the text with " instead of adding an - in front of the message. But overall, I like the rest of it. Solid characters and world-building. I recommend this story if you re-write it.
That's actually an idea I like. <3
hmm, I guess you're right. But I always liked the idea of making my own crew. Thanks for the ideas though 🫶🏼
I mean: "To get your swords of course!" I said back loud enough for him to hear.
Thanks for the chapter!