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  • Hior
    Hior8 months ago
    Replied to KING_IN_YELLOW

    It is currently full of inconsistencies because the inconsistencies were placed there over the millennia, obviously! There are countless passages and books modified, removed and added. There is no New and Old Testament. The Bible is just a collection of books. A complete, undivided collection. The correct names are The Old Covenant and The Renewal of the Covenant, it is not even a new covenant, but rather the old one being renewed. This separation into two is not Christian, it is Marcionism, a heretical theology. Now did Jesus and the apostles rewrite history? What? Jesus himself said that he did not come to abolish anything, but to fulfill the promises made. However, there are indeed problems with one of the apostles, and that is Paul, who despite being considered an apostle, he is not. And all of his letters, which are the majority of the new testament, are full of pure hypocritical madness. So it seems to me that you didn't actually read the Bible, or you read it and didn't understand it, or you read it and took Paul's words into consideration. Paul shouldn't even be there, he was added to the bible by Marcion (which divided the bible in two).