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  • Jay_is_Weird0

    Oh my gosh is our little Imp finnallylly gonna get a name?

    With a slight sigh, the Imp stared forward into the water, before Arc sat down directly next to him. "You... Don't have a name yet, right?" He asked, and the Imp slowly shook his head.
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Jay_is_Weird0
    Replied to Jay_is_Weird0

    or the fact that there's a bunch of different demons around so they honestly don't even know what's happening and just don't care.

    [Lethal damage done to Demonic Tenaga-Jin]
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Jay_is_Weird0
    Replied to LongsonFullmetal

    I think they said no one cared because they prolly think its some kinky roleplay or something.

    [Lethal damage done to Demonic Tenaga-Jin]
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Jay_is_Weird0

    You can clearly see why they are afraid of wrath demons. He really just attacks anytime.

    Of course, the other Demon noticed this as well and wanted to pull his arm away immediately, but before he could react, the Imp already activated the card that he had up his sleeve, quite literally, causing the small blade connected to the ring on his finger through a string to appear.
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Jay_is_Weird0

    Is she honestly still caught up on that punk that died in the oven. Im pretty sure he told her he was planning on killing Xiaodan. So why is she acting like it's some great mystery.

    Chuan Nayi then held onto her head and glared at the floor. "I... I have to see the child. I want to know the truth. Why would he kill Huang Kun...? Who was Huang Kun planning to kill in that manner?"
    The Birth of a Ghost Overlord
    Horror · droopyghost
  • Jay_is_Weird0

    Thats really rude to say.... like what was Nayi even supposed to do. Again I don't like Nayi, but come on, they weren't even dating for long. I think it's perfectly reasonable to leave your boyfriend whose demon baby landed you in a wheelchair.

    "If I was his girl, I would've helped him through it instead of leaving him to his own devices… which resulted in him going to jail."
    The Birth of a Ghost Overlord
    Horror · droopyghost
  • Jay_is_Weird0

    See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

    Ch 87 Still Alive
    The Birth of a Ghost Overlord
    Horror · droopyghost
  • Jay_is_Weird0
    Replied to Riley_Walls

    Same, I though she meant she tried to eat the imp not the pain.

    "So that's an evolution, huh...? The biggest change are those horns though, right?" Arc asked as he turned toward the other children, and Clementine nodded her head with a pout. "Mhm, and even though he seemed to be in pain when they were growing, I wasn't even able to eat it..." She huffed, before Rudy looked at her with a wry smile and shook his head.
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Jay_is_Weird0
    Replied to AlmondMilk1254

    It's some wierd order from the monster king I think. It scares the imp into taking care the child while bringing it to whatever destination.

    "You hurt it! What you do?" The Imp asked angrily as he ground his teeth together and leaned in toward Arc, and even now he didn't seem to be able to hold back and all of his emotions came out together, causing Arc to break down and drop to his knees while holding his face, sobbing.
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Jay_is_Weird0
    Replied to Liovandur

    He only started overeating when he wasn't sure if he would get to eat again, but after he got a bag full of food he learned to take his time eating.(I think)

    -[Beginner Overeating][Level – 13]
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Jay_is_Weird0
    Replied to VividChance

    Same I suspected something was gonna happen to her eventually but I didn't think it would be this soon....

    And while the young Monster dropped backward onto the ground with nothing but terror soaked into every fiber of his being, he had to watch the mouth on the front of Zaragon's body close around Avalin with a loud crunch.
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Jay_is_Weird0
    Replied to DoaistDownstairs

    To me it's a bit sad personally, but check chapter 17 your problem with Avalin is solved.

    He didn't want to give it to James or Thomas out of his own free will, but he didn't mind giving his prey to Avalin at all. The Imp himself wasn't hungry anyway, so he swiftly looked at the thing in his hand and held it over toward Avalin. "Take." The Imp said, and Avalin raised her brows in response, "You sure?" She asked him, and the Imp slowly nodded his head.
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Jay_is_Weird0

    Ah yes the 'asking why' stage.

    But once more, the Imp was confused at why she did so, and simply asked again. "Why dry?" He asked, so Avalin scratched her cheek with a wry smile and began to explain it the best she could. "If you wear wet clothes, you can get sick, and that's really not good. You'll cough and feel sluggish, and just, in general, be super weak compared to usual."
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Jay_is_Weird0
    Replied to Apolo_Rs

    No I'm pretty sure it's spelt correctly, it's a type of bird.

    [You killed the Pheasant]
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Jay_is_Weird0

    Is it a nest or something?

    But after just a little while, the Imp got used to it while he was walking through the forest, soon finding the pile of sticks again. For some reason, though, some annoying thing was sleeping on it, and the Imp really didn't like that at all.
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Jay_is_Weird0
    Replied to BurntMeatPie
    Then, Avalin opened the door up, and the two of them made their way down to the bottom floor of the building, waiting for Thomas and James to arrive outside. There were a lot of things similar to the three things the Imp was traveling with out here, but most of them were looking at the Imp angrily or annoyedly, although some even seemed to be scared of him even if he didn't do anything…
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Jay_is_Weird0

    As I read the word 'notification' a notification popped up on my phone and frightened me. I won't laugh at the Imp anymore for getting scared of notifications.😞

    At least that's what the Imp thought at first. But it seemed like one mistake still hid inside of the large notification, and annoyedly the Imp took the pencil Avalin was holding toward him and fixed the mistake by writing the right number next to the wrong one.
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Jay_is_Weird0
    Replied to Raiden_Stahly

    Thankyou, I may be unable to read the word but thankyou for the definition.

    After all, what the hell was a 'Rock', and what was a 'Fish', and worst of all, what was 'Antidisestablishmentarianism'? All of these things made the Imp really, really angry! And annoyed… And tired… Although the last one was usually taken care of whenever new notifications appeared around him because his dedication rose in the face of the enemy!
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Jay_is_Weird0

    Ah yes the God-like technique "Booger flick".

    He had seen it done before by one of the stronger monsters when the Imp was still part of that group, so all he had to do now was replicate that God-Like Technique! Slowly, he placed the treasure onto his thumb and pushed his middle finger onto the skin directly behind it, before pressing it down and forward, just waiting for his middle finger to be released with as much speed as possible!
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR
  • Jay_is_Weird0

    bro is scaring trash bag lady. ToT

    Her white skin was contrasted by the black clothes she had on. However, the clothes ended up being black bags. Her hair was also covering her face. She turned to the two men and stared as she had no idea what she did to attract the ire of the new supreme being in the prison.
    The Birth of a Ghost Overlord
    Horror · droopyghost